Head of column and skills


        The header are the limits you have to develop your skills. You have to choose your header carefully. At start, you will have only 15 dot to place in your header and 25 in the skills.

        You wont be able to rise a skill highter than your head of collumn.

You have 15 dot to place in your head of column.


Skills :
You have 25 dot to place in your skills.
Acrobatics Advanced techniques in jumps, flips and rolls. Use this skill for general agility rolls. This skill may not be used as a dodge. 
Athletics jump, climb, lift, sports
Blade Use swords, axes and knives. 
Boxing Use your body as a weapon. This skill will give you fast and high powered punches. 
Brawling Low down dirty street fighting. This skill will give you some basic attacks. May not be used as a dodge. 
Construction Manufacture and repair of structures made of wood and/or stone. 
Handgun Use handguns. 
Heavy weaponry Heavy weaponry You are trained in the use on missiles, bazookas, grenade launchers and soforth. You need this specialty to operate weapons with more firepower than that of a machine-gun.
Martial Arts Use your body as a weapon. This skill will give you high powered kicks and fast punches. Use this skill as a dodge.
Melee Use and maintain most hand held weapons, such as flails, staves, hammers, and all blunt weapons. 
Missile Use bows, crossbows, slings, and other hand launched weapons. 
Rifle Use rifles and shotguns. 
Smithing The manufacture, repair, and maintenance of solid metal weapons and tools. 
Thrown Use grenades, throwing knives, and spears.
Ultimate Fighting The pinnacle of hand to hand combat. The person using this skill takes his/her knowledge of all fighting styles and combines them into his/her own unique unstoppable fury. Use your skills to survive and to protect those people and things important to you. 
Vehicle Gunnery Operate weapon systems on modern air and land vehicles. 
Weight Training Advanced training in strength. 
Wrestling Advanced techniques in leverage and grappling to deliver crushing and stunning blows to your opponents. 
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Aerial Combat  dogfighting,weaponry
Aerospace space and aircraft
Anthropology customs, rituals
Archaeology  ruins, artifacts
Architecture  incl civil engineering
Armor Repair Manufacture and repair of armor. 
Astronomy  requires astrophysics
Bio-Implants "This allows the character to implant bioware into other player
characters, with the higher levels reducing the recovery time
Notes: You must have the Medical skill prior to purchasing
this skill.
Biology  botany + zoology
Broadcasting "Knowledge of waves and how they are used to transmit information through the air and cable.
Includes knowledge of electronic encryption and decryption coding. Use this skill to broadcast secured and
unsecured audio and video, and to intercept such messages. 
Business "An advanced skill economics. Use this skill to forecast market conditions, analize markets, buyers,
and sellers, and develop business strategies. 
Chemicals You are specialized in dealing with drugs, medicines, poisons, biological warfare.. you name it.
Chemistry A basic understanding of the elements, molecular bonds, and chemical reactions. 
Computer Operation A basic understanding of how to use a computer as a tool. 
Computer Programming Make a computer do what you want it to do, exactly how you want it to do. 
Computer System  Knowing how it works and how it can be over ride.
Cultures proper customs in foreign lands
Cyberdeck design Create and understand how cyberdeck are design.
Cybernetic Engineering "Design of cybernetic implants. Use robotics to build the implant and medical doctor to
install it. 
Cybertech Use this to fix or install any cybernetic components. 
Demolitions incl safe-cracking, sabotage
Electrical Forging  credit cards, Trauma Troup cards, security keys and associated stuff.
Electrics  electrical engineering
Electronics Repair and manufacture electronic devices. 
Electronics Engineering Design of electronic devices including computer circuitry. 
Finance  accounting, stocks
First aid  This is what you do when you first come to the scene. This stops things from getting worse.
Forensics "The scientific aspects of investigation. Determine projectile trajectories based on entry and exit points.
Lift fingerprints, match DNA strands and blood types, and match projectiles to weapons. 
Genetic Engineering Design of DNA through exposure to radiation. 
Geography  incl cartography
Geology  incl metallurgy
Herb Lore Knowledge of plants and fungi, and their unique properties. 
Languages normal, ancient,secret
Law  incl loopholes
Literature incl creative writing
Locksmith old-fashioned only
Math Basic skills in problem solving. 
Mechanical Engineering Design of mechanical devices including tools. 
Mechanics Repair and manufacture mechanical devices. 
Medical Doctor "Repair two health level per day until completely healed. Can perform surgery, extract toxins, and
add cybernetics to humans.
Meditech Use this to use or fix any medical machinery.
Metallurgy Knowledge of metals, their properties, and their uses. 
Mining Find and unearth natural resources. 
Morse Code  Knowledge of Morse and telegraphy.
Pathology  diseases, toxins, illness
Pharmacology Prepare drugs and toxins. 
Philosophy  logic, aesthetics,ethics
Photonics  gadgets, circuitry
Physics A basic understanding of torque, friction, pressure, waves, and electricity. 
Religion  incl rituals
Research  indexing, cross-ref, library use
Robotic Engineering Design of robots and robotic components. 
Robotics Repair and manufacture of robots and robotic components. 
Search Systematically look for important information and items. 
Sensors Read and operate sensory equipment. 
Special Knowledge This is about knowledge on specific subject, as Corporation, as gang, as geographic sector…
Surgery  high risk, needs gear
Tactics  strategy & small unit bonus
Teaching instruction
Traditional Forging  paper/plastic documents, money, jewelry and so on.

