Beneath the water.
If he had not hit his head right before, Quinn Mallory was sure he would swim to safety. Instead, he sank fast.
He tried to struggle upward. but...his mind was not doing what he wanted it to do. Instead, he continued to descend down into the depths...
...and he remembered how he got here...
"You can't do that."
Randy Heim stood on the roof. He had come there to think after the events on Therapy World. Quinn Mallory knew he told the others to get ready for the slide while he 'checked.' He got find Melissa Clark...he meant a double of Melissa Clark...talked to Randy. Judging from the look on Randy's face, Melissa might gotten through to him.
Too little, too late.
Randy's eyes narrowed on Quinn. In a way, Quinn was glad. He was tired of dealing with an emotionless Randy, lost in one of his trances since he saved Quinn from Edward snapping his neck.
"Watch me," Quinn said.
"I was right! It wasn't the real Rembrandt!" Randy exclaimed.
"You didn't have to kill him to prove your point, Randy," Quinn replied.
"I beg to differ."
"No shock there."
"Would you have believed me if I said we had found the wrong group? Be real, Quinn. wouldn't."
"We'll never know now," Quinn said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Enough is enough. We're not home. There's no sign of Rembrandt and the others. If this is how you treat people you think are your friends, you're not going to be trusted with your friends. You may not think of others, but I do."
"What's going on?"
Quinn turned around. Cassandra Wilkes and Jules stood behind them. The looks of concern were evident.
"We're going on," Quinn said, "without Randy."
Cassandra's face became a grimace. Jules's face went pale. Quinn found that odd.
"Are you serious?" Cassandra uttered.
"You can't!" Jules added.
It was Quinn's turn to get a grimace.
"Did you forget he just killed two people to prove a point?" Quinn demanded.
"No," Cassandra said.
"I think he should stay," Jules added.
Quinn turned to Jules. "What does he have on you?"
"It isn't about secrets," Cassandra said.
Quinn caught that. Cassandra had a tone to her voice. He looked over at her. Her face didn't reveal anything.
"Et tu, Cassandra?" Quinn challenged.
"After Randy killed Albright," Cassandra said, "you wanted to keep him sliding. What makes this any different?"
"They were innocent people."
"And doubles of your friends," Cassandra shot back. "Look. Sorry...but we have a job to do. People do get hurt. Let's keep it moving."
"Is it that easy for you?"
"No. But it has to be," Cassandra said. "We didn't like you bringing him along.'s your turn to trust my judgement."
Quinn looked behind him. Randy had made his way to them. He looked at Quinn with a triumphant grin. Quinn felt his jaw set.
"3 to 1," Randy said. "Shall we go?"
Randy's eyes flickered open. For a moment, he couldn't remember anything.
Then...he did.
Randy shot up quickly. His first thought was that his clothes were soaked. He looked to see sand all about him. He looked forward...
...and saw nothing, but ocean.
"Oh," Randy uttered.
"You're telling me."
Randy looked behind him. Cassandra stared back at him. She was as soaked as he was, her normally curly blond hair fell about her.
"Where are we?" Randy uttered.
"It looks like an island," Cassandra said.
"That can't be. We--" Randy started, standing up.
Randy stopped talking. He let his eyes take in what was around him. And what was around him...
To his left was more sand. It was the beach that they landed on extended as far as the eye could see. Then it vanished on the horizon. In front of Randy was Cassandra...and forest. Trees that covered up whether there were any cities among them. To his right was a mirror image to what he saw on his left: sand, ocean, and trees.
"Hopefully, it's not an island," Randy finally said.
"Agreed," Cassandra said. She frowned. "How could this happened? Shouldn't there be...San Francisco here?"
"Yes," Randy said. "I'm sure we're still in our sliding radius. San Francisco...just isn't here."
Cassandra stood up. "And if you haven't realized yet...neither is Quinn or Jules."
Randy's eyes widened. Cassandra was right. There was no sign of Quinn or Jules. And if they were...dead...he was sure there would be floating bodies. They had to be somewhere, but....
Then another realization came to mind.
Quinn had the timer.
Quinn's eyes flickered open. He immediately felt pain. It ran all over his body. He wondered what he had run into to...
