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ECO 230-05                                  Name ____________________________                        

Fall 2004

Quiz I

Rusty Smith


Section I: Multiple Choice (1 point each) Choose the one best answer from the choices provided and place the letter corresponding to that answer in the space provided to the left of the question number.


















      1. Using the above production possibilities table, what is the opportunity cost of hammers in terms of hamburgers when hammer production is increased from 90 to 120?

a. 30.

b.    1/3.

        c.  3.

d.    1/4.


       2.  In economics, the term investment refers to

        a.  the purchase of stocks and bonds.

b.  the process of producing (or purchasing) capital goods.

        c.  putting money into a bank account.

        d.  all of the above.


      3.   A concave production possibilities frontier:

        a.  illustrates the concept of constant opportunity cost.

        b.  implies that the resources used in the production of the two concerned goods are not perfectly interchangeable.

        c.  is unrealistic.

        d.  is described by both “a” and “c”.


      4.   Which of the following WILL NOT decrease the demand for an inferior good?

        a.  An unfavorable change in tastes and preferences.

        b.  An increase in the price of the good.

        c.  An increase in money income.

        d.  All of the above will decrease the demand for an inferior good.


      5.   Which of the following would increase the supply of a product?

        a.  An increase in the wages paid to workers.

        b.  A decrease in the wages paid to workers.

c.  An increase in taxes on the production of the product.

        d.  A decrease in subsidies given to producers of the product.


Section II Short Answer/Essay   Use the information provided to completely answer the following questions.  Points as indicated.


1. Complete parts “a” through “d” regarding production possibilities.

   (6 points)


   a.  In the space provided below draw a PPF that shows the law of increasing opportunity cost, putting capital goods on the vertical axis and consumer goods on the horizontal axis.




















   b.  Draw a point “b” on the above PPF that is not currently obtainable.


   c.  Show the effect on the PPF of the discovery of new natural resources.  Label this new curve “c”.


   d.  If constant opportunity cost applied, what shape would the above PPF be?  What would this imply about the resources used in the production of capital goods and consumer goods?  Explain why this implication is (or is not) realistic.



2. Explain the effect the following events would have on either the supply or the demand for a product (increase in demand or decrease in demand or increase in supply or decrease in supply).  Also be sure to specify the effect of the change on both the equilibrium price of the good and the equilibrium quantity of the good. Be sure to provide a supply and demand graph for each one and show the change on the graph as well.  (12 points)


A.  a favorable change in tastes and preferences.









B.  an increase in the cost of the raw materials used to produce the product.









C.  a decrease in the price of a substitute in production.











D.     a decrease in the price of a substitute in consumption.











  E.  a decrease in income (assume it’s an inferior good) AND AT THE SAME TIME a decrease in taxes assessed to producers of the product.