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My Memorial Page

My name is Joyce and I'm glad you came to this page.
Its a tribute to members of my family I have lost.
I have heard the saying its better to have loved
and lossed than never loved at all,
But it doesn't make the loss easier.
Well this is the story.
My son David died in a trailer fire on Feb,24 1991.
The Our Angel Page tells all about him.
He was a wonderful child and adored by all.
Especially my father and I.
There was a bond between the two that nothing could break.
When David died it took it's toll on my father James.
He told everyone he wished he could go with David.
So he did everything he could to make it happen.
He worked harder and longer.
And grieved more and more.
Till finally he got his wish and was called home on Oct 1,1991.
Not very much time passed when my eldest sister`s husband
Ernie was on his motorcycle and my sister
Joanne and I were in my car.
We passed on the street and we just figured he would turn
and follow us. He turned around a mile down the road
and thought he could catch up.
He was going to fast and hit a tree.
We waited for him to come home and when 1/2 an hour passed
we thought he just kept going.
And then the hospital calls telling us what happened.
It added more than we thought we could bare. But we made it.
He was pronounced deceased on May 14,1992.
A few years have passed and we have adjusted.
And then another heartbreak on Nov. 24,1998.
My mother Juanita passed she was diabetic.
She was 65. She has had alot of problems through the years.
She was pronounced blind 5yrs ago and dealt
with it better than I would have.
She died from complications from being diabetic.
Our family misses them very much and long for the day we meet again.
Thanks for listening.
And God Bless You!

My Father James

My Mother Juanita

picture will be here soon


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