Appraise  Make an educated guess as to the value of an item. 
Cryptography  scrambling, codes
Gamble "Calculate risks and make educated guesses based on your calculations. Put up a poker face and see if
anyone will call your bluff. Your opponent must beat your gamble with theirs to call your bluff. Gambling is a good
way to make a lot of money or to lose your shirt. 
Haggle Skill in negotiating a trade of goods. Roll your Haggle against another player's Haggle to negotiate a trade.
Intuition Your ability to generally make sense of the world around you, to understand nonverbal communication and foreign languages, to sense the danger level of a situation, and to read the apparent intent of others. 
Investigate Find clues that lead to facts and evidence. Look at the evidence and determine a logical conclusion.
Reason "Your ability to determine fact from fiction, to prevent from being misled or tricked, and to make logical, rational decisions. 
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Actor  Any form of stage performance
Command "Skill in organizing people to perform tasks and in giving orders in battle; involves the judicious use of
coercion and force of will"
Etiquette good manners
Guile "The personality traits which make a person cunning, deceitful, tricky, treacherous, and devious. Use to
hatch plots, plant suggestions, start rumors, blackmail, coerce accomplices, and conceal your actions under a
guise of innocence. 
Impersonation  disguise + acting
Influence "Skill in the advanced arts of persuation, logic, debate, rhetoric, and seduction. Roll your influence
against a victim's reason to persuade them, to weaken their resolve, or to sway an audience toward your views.
Interrogate "The use of a trained eye to watch body language to catch people in lies, and to gain information more
from a person does not say, than what they do. Physical You are good at hurting people. They usually talk. They may also die in the process, but usually they heal. The quality of answers is not very high though. People usually say anything they think will please the interrogator.
Intimidate The use of brute force of personality and/or physical appearance. Use to scare information out ofsomeone or to cause another desired effect. Use resolve to resist intimidation. 
Negotiation  haggle, barter, arbitrate
Politics  intrigues, diplomacy
Seduction  appearance
Style  , jest, wit, humour
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Arts  paint, draw, sculpt
Blind-fighting  The ability to fight in the dark.
Climbing and Mountaineering  Skill in scaling various surfaces. If you can't climb it free hand, rolling this skill will tell you what equipment you will need. incl cliffs, caves, walls
Drive Automobile Skill in piloting an average four-wheeled ground vehicle
Drive Boat Skill in piloting any simple watercraft
Drive Heavy Machine Skill in piloting wheeled APC's, semis and tractors. 
Drive Non-Motorized "Skill in piloting non-motorized craft such as bicycles, skate boards, skis, and in-line
Drive Plane, space ship Skill in piloting a propeller driven, winged, air vehicle. 
Drive Railed Skill in piloting a railed vehicle such as a train or a monorail. 
Drive Recreational "Skill in piloting motorcycles, snowmobiles, jet ski's, four-wheelers, and other recreational
Drive Sailcar Skill in piloting a wind driven vehicle. 
Drive Tracked Skill in piloting a tracked vehicle such as a bulldozer, tank, or APC. 
Drive Vessel Skill in piloting a technologically advanced water craft such as an ocean-liner. 
Escape The art of slipping your hands out of ropes, handcuffs etc. This does not include picking locks
Falling  be able to fall with ease and without any arm.
Massage All the kind of massage possible.
Music  instruments & composition
Running Training in speed and endurance.
Senses Your ability to make use of your five senses (smell, touch, taste, hear, and see). 
