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~~Gary Joe & Mary~~

This is muh page dedicated to the angel which I have on Earth.

I hope to add a different picture soon, I am going to wait for a more recent one!!

Everyone on Earth will try to make the claim to you at one time or another that they are in love with the perfect person or that they have finally found the right person that they want to spend the rest of their life with. I will tell you something else... I will not claim that I am in love with Gary Joe, for I know inside my heart and soul that we share a special type of love and it is something I KNOW...not just claim. Second of all, I will not say that I "think" I have found the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with, because GOD has sent me an angel to spend the rest of my life with. Although we have our ups and downs just as everyone else does, Gary Joe is my angel. To me, he treats me as if I am a Queen and I just hope that he too feels that he is my little King. For those of you that don't know us, we are two of the most in love people that you will ever meet in your life...and for those of you that do know us, you realize that we are two of the most in love the world. Wanna know our secret to happiness? Well, we are happy to share it with anyone. Our relationship takes 3 instead of 2!! Yes, that's right, not a typo...3! The LORD, Gary Joe, and myself... It makes such a difference!! I love you, honey!!