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FIN 230 - Personal Finance

Welcome to the FIN 230 page. I have archives of quizzes and exams from previous semesters as well as a few useful links. The quizzes and exams make nice study guides.

Other Important Links

I missed class or lost my homework assignment
Study Guides
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Main Page
Class Blog
Course Syllabus
The True Free Copy of your Credit Report Annually
A Neat Site That CAN Help You Get Your Financial Business in Order
A Site to Help You Find the Value of That Car
Another Site to Give You Anoteher Opinion on the Value of That Car
CNN Money's Cost of Living Calculator
Facebook Group for this class

Quiz Archives (All in Adobe PDF Format)

Quiz I
Quiz II
Quiz III
Quiz IV
Quiz V
Quiz VI
Quiz VII
Quiz IX
Quiz X

Exam Archives

Exam I
Exam II