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ECO 230-05                          Name  _____________________________                                

Fall 2004

Exam I

Rusty Smith

SECTION I:  Multiple Choice (2 points each)  Choose the one best answer from the selections provided and place the letter corresponding to that answer in the space to the left of the question number.


      1. If there is a shortage of a product

         a. quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied.

         b. quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded.

         c. the price of the good will eventually rise in a free market.

         d. both “a” and “c” are true.


      2. An example of a positive economic statement would be:

         a. 10% inflation is too high.

         b. I think the unemployment rate is 3%.

         c. the rate of inflation is 2.75%.

         d. both “b” and “c” are positive economic statements.


      3. The demand curve for tacos has shifted to the right.  Which of the following events would have caused this to happen?

         a. There has been a favorable change in consumer tastes in preferences concerning tacos.

         b. The price of hamburgers, pizza, and all other “fast food” (substitutes in consumption) decreases.

         c. The price of tacos has decreased.

         d. All of the above.


      4. Which of the following is true regarding marginal analysis?

         a. Someone is more likely to seek out additional information only when the cost of a bad decision is low.

         b. Most (if not all) decisions are based on marginal analysis.

         c. Marginal benefit means total benefit of an activity and marginal cost means total cost of an activity.

         d. All of the above are true.


      5. Which of the following would cause a PPF to shift to the right?

         a. A decrease in the unemployment rate.

         b. Development of better technology.

c.    The destruction of natural resources due to a hurricane.

d.    Both “a” and “b” are true.


      6. Which of the following is NOT considered an economic resource?

         a. entrepreneurship.

         b. money.

         c. capital.

         d. labor.

      7. If a production possibilities frontier is concave

         a. constant opportunity costs applies.

         b. resources used to produce consumer goods and capital goods are not perfectly interchangeable.

         c. resources used to produce consumer goods and capital goods are perfectly interchangeable.

         d. both “a” & “b” are true.


      8. Capital earns payments called          and labor earn payments called          .

         a. profit; wages

         b. interest; profit

         c. interest; wages

         d. profits; income


      9. The demand curve for the inferior good Spam has shifted to the left.  Which of the following events would have caused this to happen?

         a. A favorable change in consumer tastes in preferences concerning Spam.

         b. The price of spam has increased.

         c. Consumer incomes have decreased.

         d. Both “b” or “c” would have caused this.


     10. What is the difference between a production possibilities curve (PPC) and a production possibilities frontier (PPF)?

a. There is no difference, they are different terms for the same thing.

b. A PPF is concave and a PPC is always straight.

c. A PPF analyzes the ability to produce capital goods and a PPF analyzes the ability to produce consumer goods.

d. Both “b” and “c” are true.


     11. A decrease in the price of soda will result in a(n)

         a. decrease in the demand for iced tea (a substitute in consumption).

         b. increase in the demand for soda.

         c. increase in the demand for iced tea (a substitute in consumption).

         d. Both “a” and “b” are true.


     12. When a public good is produced

         a. consumers in the area who do not help pay for the good may be excluded from the goods’ consumption.

         b. consumers in the effected area compete to use the good.

         c. the projects are paid for by the government with tax dollars because, according to the “free rider” problem, because there in no incentive for any one individual to provide public goods themselves.

         d. All of the above are true.


     13. The law of demand states that there is a(n)

         a. direct relationship between price and quantity supplied.

         b. inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.

         c. direct relationship between supply and demand.

         d. no relationship between price and quantity demanded.

     14. Which of the following will increase the supply of a good?

         a. an increase in the price of the good

         b. lower wages paid to workers

         c. higher wages paid to workers

         d. a decrease in demand


     15. The equilibrium price of a good decreased and the equilibrium quantity of the good increased.  Which of the following events was the cause of this?

         a. supply increased

         b. demand increased

         c. supply decreased

         d. demand decreased


     16. If an economy’s unemployment rate decreases

         a. the economy’s PPF will shift to the right.

         b. the economy’s PPF will not move.

         c. the economy’s PPF will shift to the left.

         d. the law of increasing opportunity cost will no longer apply.


     17. Which of the following will NOT change the demand for asparagus?

         a. A change in the price of asparagus.

         b. A change in the price of the substitute good, carrots.

         c. A change in consumer income.

         d. All of the above will change the demand for asparagus.


     18. Which of the following would cause an economy’s PPF to shift to the left?

         a. an increase in the unemployment rate     

         b. a decrease in the size/quality of the labor force

         c. the discovery of new natural resources

         d. either “a” or “b” would shift the PPF to the left


     19. When a price ceiling is set below the equilibrium price

         a. the market is not affected.

         b. a surplus results.

         c. a shortage results.

         d. price ceilings were abolished in accordance with the 1995 Normann-Smith Farm Subsidies Act.


