HISTORY OF SEREMBAN JAYCEES (Junior Chamber Seremban):::Picture below shows the Seremban Jaycees Clock Tower

Picture below shows the Seremban Jaycees Clock Tower before it was demolished


The year 1956 marked the birth of the Jaycee movement in Seremban, the third such formed in Malaysia, after Kuala Lumpur in 1954 and Penang in 1955.

A group of committed and dedicated men, led by none other than the late K. Appadurai, met and decided that leadership was sorely needed amongst the young leaders of Seremban. As such they invited Christopher Chua, the first President of Junior Chamber of Commerce Malaya, to talk to this group of young leaders and to expond the benefits of Junior Chamber.

This talk was very well received and it was decided that Junior Chamber of Commerce Seremban be formed. The formalities of formation were complied with, and Benson Lim was elected the first President on 28th June 1956.

In 1967, the Negeri Sembilan State Government, whilst Dato' Mansor bin Zainal was the State Secretary, recognising the potential and impact of the Jaycee movement on the community and the young people of Seremban, thought it befitting and worthy of rewarding the organisation with a "home" to operate from. They alloted us a flat on the ground floor of Templer Flats. We are indeed grateful for this recognition and will continue to live up to the heights expected of us. We have, since 1956, added many feathers to our cap - 40 odd years. We've had two JCI Vice Presidents, viz:

1. JCI Senator K. Appadurai, and
2. JCI Senator Daniel C. M. Leow

It is a singular honour for Seremban to produce two International Vice Presidents.

Coming down the JC heirachy, we also can boast of having had six (yes 6) National Presidents of Junior Chamber Malaysia! To enumerate them, they are:

1. JCI Senator K. Appadurai
2. JCI Senator Daniel C.M. Leow
3. JCI Senator Ong Yoke Choon
4. JCI Senator John G. Stephens
5. JCI Senator Michael Kanny
6. JCI Senator Bob Chang.

Seremban Jaycees is also proud of its two Regional Presidents fo Jaycees Peninsular Malaysia when Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia were in the process of being merged to form Jaycees Malaysia.

The ROM Presidents were:-
1. JCI Senator Bob Chang and
2. JCI Senator Y. C. Pang

Lots of Jaycees have distinguished themselves in their own ways. Two Past Presidents of Seremban Jaycees stand out. They are:

1. JCI Senator Dato' V. C. George, a retired Federal Court Justice, and
2. JCI Senator Senator Thomas Kan Kok Kwan, at present a senator of the Malaysian House of Senate.

Compiled by JCI Senator John G. Stephens.
Updated by JCI Senator Francis Yeow.

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