Then he remembered.
Water. Water all around him. It hit him with a rush, knocking him about in its tight grip. He tried to escape, but...
"So you return to the land of the living.
Quinn started to move about. He saw he was in a bed. He ignored the pain he felt to look at the speaker. The breath left him.
"Mom?" Quinn uttered.
Amanda Mallory gave Quinn a frown. "Excuse me?"
"Uh...sorry. Bump on head," Quinn covered. "Still recovering. Thought you were someone else."
"Good," Amanda said. "Because I never had kids."
Quinn tried to keep a pained look from crossing his face. On Earth Prime, he had always been close to his mother. When he started sliding, Quinn had been determined to get other. To see her staring at him like a stranger almost broke his heart.
"So," Amanda said, cutting into his thoughts, "you and your friend were a long way from land in the water. Good thing we were heading in from Honolulu. How you wind up out there?"
"Long story," Quinn remarked.
"I'll take the short version," Amanda said. "We're in the process of docking. And while you're at it..."
Amanda reached into her pocket. She looked at Quinn seriously as her hand came out of her pocket. She held the timer.
"...what is this counting down to?" Amanda asked.
Suddenly, a creaking sound echoed through the room, causing Amanda to react with a head turn. Quinn followed where her eyes went. They were on the door to the room. It was opened. And...Daelin Richards stood in it with Jules. Quinn recovered quick enough, reaching out and getting the timer from Amanda.
"Quinn!" Jules exclaimed.
"Well," Daelin said, "he woke up."
"Yes," Amanda said, her eyes narrowing. "He's awake. I thought he might say what his little device is."
"It's nothing," Quinn said, putting the timer in his pocket. He managed to get to his feet, willing the pain he felt in his body to go away. "Just one of my gadgets." He gave Daelin a smile. "I love gadgets."
"Sure does," Jules added, agreeing. "He loves to tinkle." He managed a smile for Amanda and Daelin,but Quinn's saw ominousness in his eyes. "Quinn, can we talk?"
"Sure," Quinn said quickly.
He couldn't make it out of the bedroom fast enough. It appeared they were in the deck of some oceanliner, its halls swaying to the ocean waves. When they made it to the end of the hall, Jules turned around. His eyes betrayed fear.
"I'm so glad you woke up," Jules asked. "Where is San Francisco?"
Then it hit Quinn. His eyes widened.
"What?" Jules demanded.
"We need to figure out where we are," Quinn said. "The last thing we need is to be out of our sliding radius. Maybe Randy can--" A look crossed Jules's face. Quinn frowned. "What?"
" sign of Randy," Jules said. His face darkened. "Or Cassandra."
Cassandra had been pushing through the shrubbery a little ahead of him. They had been at it for a while now. There was still no sign of any life, giving more proof to Randy that they were on an island...not good.
Cassandra stopped. She looked at him, a frown forming on her face.
"For?" Cassandra asked.
"Backing me," Randy replied. "For me staying."
Cassandra's frown became a glare.
"It wasn't for you," Cassandra said. "It was for the best interest of all of us." Her face relaxed a little. "You have always gotten the job done. Extreme what you did? Yes. Still...Quinn may have invented sliding on your world. But you take it to the next level. The one my world is interested in. All the worlds." She turned away and started to push through the bushes again. "Now let's find Jules."
"Jules?" Randy uttered.
"Excuse me?" Cassandra said.
Randy started to push forward again.
"You said Jules," Randy said.
"I did," Cassandra said.
"Will you show Quinn any love?" Randy asked, moving up to be side by side with her.
"Oh," Cassandra said. She turned a little red. "That's what I meant."
"Hmmm," Randy mumbled.
"I heard that."
"I didn't say anything."
Cassandra glared at Randy. Randy grinned back at her. The only sound was the birds overhead.
That was how it started. With Randy and Melissa. When they started sliding, they were friends. His roommate Ben Loveland had wanted a date and Randy knew her from general course classes. But as they slid together. Randy and Melissa found themselves in close moments. Of course, Richard Hall kept getting in the way, but eventually, Randy and Melissa had gotten together.
It had been downhill from there.
