Pierre Montfort is on the left ( with the hat), and the Prince is on the Right.

Pierre has a famous life as a decoration critics. He was one of the most known art journalist of Chicago. This is the reason why he got the attention of Lady Jordan. She was still a young member of the Toreador when he wrote an article about one of the mansion she did decorate. He never had the name of the person who did it, but it was too hot to let it go. So he did the article.

At first, she was gattering information on that journalist. She notice that he mostly never do anything on botch work. When it was a bad taste work he just ignore it and go to find something great for the journal. That was something special, most journalist did took pleasure in destroying an artist. He never did that, he just let the artist work harder until he did something worthy of his attention. Pierre was a nice man.

Another things come out of  the man. He was a sex master. Woman were attracted by him and he never let them go without giving them an orgasm. He was known to do things that wasn't always done by other man. He was one of a kind.

After 6 months of observation she decide to ask for the right to make him her child. At first, it was hard (decoration wasn't a priority in the clan). But, after 2 years of hard work, she finally got the right to make him a Kindred.

She didn't ask Pierre if he wanted to be a member of the Toreador (even a Kindred). She took him in her appartment and while he was astound by the rich and beautifull setting of the room, she embrace him. He loved it.

After that, Pierre became one of the most appreciated member of the Toreador of Chicago. He was nice with everyone (Even the Nosferatue).

When the word of the creation of a strong hold in the city of Québec, and the need for member of other city to go there. He was among the first to ask to go there.

Something that almost none of the member of Chicago did know is that the parents(mortal ones) of Pierre were from Québec. He never had the chance to visit the city, but did read alot about it.

So, in 1984, he came to Québec city on a mission to help built a strong Camarilla presence in the city.

Second Part of Pierre Montfort
Some writting from Pierre Montfort
