Angelfire Planetweb Master
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Useful Functions

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Upload Files
Email Address or Password:

Destination Filename:
Source File URL:


Email Address or Password:Enter the email address you gave angelfire or your password.

Destination Filename:This is where you name your file. Put the name of it after /incoming/ and remember what you named it. Example: /incoming/netlink.gif or /incoming/netlink.html

Source File URL:The location of the file you want to upload.

After doing the above press "Upload". It will take you to the PWMaster and at the bottom it will say "File Transfer Successful". Then go to your angelfire webshell, type in the name of the gif (netlink.gif or netlink.html) and press "Activate File". In the angelfire comments it will say file was transferred successfully. Important: Angelfire's FTP site will only hold the gif for 15 minutes so upload it ASAP.

Tracing the files path into your directory:
From the original location it's copied and placed into Angelfire's FTP site where it waits for 15 minutes to be uploaded. Pressing activate file in the angelfire webshell moves it into your directory and completes the process.