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The top of Cologne Cathedral.
Another shot of the cathedral.
The massive entrance to the cathedral.
A young singer in front of the cathedral. She had a beautiful voice.
The huge door to Cologne Cathedral.
Statues being cleaned.
The ornate look over the doors.
Karen, Danny, Sarah, and Neal in front of the cathedral.
The inside of the cathedral.
Tourists and worshippers alike in the huge church.
A closer look at the front of the auditorium.
Cologne's town square.
Another view of the square.
A young lady draws a chalk mural on the sidewalk.
A Cologne street.
A side street in Konigswinter before we took our river cruise.
Older tourists in Konigswinter.
The top of a castle along the Rhine.
Our cruise boat for the trip along the Rhine.
A view from the bow.
Hotels along the Rhine in Konigswinter.
Castle ruins.
The same castle ruins on top of a hill.
More of the same.
Campers along the Rhine.
More luxury hotels/apartments.
No bridge here to cross the river, just a ferry.
Heading back to dock at Konigswinter.
A typical restaurant/tavern in Rubenach, a suburb of Koblenz.
A side street in Rubenach.
The Corbin, Kentucky group sets out to explore Rubenach.
The war memorial for German soldiers from Rubenach from World Wars I & II.
Danny and Karen set out ot explore Rubenach.
The street leading to our hotel.
Neal, Sarah, and Danny in front of a German supermarket.
Lois from Corbin lost her group.