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Musical Dolphin's Homepage
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Musical Dolphin's Homepage

I found this neat quote on a friend's homepage, and I really liked it:

If I could be reborn as anything,
It would be as one of your tears.
Conceived in your heart,
Born in your eyes,
Live on your cheeks,
And die on your lips.

I have met a lot of new friends this year at MSU. My main source of new friends is the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. A couple of girls that live in my dorm and I hang out at the Sig Ep house all the time.

Please visit my pages that are dedicated to the friendships I have gained at the Kentucky Epsilon chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon here at Murray State University. These pages include pictures, memories, and a list of the current brothers from the Sig Ep chapter here at MSU.

My Sigma Phi Epsilon Pages!!!

Save the dolphins! Buy dolphin-safe products.

This page is always under construction.
In 1999, I wrote a story for my portfollio that is required by the Kentucky educational system. It's a bit long for some people, but it's really neat to see a work you've made when it's complete. The ideas for my story mainly came from two dreams of mine. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of my dreams and the people in them. :) To read my story, all you have to do is go to Beth's Best Day.

Everybody loves to remember happenings of our group, and thanks to Becky, we have almost two books full of great quotes from our group of friends. I've created a page dedicated to some of Becky's famous quotes from her quote books. Becky's Quote Page More quotes to be added soon.

If you have ICQ, my number is 7554551 and my nickname is of course Musical Dolphin. Please add me to your list and talk to me when I'm on the web.

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Mrs. H's Hair Color
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This page was last updated Thursday,
May 17, 2002!

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Pictures from the year 2000!!!

Pictures from the year 2001!!!

Background Set by "Morion Design"