SEPTEMBER 11, 2013

SHIFTS has been posted.

Meanwhile, DIVERGENCE can now be found under the SEASON 8 page.

AUGUST 28, 2013

I did some final formatting to DIVERGENCE.

AUGUST 19, 2013

DIVERGENCE has been posted to the main page.

FORGET ME NOTS can be found under the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

AUGUST 12, 2013

FORGET ME NOTS has been posted on the main page.

SHADOW OF A DOUBT has been moved to the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

AUGUST 7, 2013

MAIN PAGE has been updated.

JULY 25, 2013


TRIAL OF THE CENTURY is NOW on the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

MAY 13, 2013

TRIAL OF THE CENTURY has been moved to the SEASON 8 section.

SHADOW OF A DOUBT has been posted on the main page.

I also added the last titles of Season 8 on the SEASON 8 page.

APRIL 27, 2013

A MATTER OF FAITH has been moved to the SEASON 8 section.

TRIAL OF THE CENTURY has been posted on the main page.

Also, loglines for some of the next few stories can be found in the SEASON 8 section.

MARCH 12, 2013


Meanwhile, A MATTER OF FAITH was posted on the main page.

I also added some upcoming titles to the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

FEBRUARY 21, 2013

A MATTER OF DOUBLES was moved to the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.


FEBRUARY 13, 2013

OFF THE GRID was moved to the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

A MATTER OF DOUBLES was posted to the main page.

FEBRUARY 1, 2013

OFF THE GRID was posted to the main page.

Meanwhile, NEW DAWN is now in the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

JANUARY 31, 2013

I added some titles to the SEASON 8 section of the webpage.

I also updated the CHARACTERS page.

DECEMBER 19, 2012

I created a SEASON 8 section to the page.

Also THE TRAVELER is now in that section.

Meanwhile, new story NEW DAWN is on the main page.

NOVEMBER 26, 2012

CROSSROADS was moved to the SEASON 7 section of the webpage.

Meanwhile, THE TRAVELER is on the main page.

OCTOBER 11, 2012

I did the first update for Season 8 with a logline for the opener THE TRAVELER.

SEPTEMBER 30, 2012

I created a link for CROSSROADS to the SEASON 7 page of the page.

I also did a few updates for SEASON 8.

MARCH 28, 2012

CROSSROADS was posted to the main page.

SIDES is now under the SEASON 7 section of the webpage.

AUGUST 27, 2011

SIDE is posted on the main page.

Meanwhile MANIFESTO is now under the SEASON 7 section.

JULY 5, 2011

MANIFESTO has been posted to the main page.

Meanwhile, PIECES has been moved to the SEASON 7 section.

I also added some loglines and titles to the SEASON 7 section.

JUNE 21, 2011

PIECES has been posted to the main page.

OUT OF GAS has been moved to the SEASON 7 section.

MAY 29, 2011

OUT OF GAS was posted on the main page.

Meanwhile THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY is now under the SEASON 7 section.

MARCH 31, 2011

THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY was posted on MARCH 30. The final edits were finished today.

Meanwhile A GAME OF YOU can be found under the SEASON 7 section.

FEBRUARY 27, 2011

I did some more formatting on A GAME OF YOU.

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

A GAME OF YOU has been posted to the main page.

Meanwhile ROADS NOT TAKEN AND OTHER PATHS is under the SEASON 7 section.

FEBRUARY 5, 2011

ROADS NOT TAKEN AND OTHER PATHS has been posted on the main page.

Meanwhile, DARKEN TECHNOLOGY has been moved to the SEASON 7 section. And loglines and upcoming titles have been added to the section as well.

NOVEMBER 20, 2010

DARKEN TECHNOLOGY has been finally edited completely and posted.

THE TURTLE AND THE SCORPION is now under the SEASON 7 section.

OCTOBER 7, 2010

THE TURTLE AND THE SCORPION has been posted on the main page.

Meanwhile, CHECKMATE is now under the SEASON 7 section.

AUGUST 23, 2010

CHECKMATE has been posted on the main page.

A GAME OF CHESS has been moved to the SEASON 7 section.

Also new titles have been added to the SEASON 7 section.

JULY 17, 2010

A GAME OF CHESS was posted.

APRIL 24, 2010

I just added some loglines to the main page and the SEASON 7 section.

APRIL 15, 2010

NEMESIS was posted.

MARCH 10, 2010

REGRETS was posted.

FEBRUARY 18, 2010

SOLITAIRE was posted.

FEBRUARY 7, 2010

Just did some editing touches on THE VALLEY.

FEBRUARY 4, 2010

THE VALLEY is on the main page.

