Gym Rats Basketball Association
2013 Bill Hensley Memorial Run ‘N’ Slam All Star Classic
Boys Freshman-To-Be, Sophomore-To-Be, Junior-To-Be, and Senior-To-Be
Fort Wayne, IN
May 3-5, 2013
©2013 by Ron Harrison
Freshman-To-Be – There were thirty two teams entered in this division and were placed into eight pools as follows: Pool 49: Grand Rapids Storm (MI), Spiece Gym Rats-Patterson (IN), Team Lima Kings (OH), and Li-ning Buckeyes (IL). Pool 50: The Family (MI), DB Hoops (OH), MBA Select (IN), and Team IBS (IL). Pool 51: OBC (OH), Team NLP (IL), Michigan Mustangs (MI), and Triple Threat (OH). Team 52: King James-Schmook (OH), Peoria Irish (IL), Spiece Gym Rats-Yeoman (IN), and Chicago Lockdown (IL). Pool 53: Meanstreets (IL), Ohio Hoopsters (OH), Spiece ECI (IN), and All Ohio Red (OH). Pool 54: Cobra Knights (OH), Wisconsin Playground Warriors (WI), Ohio Stampede (OH), and Mac-Irvin Fire (IL). Pool 55: Spiece Indy Heat (IN), Ohio Gators (OH), Michigan Titans (MI), and Next Level (IN), and Pool 56: Randolph Boys Club (WI), Illinois Attack (IL), King James-Williams (OH), and Fieldhouse Elite Spurs (IN).
Sophomores-To-Be – There were sixty four teams entered in this division and were placed into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 33: Spiece Indy Heat-Quarles (IN), ACB-Somers (MI), Randolph Boys Club (WI), and Illinois Wolves (IL). Pool 34: Grand Rapids Storm (WI), Peoria Irish (IL), SYF (IN), and Louisville Magic (KY). Pool 35: Michigan Mustangs-Carson (MI), Iowa Barnstormers (IA), Team NLP-MM (IL), and Fox Valley Storm (WI). Pool 36: MBA 2016-Francouer (IN), Dynasty (OH), West Michigan Lakers White (MI), and WI Starz Elite (WI). Pool 37: All Ohio Red (OH), ACB-Smith (MI), I-90 Elite (NY), and Meanstreets (IL). Pool 38: King James Shooting Stars (OH), West Michigan Lakers Purple (MI), Grand Rapids Storm Blue (MI), and Chicago Lockdown (IL). Pool 39: Michigan Titans-Dunlap (MI), Indiana Elite Jazz (IN), OBC (OH), and Team NLP-VP (IL). Pool 40: DB Hoops (OH), Rising Stars Elite (IL), Martin Brothers Legacy (IA), and Playground Elite-Smith (WI). Pool 41: Reach Legends (MI), Hoosier Hurricanes (IN), Mac-Irvin (IL), and Hidden Gems Black (OH). Pool 42: NW Ohio (OH), MBA 2016-Creech (IN), Camp Darryl (MI), and Indy Ice-Braun (IN). Pool 43: Indy EBC Blue (IN), Spiece gym Rats-Adams (IN), Illinois Attack (IL), and Wisconsin Playground Warriors (WI). Pool 44: Indiana Elite 2016 (IN), Ohio Gators Black (OH), Team Work (OH), and Indy Ice-Kaldahl. Pool 45: Spiece Higher Level-Wilson (IN), Team Philly (PA), The Family (MI), and Nova Village (OH). Pool 46: Best Choice FH (IN), Spiece Gym Rats-Hopkins (IN), Michigan Titans-Richardson (MI), and Ohio Hoopsters (OH). Pool 47: Michigan Hurricanes (MI), Team Blaze Select (IN), Illinois Celtics (IL), and Wisconsin Academy (WI). Pool 48: Spiece Gym Rats-Jordan (IN), Michigan Mustangs-Young (MI), Playground Elite-Hanson (WI), and Ohio Elite black (OH).