And yet...Melissa still got to him. That was very apparent after running into her double on Therapy World. Randy had cocooned himself into a shell of emotionless assertiveness. She got through it. Now...he was almost back to normal.
Cassandra turned away from him.
"I think I liked you better when you didn't speak.
Randy kept grinning.
"We'll find Quinn AND Jules," Randy said.
"Right," Cassandra said simply.
"Maybe you will."
Randy spun around. So did Cassandra. I was then he saw it. Somehow while Cassandra and he had been going through the bushes, they had managed to get surrounded. Randy felt like kicking himself. Instead, he looked at the leader of the group of camouflaged men.
She...was a redhead. With her long hair pulled back into a ponytail, it took Randy a few moments before he realized who it was. Judging from her look, she did not realize who he was. He must not have been born on this world.
"Maybe," Jenna Heim said, "you won't."
"So," Jenna continued, "how did you even get here? Long way from the coast."
"We washed ashore," Randy managed, the shock at seeing his sister threatening to overwhelm him.
Jenna cocked an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes," Cassandra said.
"I don't see how you even got this close alive," Jenna continued.
"Why would you say that?" Randy asked.
"Due to the traps hiding among the water," Jenna said. "And I will be asking the questions. Like...where is your boat? And did it run with or without engines?"
"And why--" Cassandra started.
The trees responded with multiple clicks. Cassandra threw up her hands quickly. Randy did the same.
"I said," Jenna said, "I ask the questions."
Cassandra glared at her. Randy looked at Jenna. He stared with such intensity that she picked up on it, her head jerking in his direction.
"Now," Jenna said, "engine or no engine?"
"No engine," Randy replied. "I was trying to see if I could man a raft and get here without it."
"Again...pretty far."
"What can I say?" Randy said with a smirk. "I like a challenge."
A few chuckles came from the bushes. He looked over at Cassandra. She looked at him with an 'are you serious?' look. He looked back at Jenna. She only looked like she would attack him at any moment.
"Lay off, Jenna."
Jenna turned around, her eyes rolling as she did so. Randy followed her eyes. He managed a grin.
Ben Loveland stared back at him. Randy pushed down his grin. Though he did think it funny that his college roommate would appear in light of him thinking of him, Randy knew now was not the time to laugh.
This world's Ben was dressed in camouflage. The sides of his head had been buzzed off, leaving only long brown hair that fell into his eyes as the wind blew. He walked up to Jenna, grinning at her like someone making light of a wrong-doing. He turned Jenna to face Randy, wrapping his arm around her.
"Drop 'em!" Ben yelled aloud.
Just like that, the bushes...the whole forest echoed with the sound of clicking. Randy looked around. He was sure it was just Ben's men unloading their weapons. He looked back at Ben and Jenna.
"You have to excuse Jenna," Ben said.
"Not likely," Jenna commented.
Ben gave her a playful squeeze. "She's a little rough around the edges, but she means well."
"I bet," Randy said.
"Why, you--" Jenna started.
Ben silenced her with a kiss. Randy felt his stomach turn. He didn't want to see his parents make out. Seeing his sister? Ewww.
"So," Ben said, turning to him, "how about a drink?"
Quinn released his jaw. It had clamped in response to what Amanda said. Which was not good news.
"You sure?" Quinn asked again.
"Positive," Amanda said. "You were lucky we were coming in from trading. Other than that, no one is allowed into the Crater."
"All the land that fell into the sea after the continent had their major shift. Where have you been?"
Quinn smiled. It was kind of funny. Even though she had some grit to her, she was still his mother.
"Quinn, ready?"
They had been walking the deck of Amanda's ship It had put in among a city which could have been any city. Except it was not San Francisco. And that was where they needed to be.
Jules stood at the top of the ramp. Daelin was also with him.
"We'll be here for a day," Daelin said. "Refueling. Restocking. If you want to come with us..."
"Uh...I think...we're good," Jules managed.
"Let's go, Jules," Quinn announced.
Jules headed down the ramp. Quinn was fast behind.
Quinn turned around. Daelin looked back at him. He saw the concern in her eyes.
"The Dominion?" Daelin uttered.
