Lesson Two
1. John 16:13 2Peter 1:3 Did Jesus promise the first century apostles that they would be guided into ALL truth? Yes or No Did they lack anything that pertained unto life and godliness? Yes or No
2. 1Peter 1:23-25 Was the work of the Lord (the gospel) to pass away after being revealed? Yes or NO If ALL God's truth was revealed in the New Testament and abides today, do we need additional revelation today? Yes or NO
3. Colossians 2:14 Ephesians 2:15-16 Were the ordinances of the law taken out of the way when Christ died on the cross? Yes or NO Did Christ abolish the law of commandments in order to reconcile both Jew and Gentile in his one body? Yes or No
4. Romans 7:6-7 1Corinthians 9:20-21 Are we now delivered from the law? Yes or No If we are not under the law of Moses, does this mean that we are without law to God (that is, not under any law)? Yes or No
5. Hebrews 8:6-8 Did the first covenant have fault? Yes or No Finding fault with it did God seek a place for a second? Yes or No
6. Galatians 3:23-25 Before "faith" (the gospel) came were men (the Jews) living under the law of Moses? Yes or No Is the law called a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ? Yes or No Are we still under the schoolmaster (the law) now that faith has come? Yes or No
7. Ephesians 3:3-5 Were the New Testament Scriptures written in order to keep God's plan a mystery? Yes or No Were the New Testament Scriptures written so a person can read and understand what God's will is? Yes or No
8. 2Timothy 3:16-17 Are inspired Scriptures (or writings) sufficient to furnish man throughly (or completely) to all good works? Yes or No Is it your understanding that the New Testament is God's complete law to guide us in our age and that you are now living under that law? Yes or No
9. John 12:48 Will you be judged by the words of Moses in the last day? Yes or No Will you be judged by the word of Christ in the judgment? Yes or No Will you be judged by the words of Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Martin Luther or any othe man in the last day? Yes or No Will you be judged by man made creeds in the judgment day? Yes or NO
10. Matthew 7:21-23 Did Jesus say you could be saved by doing the will of men? Yes or No did Jesus say you could be saved by doing the will of God? Yes or No Will some who have been sincere in their religious practices be lost because the practices were not according to the will of God? Yes or No
11. Hebrews 5:8-9 Is Jesus the author of eternal salvation even to those who do not obey him? Yes or No Is it your understanding that you must obey him to be saved? Yes or No
12. Matthew 22:37 Must we love God with all our heart ot be saved? Yes or No
13. Romans 6:17-18 Can you be made "free from sin" without having "obeyed from the heart" that form of doctrine? Yes or No
14. 2Thessalonians 1:7-8 Will man be punished if he does not obey the gospel? Yes or No
15. John 3:16 Must you believe in Jesus in order to have everlasting life? Yes or No
16. Luke 13:3 Acts 17:30-31 Is repentance also required in addition to belief? Yes or No Can Christ approve you in the judgmenyt if you have not repented? Yes or No
17. 2Corinthians 7:10 Matthew 3:8 Is genuine repentance more than being sorry? Yes or No
Can being truly sorry before God for sin lead to repentance? Yes or No Should one bear the fruit of a changed life after repentance? Yes or No
18. Matthew 10:32-33 If you believe and repent but will not confess Jesus before men, will you be saved? Yes or No
19. Romans 10:9-10 Must you confess Jesus as Lord with your mouth in order to please God? Yes or No
20. Is baptism to follow these: (1) Belief? Mark 16:15-16 Yes or No (2) Repentance? Acts 2:38 Yes or No (3) confession? Acts 8:36-37 Yes or No