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Real Name: Augie (last name unknown)
Code Name: Gremlyn
Place of birth: Somewhere in Colorado
Known relatives:
Heather (older sister)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown with blonde stripes
Allignment: Neutral
Team Affiliation: None, occasionally aids the Renegades
Powers:Augie has the mutant ability to psionicaly control demons and gremlins by sheer will alone. All other powers, such as opening a teleportational disk and lethal energy blasts come from her "sidekick" Crosspatch, a powerful, intelectual gremlin. The extent of her powers is still unknown, as she seems to have complete control over a region known as "la-la-land", and creates it at will.
Brief History: Not much is known about Gremlyn, other than what she has decided to indulge to Gridlock of the Renegades for his files. Apparently distraught over an incident involving her father that she actually opened a teleportational disk beneath her and was pulled into a world she affectionately calls "la-la-land" where she was creator and sculptor. A mere thought or show of will can create as well as destroy. The demons and gremlins who populate this "la-la-land" are bound to her with the most incredible bond of love and affection and loyalty. They'd throw themselves in front of an armored truck to protect her, if she allowed it. A previous relationship with a man known as Razorback left some negative feelings in her, which caused the destruction of half of "la-la-land", but it has since been rebuilt, with the aid and support of her followers..