"What?" Quinn said.
"If you go looking for someone," Daelin said. "Someone crazy enough to go into the Crater...they'll be there."
"Thanks," Quinn said, grinning anew.
"So you buy their story?"
Amanda Mallory watched the two men...Quinn and Jules...walk down the ramp. They headed into town with a determined walk.
"No," Amanda said, "not at all."
"I think they bought the story," Jules said.
Quinn looked about as they walked down the dock. He didn't see anything suspicious. It was just people going about their day.
"I hope so," Quinn said, his fingers touching the timer in is pocket. "The last thing we need is another complication."
"How do we even begin to find the others?"
"I don't know, Jules," Quinn answered. "I do know we need to get back to the...Crater?"
"Yeah," Jules agreed. "Who knows if Cassandra's okay."
Quinn frowned. "And here I thought you were all about Randy staying."
Jules gave Quinn a confused expression. "Huh?"
"Nothing," Quinn said.
"That wasn't nothing," Jules shot back.
"Two people are missing," Quinn said. "Not you. Something you want to tell me?"
Jules smiled sheepishly for a moment. It made Quinn think of how Wade and he would be when they first started sliding. The 'will-they/won't-they' they had going on. Quinn grinned a little as he thought about the time Wade was into Derek Bond.
"No," Jules answered, "I don't."
Quinn threw his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Leaving it alone."
"Besides," Jules said, his face darkening, "Randy ain't in one of his...trances anymore. Maybe he'll get to the others quicker. Quick as possible. Unlike you."
Quinn frowned. "What?"
"Other than the slidecage, Quinn, what have you done lately?"
"Not gotten anyone killed," Quinn shot back.
"Low blow."
"It is what it is. But would any of this be happening...Albright, the Yuzaki, people hating us...without either of you two?"
Quinn felt like he had been hit in the face. He realized he had stopped walking. Then he started again noticing that he was moving faster than before.
"You know," Quinn said, "at this point, I just want to find Rembrandt and head home. I trust we can mount a defense against the Yuzaki there. You do remember Rembrandt, right?"
"I didn't--" Jules started.
"No!" Quinn snapped, facing Jules. "You didn't! You were able to leave. Have a life on Dark Sliders World. Not that you did anything with it apparently."
Jules's eyes got smaller, forming a darkened look at him. "Never had a chance. Then my best friend got killed."
"And I'm sorry about that," Quinn replied. "But you were out of the slidecage for what? Three years? Not my fault."
Jules stepped back as if he had been slapped hard. Quinn turned away. He stated to walk again. A few moments later, he herd other footsteps, letting him know Jules was right behind him. Jules popped up on the right of Jules.
"We all want to go home," Quinn said.
"All of you who have a home," Jules said. "You. Randy. Cassandra. Better or have homes. Me? You are my home. And it's far from normal."
"What is normal?" Quinn quipped.
"What I had on Dark Sliders World," Jules said, "was close enough."
"'s possible," Quinn said. "And I plan to get back to it."
"Don't you mean her?" Jules asked. He stopped, his eyes burning into Quinn. "Bully for you."
Jules stormed off without another word. Quinn had stopped walking. He watched Jules go, wondering what had gotten into him.
Or who.
It was all around Randy. It sounded nice. He couldn't help, but wonder when was the last time he had laughed with such freedom. With such happiness.
Those last few months on Cassandra's world. Surely Ethan and he had had a moment where...
Ethan. His mind lingered on the name. He did it reluctantly.
Ethan. Those lat months he had been too busy with Cassandra building up a defeat against the Yuzaki. Too busy creating new devices. Not that Ethan did not keep busy with training. He even became part of Cassandra's troop. Meanwhile...all Randy did...was create.
"You look worlds away."
Randy turned. Ben had managed to sit down beside him at the makeshift bar. If it had been Zoe...
"You have no idea," Randy said.
"How about you tell me?" Ben said.
"Nothing to tell," Randy replied. "Lost love. Regrets. Nuff said."
Ben grabbed up a beer. "I see." He drank. "Is that why you were out here with your filly?"
"My--Cassandra does not see me like that."
"And do you see her like that?"
"She would gut me first."
