Holy City - The Bride of Christ
Description of the Church
One of the first concepts which must be understood in order to properly
interpret the book of Revelation is that the description of the beautiful
city which John saw in Chapters 21 and 22 is a description of the church.
In 21:9, the angel specifically told John that he was going to show him
"the bride, the Lamb's wife." The "bride of Christ" is a symbolic reference
to the church. See Rom. 7:4. Each of the descriptions of this beautiful
city is the fulfillment of a prophecy made by the Old Testament prophets
concerning the church Jesus would build when he came to the earth the first
time. So, that which is pictured in Revelation chapters 21 and 22 is the
fulfillment of a beautiful city which was promised to those who follow
Christ. A partial drawing of that spiritual city is pictured above.
Holy Jerusalem
It is also important to understand that this city is a spiritual city.
It is called the "holy Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10). This concept comes from
the fact that the children of Israel worshiped God in a literal, physical city
named Jerusalem. Today, God's people worship in a spiritual city called the
holy Jerusalem. We worship as God's people in His church. This spiritual
city is described in Revelation by using physical items
with which we are familiar. It would be impossible for us as physical beings
to understand concepts in spiritual terms, so physical items are used in
order that we may understand. The church is the magnificent city in
which God's people dwell and worship Him, and it was built by Christ at
his first advent.
Wall of the City
The people to whom Revelation was written were very familiar with walls
being constructed around their cities. They were designed to provide
protection to the residents by keeping their enemies out. The larger the
wall -- the greater the protection. The wall around the old city of
Jerusalem was designed to protect the physical lives of the people.
The wall around the church is designed to protect the spiritual lives of
those who are living inside. The wall of this great spiritual city, the
church, is described as a "wall great and
high." It provides the ultimate protection for its residents. This was
prophesied in Isaiah 26:1, which says, "In that day shall
this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation
will God appoint for walls and bulwarks."
The wall of our great spiritual city is a wall of salvation. Those inside
those walls are safe
from the forces of the Devil because their sins are forgiven. This does not
mean that the Devil cannot tempt us. It means that he cannot harm our
spiritual lives as long as we remain inside the walls of this spiritual city.
John 10:28 says, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never
perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." As long as we are
in the church, we are in the hand of God. The Devil cannot tear us out of
God's hand. The only way we can leave the church or the hand of God is if we
choose to do so by our own unfaithfulness.
Water of Life
Another important aspect of this spiritual city is that it is where the water
of life is located. Just as physical water is necessary in order to sustain
our physical lives, spiritual water is necessary in order to sustain our
spiritual lives. As Jesus was speaking to the woman who came to draw water
at the well in John chapter 12, He told her that "Whosoever drinketh of this
water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall
give him shall never thirst." The water which He would give her would spring
up unto "everlasting life." So, the waters which Jesus provides to those
who follow him will provide everlasting spiritual life. In Revelation 1:15,
the voice of Jesus is described as the "sound of many waters." Therefore,
the words which Jesus spoke to us are the waters of everlasting life, and
they are located in the church. That is why the great invitation of Revelation
22:15 says, "And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him
take the water of life freely." The spiritual waters of life are located in
the church and if we want to drink of them we must come into the church where
they are located.
Tree of Life
The tree of life is also located in this great spiritual city. Our spiritual
tree of life is Jesus Christ. This symbolism is taken from the garden of
Eden where a physical tree of life was located in the center of the garden.
This physical tree of life would have provided eternal physical life for
Adam and Eve if they had not disobeyed God and as a result were driven from
the garden so that they could no longer eat of that tree.
Notice that our spiritual tree of life is also located in the center of this
great city. That is exactly where Jesus says we will find him when we are
gathered together to worship him. Matt 18:20 states, "For where two or
three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
As long as we are faithful to God and remain in the church, we can eat of
the spiritual tree of life and live spiritually forever. Notice also that
when Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden, they could no longer eat of
the tree of life which meant they would die physically. The same is true for
the spiritual tree of life. We must be in the city where the tree is
located in order to eat of it. Those who are outside the church, either those
having never entered or those who were once in the city but have left,
cannot eat of the spiritual tree of life. They are destined to die
Street of Gold
Also pictured in the above illustration as being a part of the church is the
street of gold. This was prophesied in Isaiah 35:8-10. Verse 8 of that
passage says, "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be
called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it
shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
A street or highway is the path we travel. The spiritual way in which we
travel in the church is the "way of holiness." We are walking in the
ways of the Lord. We are following in his footsteps. Gold illustrates the
value of walking in this way. There is nothing more valuable on this earth
than walking on the spiritual street of gold. Notice also that this verse
says that the unclean shall not pass over it. The only ones who can walk
on this street of gold are those who have had their sins forgiven.
No one who is spiritually unclean is allowed to walk on this street.
The latter part of Isa. 35:9 says, "the redeemed shall walk there." Those
who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb through their obedience to
the gospel are the ones who are permitted to walk on this street of gold.
They are Christians.
Mount Zion
You may notice that mount Zion is also included in the drawing above. Mount
Zion is also a figurative description of the church, but this will be
discussed in future lessons.
If you are interested in how more of these beautiful symbols in Revelation
chapters 21 and 22 apply to the church which the Lord established, feel
free to e-mail me with your questions.
Study Pages
Home Page
Lesson 1 - Pattern used to Study Revelation
Lesson 3 - Parallel Comparison of Israel and the Church
Lesson 4 - Mount Sinai/Mount Zion
Lesson 5 - The 144,000
Lesson 6 - The 1000 Year Reign
Lesson 7 - Armageddon
Lesson 8 - The Great Tribulation
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