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Sully and Zazoo Forever! Cheri Oteri: SNL Queen
What is a Fallon Aid? Rachel Dratch: The Next Oteri?
Pics of the Best Moments Best Monologues
My Episode ReviewsReasons To Watch SNL
Unsorted SNL Pics ALPOTB of David Spade
Hey! Check out my BannersMarie's Nightmare (Homepage)
Special Thanks to...Alive from Kentucky...
SNL AutographsFarley: A Friend Remembers
Fallon Live: My StoryMy Dream Hosts/Musical Guests


Im Baaack! Updates coming soon!

Click here to see my Guess the Hosts
and Musical Guests for 2001-2002.

Added some celebs to my Dream Hosts page.

All Episode Reviews for 2000-2001
are now posted on my review section.

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This site is maintained by MarieRoyceŠ2000.
Alot of my great photos, Ive received from my
great friend Joel of Sean Hayes Infomedia.

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