Extra free point


You have 25 extra free dot.
This is the price:
For a Skill --- 1
For a head of column --- 3
For a bonus background --- 5
The price will stay the same when using your pex in the game (For the bonus Background you can’t buy them after the creation of your perso).

Bonus Background

You have to choose those at the creation of your perso. You have to use your extra free dot to get any bonus background.


Contact are vital in Techno-Death. These are the people a character knows who can reveal information important to the character’s work, legitimate or not. Each dot give you a contact.

1 : A contact in another gang or team.
2 : A contact in a underground club or bar.
3 : A contact who can get hot equipements.
4 : A contact in a security organisation ( police or corpo ).
5 : A contact working in a big corpo.


The character may be a member of, or have close ties to, a local gang. Each dot give you 3 gang members. When they died, you loose your dot. Each member must have a perso sheet.


Followers are very loyal. They will do anything for the character, including dying if necessary. Each dot give you 3 followers. When they died, you loose your dot. Each followers must have a perso sheet.


The friend are people that will help you without asking for too much in return ( nothing is free in Techno-Death ). Each level is a new friend. You can have up to five friends in the game, from different organisation. You don’t have to choose your friend from what the level offers you. But you can’t have a friend in the police at the level one. If you want more details about this ask the GM.

1 : A close friend in your gang or team.
2 : A friend in another gang or team.
3 : A friend who have connection to get hot equipements.
4 : A friend in a security organisation ( police or corpo ).
5 : A friend working in a big corpo.

$$$ Cash $$$

You have some cash when you start the game. It’s up to you to use it wisely.
1 : 3500$ in your bank account
2 : 7500$ in your bank account
3 : 12 000$ in your bank account
4 : 45 000$ in your bank account
5 : 150 000$ in your bank account

Cyber :

You have some cyber when beginning the game. This is really special and very expensive ( and illegal in the corporate world). You have to get the aprobation from the GM for every dot in this background.

1 : less than 10 000$
2 : less than 20 000$
3 : less than 30 000$
4 : less than 40 000$
5 : less than 50 000$

Income :

You have an income of money each month. You can justify this by a job or anything else that is not about a SIT jobs.

1 :   650$ per Month
2 :  1900$ per Month
3 :  2600$ per Month
4 : 5000$ per Month
5 :12000$ per Month

Fame :

You are know in the world of Techno-Death. You can be what ever you want, but in that field your name is something that most people know. It’s a good thing sometimes and in other time it’s a very bad things. Hope that it will serve you. To be known isn’t always a good things…

1 : You have a name
2 : You have a name that could open some door for you
3 : You’re name is in the newspaper every month and a lot of people like and hate you.
4 : There’s trideo about you and children act as if they were you on the street
5 : You’re a living legend

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