DECEMBER 26, 2009

NEW ORDER is posted on the main page.

Meanwhile, SOULMATES is now under the Season 7 section.

DECEMBER 20, 2009

I put new episode titles under the SEASON 7 section.

DECEMBER 19, 2009

New story SOULMATES is up on the main page.

OCTOBER 14, 2009

WHAT'S IN A REVOLUTION? is up on the main page.

CONQUEROR OF WORLDS (PART 2) can be found under the SEASON 7 page.

OCTOBER 1, 2009

Main page was updated.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2009

I put the finishing touches on CONQUEROR OF WORLDS (PART 2).

I also updated the CHARACTERS page.

AUGUST 30, 2009

SEASON 7 PRIMER has been posted on the main page.

Also the main page has been updated.

A Season 7 section has been created under the PAST SEASONS section of the webpage.

AUGUST 23, 2009

Main page was updated.

AUGUST 10, 2009

I updated the main page.

JUNE 24, 2009

I updated the main page.

Season 7 should start some time next month.

MAY 9, 2009

I did an update on the main page.

JANUARY 19, 2009

I just did a brief update.

FONT SIZE="5">JULY 13, 2008

The sixth season finale CONQUEROR OF WORLDS was posted.

Season six is over. Nothing to see here. Move along...

JUNE 22, 2008

After many delays, RECONSTRUCTED has been posted.

DIE ALREADY! can be found in the Season Six section of the webpage.

MAY 25, 2008

DIE ALREADY! has been posted.

MAY 4, 2008

CHARACTERS page was updated to reflect the current group of sliders.

I also did some more editing on LEFT BEHIND.

MAY 3, 2008

LEFT BEHIND has been posted.

ELEVATED TENSION can be found in the SEASON SIX section.

APRIL 16, 2008


MARCH 25, 2008

THE HUNTING PARTY is on the main page. Meanwhile AFFIRMATIVE DISACTION (along with some new Season Six titles) is under the Season Six page.

JANUARY 2, 2008

LIMB ENVY is posted.

DECEMBER 14, 2007

Updated the main page for the next new episode.

I also updated the CHARACTERS page to reflect the current sliding group.

NOVEMBER 30, 2007

After another delay, LAST CON STANDING is on the main page. ETERNAL can be found under the SEASON 6 section of PAST SEASONS.

NOVEMBER 13, 2007

After a delay, ETERNAL is on the main page while DARK SHIFTS is under Season 6 section.

I apologize for the computer filter which has made some of the words vanish. Will be editing in a few days.

NOVEMBER 3, 2007

DARK SHIFTS has been posted on the main page.

SEASON SIX section is up and running. BRAVE NEW POST-SLIDING WORLD can be found there.

OCTOBER 28, 2007

BRAVE NEW POST-SLIDING WORLD has been posted to the main page. Meaning...Season Six has started.

Also I updated the CHARACTERS page to get up-to-date on who the characters (old and new) are.

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE part 2 can be found under the Season 5 section.

OCTOBER 17, 2007

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE part 2 has been reposted on the main page.

OCTOBER 12, 2007

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE part 1 has been reposted on the main page.

OCTOBER 1, 2007

Updated the main page for Season Six.

MAY 30, 2007

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (PART 2) has been posted.

MAY 22, 2007

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (PART 1) has been posted.

MAY 12, 2007


MAY 5, 2007

BETWEEN TWO EVILS has been edited.

MAY 4, 2007

BETWEEN TWO EVILS has been posted. WHY WAIT? is under the SEASON 5 section.

APRIL 24, 2007

WHY WAIT? was finally posted and edited.

SPLIT is under the SEASON 5 section.

APRIL 14, 2007

SPLIT was posted and final edit was done on it. Meanwhile, THE LINE is under the SEASON 5 section.

MARCH 30, 2007

I updated the main page for SPLIT.

MARCH 24, 2007

I finished the final editing bits on THE LINE. Meanwhile, INTO THE ETHER can be found under the SEASON 5 section.

MARCH 23, 2007

THE LINE has been posted.

MARCH 19, 2007

Updated the main page for the new story THE LINE.

FEBRUARY 17, 2007

Final editing on SHARDS has been completed. And it is currently on the main page.

WHAT'S MY STORY? can be found in the Season 5 section.

FEBRUARY 10, 2007

WHAT'S MY STORY? has been posted.

Meanwhile, SPECIMEN is under the Season 5 section.

FEBRUARY 3, 2007

SPECIMEN has been posted on the main page. Enjoy.

JANUARY 26, 2007

Main page updated for the next bunch of episodes.

