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Stuff about Assassin

Guyver_of_Shadows... also known as Lucretious Demares is the leader of the ShadowGuild and head of the DeMares family. Before finding the Guyver unit Luc was a highly respected knight and mage.... since finding the unit he remains as powerful if not more powerful than he was before. He is married to Andraya DeMares, the two recently had a child who was named Luccas. His best friend is another guyer known as RebelGuyver.

what follows are some pics of Shadow:

Shadows first form.... now he has adopted a more powerfull form of the guyver....

Shadows improved form... the Guyver Assassin... he is one fo the few that has this special unit... the only one he knows that is in existence. Although the unit was made to eliminate Zoanoids and Guyvers he has changed that purpose to serve his own agenda. The assassin is highly advanced with many new weapons and improved speed, strength and can also make it's own enhancements for certain situations.....

Few remember the old guyvers... Guyver_20, Guyver_Unit and a few others including myself. Of those left few of us are seen as often as we used to be, some say this is a fading and a sign of the times. This is on the contrary for the need for us has dwindled slightly and we are not needed as often, OmEn also decreased our numbers greatly therefore showing off that as strong as we, are against the proper foe we are quickly killed, even in large numbers.

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Guyver Pics
About Shadow
