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Musical Dolphin's About Me Page
Musical Dolphin's
About Me Page

This is a picture of me that was taken by my best friend, Blair.

Ok, you know those emails you get that have over a hundred questions that you answer about yourself and send it to your friends so that they might learn something about you that they already knew???? Well, I used the questions off of those emails so that you might learn something about me. Good idea, HUH? Well, here goes. It's rather lenghty.

1. Name: Heather Elizabeth

2. Nickname: Musical Dolphin

3. Birthplace: Hopkinsville, KY

4. Birthday: May 14, 1982

5. Parents: Kathy, Dan, and step mom, Mama Gail

6. Height: 5'4"

7. Eye color: Blue or green (depends on what I'm wearing)

8. Hair color: Dark brown

9. School: Murray State University

10. School Mascot: Racers

11. Favorite food: Lasagna

12. Favorite salad dressing: Ranch

13. Favorite ice cream: Blue Bunny Banana Split

14. Favorite soda: Diet Mountian Dew

15. Whole or Skim milk: skim

16. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate

17. Mustard or Ketchup: Ketchup

18. Favorite candy: green apple jolly ranchers

19. Coffee or ice cream: ice cream!!!

20. Croutons or Bacon Bits: croutons

21. Favorite resturant: any with steak!!! (tops... Applebees or O'Charlie's)

22. Favorite fast food resturant: Subway

23. One pillow or two: actually 5 and two body pillows (I like to cuddle)

24. Color of your bedroom carpet: beige

25. Bedtime: when I get everything done that I need to finish that day, usually extremely late

26. Blanket or stuffed animal: I like both, but if I had to choose, I would take Elly, my elephant, and Mechew, my dolphin.

27. Favote shoes: Adidas

28. Sandals or sneakers: sneakers

29. Sock color: mostly wear white, but I have every color

30. Underware color: mostly white, but have the occasional animal print or satin colors

31. Shampoo: Finesse

32. Conditioner: Pantene

33. Deoderant: Secret Powder Fresh

34. Perfume: Curve

35. Favorite guy cologne: Curve

36. Toothpaste: Colgate

37. Shower in morning or at night: Morning usually, but most anytime

38. Pierce your nose or tounge: if I had to, tounge

39. Favorite flower: roses

40. Flowers or angels: Angels

41. Gray or grey: grey

42. Read or Write: Write

43. Color or Black and White pictures: B&W for my art, color for my snapshots

44. Mac or PC: Mac for my graphic design, pc for everything else

45. Left or right handed: right

46. Sivler or Gold Jewelry: silver

47. Kids or No Kids: definately kids

48. Cat or Dog: Dog

49. Pets: 3 dogs, two frogs, two catfish, an oscar, guppies, and Bubba (I got him from Blair)

50. Half empty or half full: Half full

51. Newspapers or magazines: Magazines, I need the pictures because I'm a visual learner

52. Roller costers scary or exciting: Scary

53. Tidy or messy: At college, I can be tidy, but at home, MESSY!!!!

54. Simple or complicated: I'm so complicated, I'm simple

55. Stay up late or wake up late: both

56. 10 aquaintances or 1 best friend: absolutely best friend

57. Email or "real" mail: email, save on stamps

58. Dream Car: well, a good reliable big car that I can put all my friends in

59. Car you drive: Olds Cutlas Ciera

60. Least favorite subject(s): Social Studies

61. Favorite subject(s): math and art (I know this seems strange)

62. Favorite sport to watch: a good football or baseball game

63. Favorite town to chill in: Evansville, IN or Clarksville, TN

64. Favorite Holiday: any that cancel school

65. Best thing to do in the summer: swim, chill with friends, shopping, cruising while talking to a friend

66. Best thing to do in the winter: ice skate, chill with friends, shopping, cruising while talking to a friend

67. Favorite weather: rain

68. Favorite season: spring

I'll skip forward for Mrs. H's sake, LOL!!!