Juniors-To-Be – There were sixty four teams entered in this division and were placed into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 17: All Ohio Red (OH), MBA Select Black (IN), Wisconsin Attack (WI), and Chicago Lockdown (IL). Pool 18: Indiana Elite 2015 (IN), Team Work (OH), The Program Elite (MI), and Louisville Magic (KY). Pool 19: Camp Darryl 2015 (MI), Menace (IN), Illinois Celtics (IL), and VJ Sports (OH). Pool 20: OBC (OH), Team Blaze Select (IN), Michigan Mustangs-Brown (MI), and Team NLP-TL. Pool 21: Eric Gordon Central Stars (IN), West Michigan Lakers Purple (MI), Wisconsin Playground Warriors (WI), and Illinois Wolves (IL). Pool 22: Spiece Higher Level-Kraft (IN), NW Ohio (OH), ACB (MI), and Shining Star Sports-Shover (OH). Pool 23: Best choice Fieldhouse (IN), Fort Wayne-Fusion (IN), Hidden Gems Orange (OH), and WI Blizzard (WI). Pool 24: Grand Rapids Storm (WI), SYF (IN), Illinois Attack (IL), and Michigan Mustangs-Cadena (MI). Pool 25: Spiece Indy Heat (IN), DB Hoops (OH), Ohio Hoopsters (OH), and The Family (MI). Pool 26: Indiana Elite Diesel (IN), Iowa Barnstormers (IA), Reach Legends (MI), and Meanstreets (IL). Pool 27: Who Got Game-Austin (OH), Spiece Gym Rats-Brewer (IN), Fieldhouse Merrillville (IN), and Michigan Titans (MI). Pool 28: Ohio Stars (OH), Indiana Kings Court (IN), Michigan Hurricanes (MI), and All Ohio Black (OH). Pool 29: Playground Elite (WI), Peoria Irish (IL), I-90 Elite (NY), and Mac-Irvin Fire (IL). Pool 30: MBA Select Green (IN), Spiece Indy Ice-Matthews (IN), Grand Rapids Storm Blue (MI), and Who Got Game-Dennis (OH). Pool 31: Dorians Pride (MI), Hidden Gems Black (OH), Wisconsin Academy (WI), and Rising Stars Elite (IL). Pool 32: King James-Love (OH), West Michigan Lakers Black (MI), Progeny 2015 (IN), and WI Starz Elite (WI).
Seniors-To-Be – There were sixty four teams entered in this division and were placed into sixteen pools as follows: Pool 1: All Ohio Red (OH), WI Starz Elite (WI), Reach Legends (MI), and Illinois Wolves (IL). Pool 2: Fieldhouse Elite 2014 (IN), ACB Bank Hoops (MI), Ohio Gators (OH), and Team Blaze Select (IN). Pool 3: MBA Select-Creech (IN), Martin Brothers Legacy (IA), Illinois Attack (IL), and Grand Rapids Storm (MI). Pool 4: Team Work (OH), Spiece Gym Rats-Irwin (IN), Camp Darryl 2014 (MI), and W. Michigan Lakers White (MI). Pool 5: Team Philly (PA), Indiana Dawgs (IN), Ohio Varsity White (OH), and Mac-Irvin Fire (IL). Pool 6: Spiece NW Stars (IN), Camp Darryl North (MI), Team NLP (MA) (IL), and Ohio Hoopsters (OH). Pool 7: Milwaukee Running Rebels (WI), Indiana Elite 2014 (IN), OBC-Blanks (OH), and Dorians Pride (MI). Pool 8: Grand Rapids Storm Blue (MI), Hoopmatics Basketball (IN), Team NLP (JF) (IL), and Hidden Gems Black (OH). Pool 10: Eric Gordon Allstars Green (IN), ACB Gold (MI), MBA Select-Francouer, and Nitro USA 2014 (OH). Pool 11: Rising Stars Elite (IL), Iowa Barnstormers (IA), W. Michigan Lakers Black (MI), and OBC (OH). Pool 12: Spiece Higher Level-Daniel (IN), Columbus Kings (OH), Michigan Mustangs-Allison (MI), and Louisville Magic (KY). Pool 13: NW Ohio (OH), Ohio Stampede (OH), Maxx Out Hoops (MI), and Meanstreets (IL). Pool 14; Best Choice Fieldhouse (IN), Spiece Higher Level-Shively (IN), Ohio Varsity Blue (OH), and Michigan Hurricanes (MI). Pool 15: DB Hoops (OH), Hoopgrind Michigan (MI), Indiana Elite South (IN), and Peoria Irish-Michael (IL), and Pool 16: Hidden Gems Orange (OH), SYF (IN), Wisconsin Playground Warriors (WI), and Macomb County Cougars (MI).
