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This is my FAMILY and me!

This is me "Rena"

This is my whole FAMILY plus little JASON who is just like family!There are 9 of us and Jason makes 10.

"this is 3 generations. Audrey (my Mother), Me and Debbie (my daughter).

This is my brother "Bill" and his wife Carolyn and son David (Missing in photo is daughter Jennifer.

This is my brother "Doug"

My brother "JIM"
my brother JIM'S homepage ( he has this picture on it)

This is little brother "Mike" with his tall son Scott.

This is my oldest sister "Louise" even though she came years after I did.

This is my baby brother "Paul" and he is single again!.

This is my baby sister "Sara" and her husband Richard.

Tim, Debbie,(my daughter) Lindsay, and Matt

My son Michael

There was Mama and 9 children when Daddy died in 1958 of cancer. I was second of them and only 15, the youngest was 3. We have all made a decent life, hads lots of kids of our own. And made differant types of ways to survive. Brother Jim retired as a high ranking officer for UNCLE SAM! I didn't do much, but I did raise a daughter who now teaches young minds in our local college. And a son who served 12 years in the Navy. Paul is an electrical tecknition. Louise takes care of mental patients, at Western State Hosp. Dave the oldest brother served 2 terms in Viet Nam. Bill survived brain cancer since 1991, before cancer he could tell you every part and part# at Jinkins and Winn in Clarksville. Doug had 5 children and works as a body man, can take 2 wrecks and make 1 fine car out of the two. Is called the best Car Body man in town. Mike is a supervisor at the factory where he has worked for years. We all have raised fine kids.

My dog "NICKY"....................................My son's dog "KING"

my son MICHAEL'S homepage

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