Pictured above is Truck 1101, it is our new 2001 Freightliner-Central 1250 gallon pumper-tanker.
Click picture for details on how to order PTSFD T-Shirts
Possum Trot/Sharpe Fire Department
39 Little Cypress Rd Calvert City, Ky 42029 Ph.270-898-6230 FAX:270-898-6738
Upcoming events at Station 1
We would like to thank everyone who came out to our Open House this year making it one of the best ever.
We are located in Western Kentucky, 10 miles east of Paducah and 5 miles west of Ky Lake on US highway 62.
More about the department
We have 23 active volunteer firefighters on our department and some really great people on our board of directors. We have 7 trucks, one of which is a new 2001 Freightliner-Central 1250 gallon pumper-tanker, and two stations. Our fire protection district is approximately 25 square miles and a population of approximately 7500. Our department started out just being a FIRE DEPARTMENT, now not only do we do structure and brush fires, but we do vehicle extrication and medical assist. We were the first fire department in our county to have and use the extrication vehicle. Be sure to check out our trucks page for pictures.