Saturday May 4th (Tournament Play)
Freshman-To-Be (Silver Division)
Randolph Boys |
won |
Li-ning Buckeyes |
lost |
DB Hoops |
won |
Ohio Gators |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Cobra Knights |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Ohio Hoopsters |
lost |
Spiece ECI |
won |
Chicago Lockdown |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Team NLP |
lost |
Michigan Titans |
won |
Team IBS |
lost |
Team Lima Kings |
won |
King James-Williams |
lost |
Freshman-To-Be (Gold Division)
Illinois Attack |
won |
Spiece-Patterson |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Next Level |
lost |
won |
Playground Warriors |
lost |
King James-Schmook |
won |
Meanstreets |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Spiece-Yeoman |
lost |
Triple Threat |
won |
Ohio Stampede |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
MBA Select |
lost |
Grand Rapids storm |
won |
FH Elite Spurs |
lost |
Sophomores-To-Be (Silver Division)
ACB-Somers |
won |
Spiece-Jordan |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Team NLP |
won |
Michigan Titans-Richard |
lost |
Spiece-Wilson |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers White |
lost |
ACB-Smith |
won |
Ohio Gators Black |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
won |
Spiece-Adams |
lost |
Team NLP |
won |
Indy Ice-Braun |
lost |
Hoosier Hurricanes |
won |
Rising Stars Elite |
lost |
Michigan Titans-Dunlap |
won |
Camp Darryl |
lost |
Illinois Attack |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers Purple |
lost |
Indy Ice-Randall |
won |
I-90 Elite |
lost |
Team Philly |
won |
WI Starz Elite |
lost |
Ohio Hoopsters |
won |
Fox Valley Storm |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Illinois Celtics |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs-Young |
won |
Randolph Boys Club |
lost |
Sophomores-To-Be (Gold Division)
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Playground Elite-Hanson |
lost |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Michigan Hurricanes |
lost |
King James Stars |
won |
Spiece-Hopkins |
lost |
won |
Nova Village |
lost |
Reach Legends |
won |
Dynasty |
lost |
Martin Brothers |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Indy EBC Blue |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm |
lost |
Meanstreets |
won |
MBA 2016-Creech |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
won |
Michigan Mustangs-Carson |
lost |
Indy Elite 2016 |
won |
Playground Elite-Smith |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Ohio Elite Black |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Indy Elite Jazz |
lost |
Best Choice FH |
won |
Chicago Lockdown |
lost |
Wisconsin Academy |
won |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
MBA 2016-Francouer |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Iowa Barnstormers |
lost |
King James Stars |
won |
lost |
Martin Brothers |
won |
Reach Legends |
lost |
Meanstreets |
won |
Indy EBC Blue |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
lost |
Indy Elite 2016 |
won |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Best Choice FH |
lost |
Wisconsin Academy |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat |
lost |
Juniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Wisconsin Starz Elite |
won |
Wisconsin Attack |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
VJ Sports |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Bl. |
lost |
I-90 Elite |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Ind. Kings Court |
lost |
NW Ohio |
won |
Michigan Titans |
lost |
Reach Legends |
won |
FW Fusion |
lost |
won |
Ohio Hoopsters |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs-Cadena |
won |
DB Hoops |
lost |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Hidden Gems Orange |
lost |
FH Merrillville |
won |
Shining Star Sports |
lost |
Michigan Hurricanes |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers Purple |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Team NLP |
lost |
Spiece Indy Ice |
won |
Camp Darryl 2015 |
lost |
The Program Elite |
won |
Rising Stars Elite |
lost |
MBA Select Black |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers Black |
lost |
Juniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
All Ohio Red |
won |
Progeny 2015 |
lost |
EG Central Stars |
won |
Dorians Pride |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
MBA Select Green |
lost |
Illinois Celtics |
won |
Playground Elite |
lost |
Ind. Elite 2015 |
won |
Ohio Stars |
lost |
won |
Who Got Game-Austin |
lost |
WI Blizzard |
won |
Meanstreets |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
Michigan Mustangs-Brown |
lost |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
Ind. Elite Diesel |
won |
Best Choice FH |
lost |
Spiece-Kroft |
won |
Spiece-Brewer |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
All Ohio Black |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
Menace |
lost |
