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Serenity's Stats


This is stats about Queen Serenity.I had to guess on a lot of this,and some things I just didn't have a clue on,so if something i have up is wrong,or if you know something i couldnt find,please let me know and i'll change it.I want this to be as close as possible,so I would appreciate any stats you have on Serenity.Thanks,and I hope to see you here again.

Name (English): Serenity

Name (Japanese): Selenity

Meaning Of Her Name: ?

Birthday: June 14th.

Age: 32 years old.

Star Sign: Gemini.

Blood Type: O

Favorite Colors: light purple,silver

Favorite Animal: ?

Favorite Flower: Rose

Strong Points: Determined in what she does

Dislikes: The Negaverse

Quick Fact: Queen of the moon,She saved the people of the moon from the negaverse

Fears: Attacks from the Negaverse