JANUARY 6, 2007

Did editing on BROTHERHOOD. Also updated CHARACTERS page.

JANUARY 5, 2007

BROTHERHOOD has been posted. GHOSTS is in the Season 5 section.

DECEMBER 23, 2006

Added episode titles to the Season 5 page.

Moved ...WHAT NOW over to the Season 5 page.

Updated the main page with GHOSTS as well as the logline for BROTHERHOOD.

DECEMBER 20, 2006

Added the logline for GHOSTS.

DECEMBER 11, 2006

...WHAT NOW has been edited and posted on the main page. NOW THAT WE under the Season 5 section of the webpage.

DECEMBER 5, 2006

I added the logline for ...WHAT NOW.

NOVEMBER 21, 2006

NOW THAT WE KNOW... has been posted on the main page. Also the CHARACTERS page has been updated so get everyone up to speed.

NOVEMBER 15, 2006

I continued with the updating of the main page.

NOVEMBER 13, 2006

Updated the main page for the coming season.

JUNE 30, 2006

Finished the editing on PARADOX.

JUNE 28, 2006

PARADOX is up on the main page.

JUNE 6, 2006

RUSH is posted completely now. TURNABOUT can be found in the SEASON 4 section.

MAY 4, 2006

After much delay, TURNABOUT is posted on the main page. HALF-LIFE can now be found in the SEASON 4 section of SEASONS.

APRIL 22, 2006

Finished the editing on HALF-LIFE.

APRIL 21, 2006

HALF-LIFE is up!!!

APRIL 14, 2006

Updated main page to show that HALF-LIFE is getting postponed by a week due to business.

APRIL 7, 2006

Updated main page to get ready for the new stories again.

MARCH 28, 2006

I edited the main page so I can get it ready to post new stories.

MARCH 2, 2006

The final edits have been done on SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT. I also added the logline to HALF-LIFE on the main page. And I updated the SEASON 4 page.

FEBRUARY 24, 2006

SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT is up on the main page. Meanwhile, PURCHASE is under the Season 4 section.

FEBRUARY 15, 2006

PURCHASE has been posted. Meanwhile THE BEAUTIFUL ONES is now under the Season 4 section.

FEBRUARY 9, 2006

I finish the editing on THE BEAUTIFUL ONES.

FEBRUARY 8, 2006

THE BEAUTIFUL ONES has been posted on the main page. Meanwhile THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND HER is in the SEASON 4 section.

FEBRUARY 2, 2006

I updated the main page for the next new episode coming up next week...THE BEAUTIFUL ONES.

JANUARY 4, 2006

The main page has been updated for the new year.

DECEMBER 11, 2005


DECEMBER 1, 2005

CROSSED WIRES is now online. Meanwhile, WANTED is now in the SEASON 4 section on the webpage.

NOVEMBER 15, 2005

I updated the main page with the logline for CROSSED WIRES.

NOVEMBER 13, 2005

I edited some of the stuff under WANTED.

NOVEMBER 10, 2005

WANTED is posted. Meanwhile, THEORY OF MIND is in the SEASON 4 section.

OCTOBER 19, 2005

Due to my move to San Diego, I pushed back WANTED to November. However, information about it is on the main page. Also some new Season 4 titles are up in the SEASON 4 section.

OCTOBER 11, 2005

I put some finishing editing touches on THEORY OF MIND. I also created a link to the SEASON 4 section of the PAST SEASONS section.

OCTOBER 10, 2005

I went ahead and posted up THEORY OF MIND. Meanwhile, THE DESIGN is in the SEASON 4 section.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2005

THE DESIGN has been posted on the main page. Meanwhile, ALTERED STATES goes to the SEASON 4 section.


ALTERED STATES has been posted. Meanwhile HOLLYWOOD CHIC is under the SEASON 4 section.


I just adjusted the main page to reflect the fact that ALTERED STATES is about to be posted.

AUGUST 2, 2005

IF I NEVER KNEW YOU has been moved to the SEASON 4 section. Meanwhile, HOLLYWOOD CHIC is posted on the main page.

JULY 17, 2005

IF I NEVER KNEW YOU has been posted to the main section. Meanwhile, THE PRIMER has been moved to the Season 4 section. Also I added loglines to the Season 2 stories. Also some upcoming titles for S4 stories can be found under the SEASON 4 section.

JULY 15, 2005

Updated the CHARACTERS section with the new group for this season along with their info. I also updated the main page to reflect what's coming this season.

JULY 6, 2005

THE PRIMER has been posted to the site. Started to work on a Season 4 page.