The Family |
won |
Who Got Game-Dennis |
lost |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
won |
Wisconsin Academy |
lost |
Chicago Lockdown |
won |
King James-Love |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
EG Central Stars |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
Illinois Celtics |
lost |
Ind. Elite 2015 |
won |
lost |
WI Blizzard |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm |
lost |
won |
Ind. Elite Diesel |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Spiece-Kroft |
lost |
Peoria Irish |
won |
The Family |
lost |
Chicago Lockdown |
won |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
lost |
Seniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Reach Legends |
won |
Hidden Gems Orange |
lost |
FH Elite 2014 |
won |
Indiana Elite South |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
Best Choice FH |
lost |
Camp Darryl 2014 |
won |
Maxx out Hoops |
lost |
Indiana Dawgs |
won |
Columbus Kings |
lost |
W. Michigan Lakers Black |
won |
Spiece NW Stars |
lost |
Indiana Elite 2014 |
won |
ACB Gold |
lost |
Michigan Titans |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Peoria Irish-Finke |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
lost |
MBA Select-Francouer |
won |
OBC-Blanks |
lost |
Rising Stars Elite |
won |
Camp Darryl North |
lost |
Team Philly |
won |
Spiece-Daniel |
lost |
OH Stampede |
won |
Spiece-Irwin |
lost |
Illinois Attack |
won |
Ohio Varsity Blue |
lost |
DB Hoops |
won |
Ohio Gators |
lost |
WI Starz Elite |
won |
Macomb County |
lost |
FH Elite 2014 |
won |
Reach Legends |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
Camp Darryl 2014 |
lost |
Indiana Dawgs |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers Black |
lost |
Indiana Elite 2014 |
won |
Michigan Titans |
lost |
Peoria Irish-Finke |
won |
MBA Select-Francouer |
lost |
Rising Stars Elite |
won |
Team Philly |
lost |
OH Stampede |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
DB Hoops |
won |
WI Starz Elite |
lost |
Seniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
All Ohio Red |
won |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
Team NLP-MA |
lost |
Hoopmatics |
won |
ACB Bank Hoops |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Meanstreets |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
Iowa Barnstormers |
lost |
Eric Gordon Allstars |
won |
Spiece-Shively |
lost |
Hoopgrind MI |
won |
MBA Select-Creech |
lost |
Milwaukee Running rebels |
won |
Ohio Varsity White |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Peoria Irish-Michael |
lost |
Team NLP-JF |
won |
Nitro USA 2014 |
lost |
Dorians Pride |
won |
Martin Brothers |
lost |
Team Thad |
won |
lost |
NW Ohio |
won |
Team Blaze Select |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs-Allison |
won |
Ohio Hoopsters |
lost |
Michigan Hurricanes |
won |
W. Michigan Lakers White |
lost |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Hoopmatics |
lost |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
Eric Gordon Allstars |
lost |
Milwaukee Running Rebels |
won |
Hoopgrind MI |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Team NLP-JF |
lost |
Team Thad |
won |
Dorians Pride |
lost |
NW Ohio |
won |
Michigan Mustangs-Allison |
lost |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
won |
Michigan Hurricanes |
lost |
Sunday May 5th (Tournament Play)
Freshman-To-Be (Silver Division)
Randolph Boys |
won |
DB Hoops |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Michigan Mustangs |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Spiece ECI |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Team Lima Kings |
won |
Michigan Titans |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Randolph Boys |
won |
Michigan Mustangs |
lost |
Semifinal |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Team Lima Kings |
lost |
Semifinal |
Randolph Boys |
won |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
lost |
Championship |
Freshman-To-Be (Gold Division)
The Family |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
King James-Schmook |
won |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Triple Threat |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
King James-Schmook |
won |
The Family |
lost |
Semifinal |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Semifinal |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
King James-Schmook |
lost |
Championship |
Sophomores-To-Be (Silver Division)
Louisville Magic |
won |
ACB-Somers |
lost |
Team NLP |
won |
Spiece-Wilson |
lost |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
won |
ACB-Smith |
lost |
Hidden Gems Black |
won |
Team NLP |
lost |
Hoosier Hurricanes |
won |
Michigan Titans-Dunlap |
lost |
Indy Ice-Randall |
won |
Illinois Attack |
lost |
Ohio Hoopsters |
won |
Team Philly |
lost |
