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Here we made a stop in the beautiful nation of Austria. We only stayed for the day before we moved on to Italy

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Shoppers in downtown Innsbruck.
One of the many museums you'll find in Innsbruck.
The dome of the St. James' Cathedral.
The front of the sanctuary of St. James.
Ryan in St. James.
St, James pipe organ.
Another view of the sanctuary.
The gold plated pulpit.
Sidewalk cafes in Innsbruck.
Busy shopping day in Innsbruck.
The beautifully ornate Helblinghaus.
The Goldenes Dachl (golden roof) the symbol of Innsbruck.
A downtown street.
Downtown with the Austrian Alps in the background.
Light shopping downtown.
Innsbruck downtown.
Gorgeous view of the Alps.
The Austrian Alps as viewed from our motor coach.
What else can be said for this?
I left this picture big for a reason. Check it out.
Smaller mountains of the Alps.
Terry checks out the fishing at a rest stop.
Ryan ready to take some photos.
Austrian farm country.
Sandy, Judy, and Terry at a rest stop.
More Alps.
Too bad the reflection of the bus is in the way.
Ahhhh, snow in June!!