Ben arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Old enemies with a common goal."
"Which is?"
Randy drank his beer. "Gee, Ben, you ask a lot of questions?"
"But surely my way of questioning is more...pleasant than Jenna's," Ben said.
Randy's eyes narrowed on Ben. Ben continued to sit. Beer mug was to his lips. He appeared completely comfortable given what he had just said.
"A threat?" Randy uttered.
Ben stopped drinking. "Just assurance. If I don't like what comes out of your mouth. Now...what is your plan?"
"Four years," Ben uttered. "Four years since the day. The day that earthquakes took out everything on the west coast. Northern California...gone. Oregon...gone. Washington...gone. And...intellects knew. They had an inkling that it might happen. And they did nothing. All those people dad. My family dead. So...we took SoCal. And...we made a statement."
"A statement?" Randy uttered.
Ben frowned. "Maybe you were out in the water too long. As you can see...there is not too much tech here. And we keep it that any means necessary."
It was Randy's turn to frown. "Any means necess--"
"So obviously," Ben continued, cutting Randy off, "I have to question why you are here. Are you as innocent as you appear to be? Or...did someone send you to get through our defense so they can have their retribution?"
Randy started to move. "I don't--"
It came up quickly. Randy had almost no time to react. Then a small gun was aimed sideways at his face.
"Answer the question," Ben demanded. "Answer me now or I will blow you to ki--"
It was a second. He took a second. His mind stopped being about the moment and the fact there was a gun in his face. Instead, Randy saw nothing, but angles. Equations.
His head tilted. Then...he moved. He threw himself backwards, his legs shooting up. His feet grabbed Ben's gun arm. Then they knocked Ben down to the ground.
Randy blinked. The trance over, Randy looked down at his handiwork. Ben was at least alive. Good. Now where was...
"You heard the man," Jenna said, behind Randy. He was sure a gun was now aimed at the back of his head. "Answer the question."
"Well?" Jenna demanded. "I'm only going to ask you--"
"Things," Randy said, slowly angling himself to look at her, "are not always what they seem."
"From where I'm standing," Jenna said, "I beg to differ. I knew you would be trouble. And I was right."
"You don't know me," Randy said. "Not really."
"Don't want to," Jenna replied.
"Ashamed of what the truth would be?"
"Seriously, Freud? Seriously! I'm about--"
Randy looked forward again. Ben was getting to his feet again. His eyes revealed the first real signs of seriousness Randy had seen from this double. And those eyes were on Jenna.
Randy took the pause in action to look around Ben's men were realizing something was going down. He saw Cassandra a little way off. She looked alarm by what was going. There were too many men between her and the scene though.
It was just him.
"You don't really trust him, do you?" Jenna demanded. "He can't even answer a simple question."
"Doesn't matter," Ben said. His face relaxed. "The real question you trust me?"
"With my life."
"Then...put down the gun."
Seconds passed. Randy could make out the crackling of the nearby bonfire. There were a few whispers here and there about him. Cassandra looked like she was about to shoot bullets. Ben stood before Randy, his body relaxed and his eyes calm in light of the standoff taking place.
Then...Randy heard an un-clicking sound. He didn't feel like a gun was pointed at is head anymore. He did feel Jenna glaring however.
"Now," Ben said, his eyes back on Randy, "would be a good time to answer the question. Unless you want Jenna to...ask again."
"I definitely don't mind," Jenna said.
Randy spun around. Jenna stared back at him, a 'don't mess with me' look on her face. For a moment, Randy found himself shocked by how different this Jenna was different from the kid sister he got to know on Earth Prime.
"Not necessary," Randy replied. He looked at Ben again. "Our boat? No engine. Just simple maneuvering between me and Cassandra. We had an accident and got separated from our friends. This was the nearest spot. I...tinker. So...I made it through your defenses. Waves did me in anyway. We just want to find our friends. That's it. So...believe me?"
Ben's eyes grew intense. They never left Randy's face though, reminding him of a wild animal about to strike. Randy kept still, his eyes even back on Ben.
Ben turned around. Randy followed when he was looking. One of Ben's men walked up to him. He was well-built and dressed in the same camouflage like everyone else. He whispered in Ben's ear. Ben shot Randy a look. Then he whispered back to his man. The man dashed away.