Michigan Mustangs-Young |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Team NLP |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Hidden Gems Black |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm Blue |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Indy Ice-Randall |
won |
Hoosier Hurricanes |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Michigan Mustangs-Young |
won |
Ohio Hoopsters |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Hidden Gems Black |
lost |
Semifinal |
Indy Ice-Randall |
won |
Michigan Mustangs-Young |
lost |
Semifinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
Indy Ice-Randall |
lost |
Championship |
Sophomores-To-Be (Gold Division)
King James Stars |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Martin Brothers |
won |
Meanstreets |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Ind. Elite 2016 |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
The Family |
won |
Wisconsin Academy |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
King James Stars |
won |
Martin Brothers |
lost |
Semifinal |
Ind. Elite 2016 |
won |
The Family |
lost |
Semifinal |
Ind. Elite 2016 |
won |
King James Stars |
lost |
Championship |
Juniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Team Work |
won |
Wisconsin Starz Elite |
lost |
VJ Sports |
won |
I-90 Elite |
lost |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
Reach Legends |
won |
lost |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Michigan Mustangs-Cadena |
lost |
Michigan Hurricanes |
won |
FH Merrillville |
lost |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
Spiece Indy Ice |
lost |
MBA Select Black |
won |
The Program Elite |
lost |
Team Work |
won |
VJ Sports |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Reach Legends |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Michigan Hurricanes |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
won |
MBA Select Black |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Illinois Wolves |
won |
Team Work |
lost |
Semifinal |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
lost |
Semifinal |
Iowa Barnstormers |
won |
Illinois Wolves |
lost |
Championship |
Juniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
All Ohio Red |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Ind. Elite 2015 |
won |
Wisconsin Blizzard |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Louisville Magic |
won |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Chicago Lockdown |
won |
Peoria Irish |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Ind. Elite 2015 |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat |
lost |
Semifinal |
Chicago Lockdown |
won |
Louisville Magic |
lost |
Semifinal |
Ind. Elite 2015 |
won |
Chicago Lockdown |
lost |
Championship |
Seniors-To-Be (Silver Division)
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
FH Elite 2014 |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Indiana Elite 2014 |
won |
Indiana Dawgs |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Peoria Irish-Finke |
won |
Rising Stars Elite |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
OH Stampede |
won |
DB Hoops |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Grand Rapids Storm |
won |
Indiana Elite 2014 |
lost |
Semifinal |
Peoria Irish-Finke |
won |
OH Stampede |
lost |
Semifinal |
Peoria Irish-Finke |
won |
Grand Rapids Storm |
lost |
Championship |
Seniors-To-Be (Gold Division)
All Ohio Red |
won |
Louisville Magic |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Spiece Indy Heat |
won |
Milwaukee Running Rebels |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
Team Thad |
won |
Mac-Irvin Fire |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
NW Ohio |
won |
Wisconsin Playground Warriors |
lost |
Quarterfinal |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Spiece Indy Heat |
lost |
Semifinal |
Team Thad |
won |
NW Ohio |
lost |
Semifinal |
All Ohio Red |
won |
Team Thad |
lost |
Championship |
Some of the top talent in the 2014 performers were 6-4 Jae’Sean Tate and 6-7 Vincent Edwards (All Ohio Red 17U), 6-9 Kevin Looney and 5-7 Demontrae Jefferson (Milwaukee Running Rebels 17U), 6-10 Trey Lyles, 6-5 Trevon Bluiett, 6-4 Jaquan Lyle, and 6-3 James Blackmon (Spiece Indy Heat 17U), 6-7 Riley Norris, 6-7 Leron Black, and 5-10 Chris Chiozza (Team Thad 17U), 6-2 Eron Gordon, (Eric Gordon Allstars 17U), and 6-4 Dakota Mathis (NW Ohio 17U). Other notable players included 6-7 Jordan Ash (Illinois Wolves 16U), 6-3 Jalen Coleman (Ind. Elite 2015), and 6-8 Carlton Bragg (OBC 15U). Some of the top performers in the Class of 2016 included 6-9 Derrick Daniels (King James Shooting Stars 15U), 6-0 Cassius Winston (The Family 16U), 6-2 Tucker Blackwell (Spiece Indy Elite 2016), 6-1 C.J. Hedgepeth (Spiece Indy Elite), and 6-8 Caleb Swanigan (Spiece Indy Heat 15U, 17U).
Congratulations to all the division champions this week and also to all the workers and organizers for this fine event. The website is comprehensive and up to date and there is outstanding media coverage by all the reporters and recruiting gurus.