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ECO 230-05                                                                Name                        

Exam II

Fall 2002

Rusty Smith


SECTION I:  Multiple Choice  (2 points each)  Choose the one best answer from the choices provided and place the letter corresponding to that answer in the space provided to the left of the question number.


      1.  Gross national product (GNP)

a.  is a measure of the final market value of all final goods and services produced by resources located within a nation minus the final market value of all final goods and services produced by resources owned by residents of a nation during a given year.

b.  is a measure of the final market value of all final goods and services produced by resources located within a nation during a given year

c.  is directly equivalent to net national product.

d.  is a measure of the final market value of all final goods and services produced by resources owned by residents of a nation during a given year.


      2.  Net exports are a positive figure when

a.  a nation's imports of goods and services exceed its exports.

b.  the economy's stock of capital goods is declining.

c.  depreciation exceeds gross private domestic investment.

d.  a nation's exports of goods and services exceed its imports.


      3.  Using the expenditure approach to GDP calculation, what is actual real GDP when consumption = $500, investment = $50, government expenditures = $100, exports = $45, and imports = $35?

a.  $660.

b.  $730.

c.  $650.

d.  $640.


      4.  An intermediate good is

a.  a good that a consumer purchases and uses until they can afford what they really want.

b.  a good that is purchased by its ultimate consumer.

c.  a good that can only be legally purchased by manufacturers.

d.  a good that is used as an input in the production of another good or service.


      5.  Say's Law states that

a.  the government should use fiscal policy in order to stabilize the economy.

b.  the aggregate supply curve is perfectly horizontal.

c.  supply creates its own demand.

d.  aggregate demand is inherently unstable.


      6.  Using the expenditure approach, GDP is calculated by summing:

a.  consumption, investment, government expenditures, and imports.

b.  consumption, investment, government expenditures, and net exports.

c.  profit, interest, wages, and rents.

d.  consumption, depreciation, amortization, and exports.

      7.  The phase of the business cycle at which real gross domestic output is at a minimum is called

a.  the trough.

b.  the peak.

c.  expansion.

d.  recession.


      8.  The "father" of the Classical school of economics is

a.  John M. Keynes.

b.  David Ricardo.

c.  Adam Smith.

d.  Thomas Keynes.


      9.  According to Keynes, which of the below would be true?

a.  The economy is inherently unstable.

b.  Fiscal policy would only be inflationary.

c.  Because wages are flexible an economy will be able to self-regulate.

d.  Both “a” & “c” are true.


     10.  Assume the economy is experiencing an inflationary gap.  What type of fiscal policy would a Classical economist advocate?

1.Classical economists do not advocate the use of fiscal policy.

b.  Expansionary automatic stablizers with contractionary discretionary policy.

c.  Contractionary automatic stabilizers along with expansionary discretionary policy

d.  Either “b” or “c” would be desirable to the Classicals.


     11.  Jimmie is considering two jobs.  All he wants to do is have the greatest amount of purchasing power possible.  He was offered a job in Orlando, where the cost of living index is 125, earning $50,000 per year.  He was also offered a job in Houston, where the cost of living index is 110, earning $44,000.  Where should he choose to work?

a.  Either job offers the same “real” wage.

b.  He should work in Houston.

c.  He should work in Orlando.

d.  He doesn’t have enough information to decide which job offers the higher “real” wage.


     12.  Which type of unemployment occurs when the unemployed lost their jobs due to an economic downturn, but expect to be back to work when the economy improves?

a.  Cyclical

b.  Frictional

c.  Structural

d.  Seasonal


     13.  Fiscal policy

a.  is used to achieve specific macroeconomic goals by changing government expenditures and taxation.

b.  is used to give Americans an incentive to exercise, thus reducing expenditures on health care.

c.  is derived from the Classical economists who felt that fiscal policy was necessary because aggregate demand could be insufficient to bring about full employment real GDP.

d.  both "a" and "c" are correct.

     14.  When stagflation occurs the unemployment rate         and the price level         .

a.  increases; increases.

b.  increases; decreases.

c.  decreases; decreases.

d.  decreases; increases.


     15.  Which of the following would “win” if there was unexpected inflation?

a.  Persons who save money at an interest rate less than the rate of inflation.

b.  Persons who have long-term salary contracts with COLAs.

c.  Persons who borrow money at fixed interest rates less than the rate of inflation.

d.  None of the above “win” with inflation.


     16.  In order for an economy to officially be in a depression

a.  the unemployment rate must be twice the rate of inflation.

b.  the rate of inflation must be twice the rate of unemployment.

c.  real GDP must decline for at least two successive fiscal quarters.

d.  there is no "official" definition of a depression.