"Well," Ben said, looking at Randy again, "looks like I have something to show you."
Quinn opened the door. He was used to the usual Dominion Hotel lobby. He was used to Gomez Calhoun being at the desk, ready to check in guests. Occasionally, there was a bar on some worlds.
This Dominion?
All bar.
Where the check in counter would be was the bar. At the moment, the bar was packed with sailors, low-class thugs, and a few construction workers.
Tables were full of more of the same. Quinn could make out more dockmen though.They joked around and chattered about their day.
"So...where do we start?"
Quinn looked over at Jules. It was the first thing he had said since they argued. He looked over at the bar.
"We make friends," Quinn said.
He headed for the crowded bar. It didn't look like anyone was about to get up any time soon. He reached between two old men who sat at the bar. Then he managed to squeeze between them, happy they were involved in two different conversations. He looked around for the bartender. He saw her and tensed up.
Her name was Dru Preston. Most worlds Quinn and the others have encountered her on, Dru was a tough street smart black woman. There was even one that had slid with them for a time that was part of a gang. She and the gang members...which included a double of Randy's brother...were very dangerous. Judging fro her black tank-top and leather pants, Dru looked like a dangerous woman on this world, too.
"Can I help you?" Dru asked, standing in front of Quinn.
"I hope so," Quinn said. "We're looking for someone."
Dru gave a smirk. "Who isn't?"
Quinn managed a laugh. "Missing friends. We were boating, and it had an accident. We lost them in...what was it called, Jules?"
"The Crater," Jules said from behind Quinn.
Dru's face lost its smirk. "What you know about the Crater?"
"Enough that our friends are there," Quinn said.
"Your friends," Dru said, "are probably dead."
"No," Jules cried.
Dru looked past Quinn. "Sorry, Stud."
"You don't know our friends," Quinn said.
Dru leaned on the bar. She stared Quinn down. He saw the hint of a challenge in her eyes.
"But I know the Crater," Dru replied.
"Good," Quinn said, leaning forward with his eyes still on her. "You can take us there."
Dru laughed. "You serious?"
"We have it on good authority, this is the place to get a boat out there."
"Then someone lied."
"I don't know Daelin Richards to lie."
Dru looked taken aback. Then she gestured her head to the right.
"Guy in the corner," Dru said.
"Just like that?" Jules uttered.
"I trust Daelin to know what she's doing, Stud," Dru gave Quinn. "I still think your friends are shark meat."
"We'll see," Quinn said. "Thanks."
He moved along the bar. Sure enough, there was a lone man sitting at a table by himself. Empty beer mugs littered the table in front of him. Meanwhile, the man had his forehead on the table like he was sleeping at the table. A cowboy hat covered his face.
"Hey!" Quinn exclaimed.
"Go...away," came from the table.
"Daelin Richards sent me," Quinn said.
"We need to get to the Crater," Jules added.
The man looked up. Quinn's jaw dropped. Conrad Bennish, Jr. frowned at the expression on Quinn's face.
"What?" Bennish asked. "Is there drool on my face again?"
Randy's eyes widened as he saw them. Given what he had seen so far, it was unexpected. It meant technology was here.
And the roar of the planes grew close, Meanwhile, Ben and Jenna stared over the shoulder of their tech...a red-haired guy with glasses.
"You would think they knew better," Jenna commented.
"Agreed," Ben said.
"They're closing pretty fast, too," the tech said. He looked up at Ben. "Think they raised your bounty?"
"Revenge is the dish, Mitch," Ben said. He looked over at Randy. "Or maybe they really want their mole."
"He that important?" Jenna asked.
"I'm not a mole," Randy said.
"Then why are you here?" Jenna demanded.
"He told you," Cassandra said, standing next to Randy. "We are here by accident."
"Hm. Happy accident."
"You only see what you want to see."
"No. I see--"
"Enough," Ben calmly snapped.
"Orders, Boss?" Mitch asked.
Ben kept his eyes on Randy. There was a darkened look to them that Randy was not liking.