70. Words or phrases you overuse: I love you and God Bless!!!

71. Favorite word: friend

72. Hobbies: art, webpage, hanging with friends

73. Favorite book: In Cold Blood and Where the Heart Is, both of which I read before I saw the movie

74. Favorite music: ALL, I collect cd's and music

75. Favorite bands or artist: Better Than Ezra, Barenaked Ladies, Dido, Dr. Dre, Limp Bizkit, Dixie Chicks, Sonicflood, and so many more

76. Favorite song to a movie: any in Forrest Gump or Cruel Intentions

77. Worste theme to a movie: My Heart Will Go On

78. Best video: Korn, Freak On a Leash

79. Favorite show on MTV: plain videos like during late hours or Real World Seatle

80. Song playing at the moment: At The Stars by Better Than Ezra

81. Favorite song at the moment: If I Had A Million Dollars by Barenaked Ladies

82. Favorite Movie: several, Simon Birch, Matrix, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Braveheart Cruel Intentions, and many more!!!

83. Favorite animated video: Little Mermaid and Anastasia

84. Hotest celebrity: Brad Pitt, especially when his lips quiver in Meet Joe Black

85. Ugliest celebrity: Freddie or Chucky

86. Favorite commercial: cheese commercials

87. Least favorite thing: when my computer doesn't work

88. Thoughts about Ouiji Boards: fake

89. Been covicted of a crime: NO

90. Been toilet papering: almost... chickened out after buying paper and weed killer to write in the lawn

91. Been toilet papered: no

92. Been in a car crash: actually just had my first one 10-14-00 and I hit a Maxima with a couple in it, and I couldn't remember where I knew the lady

93. Times failed permit test: none, except on the vision test

94. Times failed drivers test: none, got a 98, HEY, that's where I knew that lady, she gave me my drivers test, LOL

95. 2 doors or 4 (on a car): four, wouldn't want to get out to let others out

96. Last hospital visit: 4th of July, 1991, I had a horrible bike wreck and had to get braces

97. Lucky Number: 7

98. Favorite "mart" (Wal-Mart or K-mart): WALLY WORLD

99. Store you could max out your credit card in: Walmart, sadly

100. What do you most often do when bored?: anything on the net (ICQ, webpage, email, etc.)

101. How much do you love your job?: right now I tutor high school students, it's fun

102. Have you been in love?: Although I love MANY people, I do not believe that I have truely been in love, and I feel God will have me fall in love when it is the person I am to marry, no sooner.

103. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes, especially when they hurt

104. Dumper or dumpee?: dumpee

105. Place to be kissed: under the stars

106. Ok, here's the senerio. Your cuddled on a couch with your crush. What would you do?: Well, I think I would just talk, what I'm most comfortable doing, then if he kissed me, I would be speechless!!!

107. Your biggest crush: I guess that would have been Eric

108. Been skinny dipping?: NO

109. Do you have children?: NO, virgin here

110. Do you want children?: OH, yes, most definatly, lots

111. Future kids name(s): Joyce, Marie, Faith, James, Sammuel, Micah.

112. Single or taken: Single

113. Who's your idol?: Camryn Manheim off The Practice, Escher, he's a mathamatician, and Einstein

114. Most annoying animal: CRICKETS!!!!!!!!!

115. Favorite landmark: Statue of Liberty

116. Favorite teacher in grade school: Mrs. Baggett

117. Favorite teacher in middle school: Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Congdon

118. Favorite teacher in high school: while every teacher in my high school was like family to me, only one really sticks out in my head, Mrs. Huddleston. Some extremely close seconds include Mrs. Turner, Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Shelton, and Mr. Renfrow

119. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: well, career wise, I'm not really sure, but family wise I would at least like to have a love of my life and maybe be married, plus be financially stable

120. Dream honeymoon: A cabin in the woods with a fireplace

121. If you were stuck on a desert island and had to bring only one thing (besides food and water and that crap) what would you bring?: A cuise ship that had Blair, Becky, Chel, Eric, Brett, Bryan, Daniel, Casey, Scott, Dax, Dusty, Roy, Chris, and a few others but not really any extended members of the gang.

122. If you were going to California, would you rather take a car with your 3 best buddies or take a plane by yourself?: CAR!!!

123. Friend who lives fartest away: Well, since it's hard to see any of them, that would be Blair, Chel, Eric, and Roy

124. Who do you hang with?: everyone in my pictures

125. Favorite website: my own

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