     20. If the market for beef cattle was initially in equilibrium, a decrease in the supply of corn (which is used to feed cattle) would cause:

         a. nothing to happen in the market for beef cattle.

         b. the supply of beef cattle to increase, decreasing prices.

         c. the supply of beef cattle to decrease, causing price to increase.

         d. the demand for beef cattle to decrease, increasing price.

     21. What is the basic “societal problem” when the consumption of a good gives off negative externalities?

a. There is under-consumption of the product.

b. There is over-consumption of the product.

c. The marginal social benefit is always equal to the marginal private benefit. 

d.        Free riders provide all of the products.


     22. If an economy gains productive capacity:

         a. its PPF will shift to the left.

         b. its PPF will shift to the right.

         c. the location of the PPF will not change.

         d. its PPF will change from being straight to being concave.


     23. Which of the following would increase the supply for the normal good hot dogs?

         a. A decrease in the price of Spam (a substitute in production).

         b. A decrease in the price of ground beef (a complement in production).

         c. A decrease in the price of hot dogs.

         d. All of the above are true.


     24. If the supply of a good increases AND AT THE SAME TIME the demand for the good increases (but the increase in supply is of larger magnitude than the increase in demand)

a.    price does not change and quantity increases.

         b. price increases and quantity increases.

         c. price decreases and quantity increases.

         d. price decreases and quantity is ambiguous.


     25. Which of the following will NOT change the demand for cameras?

a. A change in the price of cameras.

b. A change in the price of the complement in consumption, film.

c. A change in consumer income.

d. All of the above will change the demand for cameras.

SECTION II Short Answer/Essay/Problems 

Use the information provided to answer the following questions.  Be sure to properly label any graphs.  (Points as indicated)

1. Using supply and demand analysis, describe verbally and show graphically, the effects of the following independent events ("a" does not impact "b" or "c", etc.) on the market for the NORMAL GOOD ICE CREAM.  Be sure to mention the effects on price and quantity, as well as supply and/or demand. (15 points)


    a.   An article in The New England Journal of Medicine states that people who eat ice cream have higher cholesterol and more frequent incidents of heart disease than people who do not eat ice cream.















b.    Subsidies given to ice cream manufacturers increase AND AT THE SAME TIME consumer incomes increase.
















c.    The wages paid to workers who produce ice cream decrease AND AT THE SAME TIME the price of frozen yogurt (a substitute in consumption) decreases.

2. In the space provided below draw a PPF that shows the law of increasing opportunity costs placing capital goods on the vertical axis and consumer goods on the horizontal axis, then use that graph to answer parts “a” through “c”.  (13 points)













a.    Draw a point “a” on the above PPF that is currently unattainable.




b.    Draw a point “b” on the above PPF that indicates the economy has unemployed resources.




c.    Draw two points on the above PPF that are both efficient and attainable.  Label these points “c” and “d”.  Then in the space provided below, indicate which of the two points will allow for the more rapid rate of economic growth and explain why it allows for more rapid economic growth.





d.    If the above PPF had been straight, what would that have implied about the resources used in the production of capital goods and the production of consumer goods? 







e.    State the Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs (don’t describe the implication regarding the resources, state the Law).







f.    List three things that would cause the above PPF to shift to the left.

3.  Use the following table to answer parts “A” through “D” below concerning the market for corn (quantities are stated in bushels). These are independent questions, the information provided refers only to that one part  of the question so forget part “c” ever happened when answering part “d”.   (14 points)


Quantity Supplied


Quantity Demanded






























A.  What is the equilibrium price and quantity in the above market?


Price $                     Quantity           



B.  At a price of $4.50 what is true of this market?  What will eventually happen to price if this is a free market? 




C.  Assume that a decrease in taxes causes farmers to be willing to sell 8,000 more bushels of corn than before at each possible price.  What will the new equilibrium price and quantity be?


Price $                     Quantity ­­­­­____________         





D.  Assume that a increase in income causes consumers to purchase 16,000 more bushels of corn than before at each possible price.  What will the new equilibrium price and quantity be?


        Price $                     Quantity _______________


4.    In a well defined essay explain how minimum wage laws create unemployment. Be sure to do the following:

1.                Use a graph to support your answer. 

2.                Specify where (in relation to equilibrium) the minimum wage must be placed before it has this effect.

3.                Specify what the economic term for a minimum wage law is.

4.                Describe why/how the minimum wage law will create unemployment.


Write your answer in sentence/paragraph form, don’t simply use bullet points to address these issues.      (8 points)





















-BONUS-  [5 points]


Consider the following circumstance regarding two separate markets.  One market is the market for cameras and the other market is the market for film.  Assume that the price of the computer chips used in camera production increases.  What effect will that have on the market for cameras (supply or demand, equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price)?

Now what effect will that event in the camera market have on the market for film (supply or demand, equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price)?

Use one properly labeled graph for each market (2 graphs total). 

You should describe your answer both graphically and verbally.