"You know," Ben said, "There sure does seem to be a lot of people heading here since you showed up. Before that, we were an island onto ourselves. So...these planes looking for you?"
Randy narrowed his eyes on Ben. "No."
"Why should we even believe him?" Jenna said.
"Because he's telling the truth," Cassandra countered.
Jenna threw a look at Cassandra. "You would say that."
"Yes," Ben said, "she would." He glared at Randy. "So would you."
"'s the truth," Randy said. "You can believe me. Or not."
Ben's jaw set for a moment. Silence filled the room. Ben released his jaw. He put a hand on Mitch's shoulder.
"Mitch," Ben said, "fire."
"What?" Randy exclaimed. "You--"
Suddenly, a roar sounded through the air. It grew louder and louder. The room stared to shake. Randy steadied himself quickly, his eyes shooting over to Cassandra. She had made it to a wall, steadying herself.
The shaking grew worse. Then...slowly the roaring grew softer. It was farther away. The rooms started to stop shaking.
"Missiles away," Mitch announced.
Randy's head spun in Ben's direction. Ben was standing tall again. A smile crept onto his face as he looked at Randy.
"Yes," Ben said. "Missiles." His smile became a smirk. "How do you think we get by on such little tech. Technology could spread quickly. Like a virus. Or a weed in a garden. We root it out."
"You just killed people!" Cassandra cried.
"People that knew better," Ben said. He looked at Randy again. "Especially if they were coming to get you."
"Well, people are going to come get us, Randy said.
"And they will suffer the same fate as those planes," Ben said.
As if on cue, Randy's ears heard it. An explosion hit them like a son attack. It was followed by another explosion. That was followed still by another. Randy's eyes widened as he listened, worry creeping up his spine. If Quinn or Jules were on those planes...
"Why are you here?"
Randy came out of his thoughts. Ben was in his face. His dark eyes were like a man possessed. crazed. Randy stepped back.
"I told you--" Randy started.
"I don't believe you," Ben said.
"Not my fault," Randy shot back.
"It's about to be."
Randy glared. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Randy turned away from Ben. Jenna had a gun to Cassandra's head. Randy could make out the fear in her eyes as Jenna held her fast with one hand and the gun to her head in the other.
"It means," Jenna said, "that it's time we see how 'little' you care about this one."
Quinn stood on the deck. His hands held the rail. In the distance, he made out the islands. Bennish had said they passed the 'line' to the Crater a while ago. It was just a matter of manuevering the traps which Bennish said he knew how...but wouldn't say how.
"I don't trust it."
Quinn turned a little to see Jules starting to lean on the rail. His eyes were on the island as well.
"What?" Quinn asked.
"If there are all these traps," Jules said, "how does he know to get past it?"
"I was thinking the same thing," Quinn said. He looked at the island again. "What choice do we--"
Then Quinn heard it. It was a clicking. It was followed by another clicking. Then it sped up.
"Do you hear--" Quinn started.
Then the ship they were on shook. Suddenly, the boat jerked left sharply. Quinn started to fall. He gripped the rail as he slid down. His head hit it, pain spiking along his forehead. However, Quinn regained his footing.
"Jules! are you--"
Quinn stopped talking. Jules was unconscious on the deck. Great. The sound of a motor appeared out of the air. Quinn looked out on the water. He could make out Bennish on a scuba boat.
"What in--"
"I gave him a reason to jump ship."
Quinn turned around. His eyes widened on the red-haired woman in front of him. She stared back with a sly grin on her face.
"Zoe," Quinn uttered.
"You don't get that option," Zoe said.
She pulled out a device. Before Quinn could do anything, Zoe pulled it. Quinn heard a whir. Then the sky torn apart before him.
The water.
Quinn was beneath it.
If he had not hit his head right before, he was sure he would swim to safety. Instead, he sank fast.
Quinn tried to struggle upward. But...his mind was not doing what he wanted it to do. Instead, he continued to descend down into the depths.
He remembered how he got here.
He sunk deeper into the depths.
"This is your last time," Ben said.
"You have lost your minds being out here so long," Cassandra said.
"Shut up!" Jenna snapped.