Sex The art of making love.
Stealth Move quietly and gracefully to avoid being detected. 
Swimming Move fluidly and stay afloat in water. 
Troubadour "The art of entertainment. The ability to tell a believable tale, with modest exaggeration, based on the
attitude of your audience. This may be used to entertain as a profession, to hold an audience as a distraction, and to spread stories of your exploits in an effort to gain renown. 
Zero-G Maneuver Space maneuver and travel.
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Space Survival  Be able to survive in hard environnement out of earth.
Acquisition "This is similar to Scrounge see later, except instead of equipment
being purchased cheaper, weapons are. It also allows a discount
on ammunition. The degree of the discount and types of
weapons discounted depends on the skill level."
Beast Handling Skill in domestication and training of animals
Beast Ride Ride and otherwise control a trained animal. 
Fast talk Causes the target to agree as the user wishes. Without reflecting, the target signs the paper, allows the trespass, loans the automobile, or whatever else within reason is asked.
Hide "Skill in finding a location to hide and the ability to conceal yourself and objects from detection. To find
someone or something that is hidden roll search. 
Navigate "Skillfully determine direction, distance, and estimated time of arrival on land or water. The use of maps
and/or compasses will lower your difficulty roll for this skill. 
Outright Lie "Twisting of truth and incorporation of actual events and persons to create a believeable story, on the
Pioneering "Use what you have in your wilderness surroundings to build shelter, weapons, tools, etc. You may
also roll this skill for general use of ropes (knot-tying) and other survival gear. 
Resolve "Your ability to survive and deal with mental and physical duress, and fatigue. This skill should also be
used in cicumstances where will is a factor. "
Scrounge "Allows the player to purchase certain items of equipment at a
lower price than shown in the equipment listing, basically they
know where to go to get equipment. This does NOT include the
purchase of weapons, as this comes under the skill of
Acquisition, mentioned above.
Security surveillance, sensors
Stealing  palming, pick pocket
Streetwise "A knowledge of current events, laws, important people, and places in any given region. Most often
culled from gossip and other loose talk. The ability to extract specific information about events or items from the local community without raising suspicion. The ability to guage the attitude of a group or a region accurately, and to determine what actions may be necessary to persuade, lie, or gamble effectively given those attitudes. 
Subterfuge  lie, bluff, blather, bribe
Survival  forage, fire, shelter
Tracking Follow prey by footprints and other markings left behind. 
Trapping/Fishing Rig and set traps for catching game. Knowledge of hooks, jigs, lines, and bait. 
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Concentration To be able to concentrate and do what need to be done in the worst environnement. If you have a success, you have a bonus on your action (+1).
Divination tarot, entrails, ball, etc
Healer  ancient medicine, herbs
Meditation   Peace & rest. Will help to relax and heal ( if a success, heal +1 a day when it is done )
Occult This skill enables the user to recognize occult paraphemalia, words, and concepts, as well as identify grimoire of magic and occult codes when he sees them, and the skill can aid in their translation or understanding.
Spot Trap and set Trap. Skill in determining the most likely location of an ambush. May be used to set an ambush. 
Power of mind In the most dangerous environnement, you can think clearly and find solution.

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