     17.  Which type of unemployment does not exist when the economy is at the natural rate of unemployment?

a.  Cyclical

b.  Frictional

c.  Structural

d.  None of the above, there is no unemployment at the natural rate of unemployment.


     18.  If the economy is self-regulating, when the economy is experiencing a recessionary gap, the economy will “correct” when

1.wage rates rise and aggregate supply decreases in response.

2.wage rates fall and aggregate supply decreases in response.

3.wage rates rise and aggregate supply increases in response.

4.wage rates fall and aggregate supply increases in response.


     19.  The aggregate demand curve:

a.  shifts up and to the right in both Keynesian and Classical models.

b.  is perfectly vertical (in the long run) in the Keynesian model.

c.  is used in macroeconomic models in showing how AD and AS determine the price level and real GDP.

d.  is characterized by all of the above.


     20.  Which of the following is true of a price index?

a.  The price index always = 100 in the base year.

b.  A price index may overstate the actual rate of inflation.

c.  A price index measures real GDP.

d.  Both “a” and “b” are true.


     21.  A recession is officially defined as

1.8% unemployment or higher.

2.two successive fiscal quarters of declining real GDP.

3.less severe than a depression but longer lasting.

4.three successive fiscal quarters of declining real GDP.

     22.  Assume the CPI was 105 in 1999 & 108 in 2000.  If nominal income was $42,000 in 1999, what would nominal income have to be in 2000 for “real” income to be the same in both years?

a.  $42,000


c.  $43,200

d.  $45,360.


     23.  Which of the following is the “consumption function” discussed in class?

a.  C = Yd - Savings.

b.  C = a + (b*Yd).

c.  Y = C + I + G + Xn.

d.  C = Y - T + MPC.


     24.  When the MPC is .75, the MPS = :

a.  .25.

b.  1.25

c.  4

d.  Not enough information is present to calculate the MPS.


     25.  The unemployment rate

a.  measures the percentage of the labor force that is officially considered "unemployed".

b.  measures the percentage of persons in the working age population who actually participate in the labor force.

c.  will increase whenever unemployed persons become discouraged workers.

d.  both “a” & “c” are true.

SECTION II Short Answer/Problems

Use the information provided to answer the following questions, points as indicated.


1. Identities- Briefly (but completely) define/describe five of the following seven terms or concepts.  Write “omit” beside the two you choose not to answer.  If you answer all seven, I will only grade the first five.  Use graphs if necessary. (20 points)



Marginal Propensity to Consume-






Frictional unemployment-






Say’s Law (and the author, and the meaning)-







Gross Domestic Product-






Transfer Payments-







Cost-Push Inflations (Describe and graph)-










2.  Define the business cycle. Identify the five parts of the business cycle and briefly explain each of them.  Also “draw” the business cycle and label an example of each “part”.  (10 points)

3.        Use the following table to answer parts a through d.  (11 points)







Price 1998


Price 1999


Price 2000










































a)  Assume the preceding is a representative market basket and calculate the price index for the following given years, with the base year in parenthesis.


1998  (Base=1999)-




1999  (Base=1999)-




2000  (Base=1999)-



b)  Calculate the percentage change in the price level between 1998 and 2000 and indicate if inflation or deflation existed.






c) When price index numbers indicate inflation they could be misleading.  Explain two ways in which a price index might be misleading and the manner in which this information might skew a price index.








4)        Using the price index numbers you calculated in part “a”, if your real income was $35,000 in 1998, what was your nominal income in 1998?






5)        Assume that real income was the same in 1998 as it was in 2000.  If nominal income was $80,000 in 1998, what was nominal income in 2000?





4.        Answer parts "a" through "f" concerning unemployment statistics using the following information.  The individual parts do not affect each other (forget part “c” ever happened when answering part “d” and part “e”, etc.).  (14 points)












Not Working, but

Seeking Work


Discouraged Workers















a.  The unemployment rate is           .






b.  The labor force participation rate is               .






c.  If 20 of the discouraged workers started searching for jobs, the unemployment rate would equal              .





d.  If 15 of the unemployed were to quit actively searching for employment, the labor force participation rate would equal            .





5.Assume a liberal judge released 50 of the institutionalized people from prison.  If 25 of these people searched for jobs and 25 of them became discouraged workers, the unemployment rate would equal___________ and



the labor force participation rate would equal                  .




f.  Fully explain how the treatment of discouraged workers affects the validity of unemployment statistics.