Randy did not know what to say. Ben and the others were not listening to him. He knew he was not about to say they were from a parallel Earth.
"This one," Ben gestured to Cassandra behind him. "You don't like her. So it shouldn't matter if Jenna blows her brains out. Or is that all another lie?"
"Not a lie," Randy said.
"But I have grown to care bout her," Randy said. "And she has grown to like someone." He looked at her. "Even if she won't admit it."
Cassandra glared at Randy. She would have to hit him later. Randy looked back at Ben, his glaze steely.
"There's no reason for this," Randy said. "It won't bring your family back."
Ben stiffened at the mention of his family. His face became a dark mask of angst. He shook it away.
"Nice try," Ben said. "Just more reason you must have been sent him."
"You are going to believe what you want to believe," Randy said. "Jenna, pull the trigger."
"Excuse me?" Jenna barked. "I don't take orders from--"
"All your talk of killing, and you now flinch?" Randy challenged.
"Hey, now--"
"Shoot her!" Randy barked. "Shoot Cassandra."
Randy looked away from Ben. Jenna stared at Ben, the confusion all over her face.
"What do--" Jenna started.
Suddenly, Cassandra elbowed her in the side. Jenna stumbled backwards. Before Jenna could recover, Cassandra had spun around, swinging her hand as it turned into a fist. She got Jenna in the face. Jenna fell to the floor unconscious.
"Jenna!" Ben yelled. He pulled out a gun. He aimed at Cassandra. "You are--"
Randy kicked Ben. He doubled over in pain. Randy punched him in the jaw. He quickly turned on Mitch.
"Don't hurt me!" Mitch exclaimed. "Love my face!"
Quinn's eyes flickered. His head throbbed. He reached up to rub his head. That railing really did a number on his...
Quinn jerked up. He had been on a boat. Zoe had showed. Somehow she had persuaded Bennish to jump ship. Then...she used a vortex to rip the ship part. She vanished. And Quinn...should be dead.
But...he wasn't.
How? Jules and he--
His eyes widened. They looked around like a spotlight on an actor. They saw that Quinn was soaked on a beach. It was lined with nothing, but trees as far as his eyes could see.
Then he saw Jules. He laid on his stomach among the sand. Like Quinn, he was soaked. Unlike Quinn, Jules's mouth was ajar as he went into a seizure.
"Jules!" Quinn yelled.
"So you were going to let them shoot me?"
Randy stared over at Cassandra. He felt the frown grow on his face.
"Cassandra, really?" Randy asked. "We're getting chased and you pick NOW to ask that?"
"Well, if we did," Cassandra said, pushing past him, "at least I know where I stand with you."
"Our relationship has always been...gray."
Cassandra stopped. She looked at him.
"Did you not slide to my world and pretend to be my world's Randy?" she asked.
"And did you not hunt me down since?" Randy shot back. "We have always had a connection. Ever since that one version of you predicted I would die a long time ago. And your prediction..about Ethan."
For a moment, Cassandra's face darkened. She looked away quickly. Randy felt his eyes water. Just thinkng about him...all the lost to Randy. He was so busy on dealing with the Yuzaki.
"We want the same thing," Randy said. "The Yuzaki defeated. with me...or Quinn?"
The bushes ripped with movement. Randy turned quickly. The figure of a man appeared. More figures appeared by him. Randy's eyes narrowed on them.
Ben's men.
Suddenly, a scream rattled out through the bushes. The men turned around to look at the commotion. One of the men suddenly went down. Another of Ben's men ran for the commotion. A figure shot up and hit him. The trooper fell back, a dagger in the throat. The last man lunged at the figure. The figure dodged him easily, his moves like a dancer as he spun around the man. He grabbed him from behind. He snapped his neck.
"Quinn?" Cassandra uttered.
The figure turned around. Randy felt himself step backwards. Shock washed over his face, emotions hitting him from all sides.
"E-Ethan?" Randy asked.
Ethan Bradshaw stared back at Randy, a gun in one hand. His eyes shined with such happiness. His jet-black hair was cropped. He smiled, his beard making Randy think of a vet back from the war.
"Hey, Randy," Ethan said. "After a lot of slides, I finally found you! Miss me?"
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