JUNE 20, 2005

Oops!! Well, it appears that I forgot to create the link between DARKEST HOUR and the text. So...I've gone ahead and posted up ENDGAME.

Look for major updates coming soon!!!

JUNE 13, 2005

After a unexpected hiatus, the rerunning of Season 3 continues with DARKEST HOUR. Main page has also been updated with brief Season 4 stuff.

MAY 23, 2005

DEADLIEST OF THE SPECIES is now back up on the main page.

MAY 13, 2005

...ONE WAS LOST has been posted to the main page. Also a month has been named for when the new season starts.

MAY 3, 2005

The rerunning of the first two-parter has started with TO THE ONES...

APRIL 25, 2005

ETERNITY is back up at the main page.

APRIL 11, 2005

The rerunning of Season 3 continues with TARGET AUDIENCE.

Also all of the Season 3 Taglines are up in the Season 3 Section. Along with that the Season 1 Taglines are up in the Season 1 Section. Want to start at the beginning, but don't know what the stories (or some of the worlds) are about? Now you know. Enjoy.

APRIL 4, 2005

The rerunning of Season 3 continues with REPRISE which has been added to the main page.

MARCH 15, 2005

And the rerunning of Season 3 continues with SKIN DEEP. Also added some more loglines to Season 3 episodes.

MARCH 6, 2005

I just put up another repeat EDGE. I also started adding the loglines to the first Season 3 episodes.

FEBRUARY 22, 2005

ENDGAME has been added to the Season 3 page. Also put all of the past seasons of ALTERNATE SPIN on a separate page for PAST SEASONS. From here on out, will start to add loglines to the past seasons.

FEBRUARY 9, 2005

Just updated the main page in preparation for the rerun period for Season 3.

FEBRUARY 1, 2005

ENDGAME has posted!!! So endth Season 3 of ALTERNATE SPIN.

Also DARKEST HOUR has been moved to the SEASON 3 section.

JANUARY 25, 2005

DARKEST HOUR has been edited and posted on the site.

JANUARY 21, 2005

DEADLIEST OF THE SPECIES has been moved to the SEASON 3 section of the webpage. Editing will be done on DARKEST HOUR tomorrow so the main page has been set up for it.

JANUARY 13, 2005

I just updated the main page for the last two stories coming out.

DECEMBER 8, 2004

Finished up editing up DEADLIEST OF THE SPECIES on the main page. Also added the episode titles for the last two season three episode (which are subject to change).

DECEMBER 7, 2004

The new story DEADLIEST OF THE SPECIES has been posted. You can find PHOENIX RISING over in the Season 3 section of the webpage.

OCTOBER 26, 2004

I just reposted ADVERSARY.

OCTOBER 19, 2004

The reruns continue with ...ONE WAS LOST (Part 2).

OCTOBER 11, 2004

BUILDING A MYSTERY has been moved to the Season 3 section. Meanwhile, we start a short rerun cycle with TO THE ONES...(part 1).

OCTOBER 1, 2004

BUILDING A MYSTERY has been posted.

SEPTEMBER 28, 2004

The main page has been updated for BUILDING A MYSTERY's release date (this Friday). Also EVOLUTIONARY CURVE is now on the Season 3 page.

JULY 31, 2004

EVOLUTIONARY CURVE has been posted.

JULY 28, 2004

SOUL OF AN ARTIST has been moved to the Season 3 section as the main page is updated for the next set of new Season 3 stories.

JUNE 4, 2004

THE SOUL OF AN ARTIST is now been posted.

APRIL 26, 2004

As of this date, I'm going to have to postpone THE SOUL OF AN ARTIST. Finals is coming up here, along with a new job with me working third shift (something I haven't had to do since sophomore year) so I'm going to postpone the new stories for the next two weeks.

APRIL 6, 2004

I just finished the editing touches on ADVERSARY (which has been up for a week). Now there's a rerun coming up this week. Then it's back to a new episode, THE SOUL OF AN ARTIST.

MARCH 25 2004

...ONE WAS LOST has been posted on the main page. I apologize for the lateness. ADVERSARY should be posted next week.

MARCH 1 2004

...ONE WAS LOST has been postponed for a few days due to me having a lot of English papers due and Biology work to work on. It should be up as soon as I can post it.

FEBRUARY 23 2004

ETERNITY has been moved to the SEASON 3 section. Meanwhile after a three day delay, TO THE ONES... is up.



JANUARY 30 2004

Wow! It's been a while. Well, I've been going through the rerun period, but next week, it'll be over so look for some new episodes!!!

JANUARY 7 2004

Well, it has been a while!!! *s*

And order to make February Sweeps...well...February Sweeps...I pushed FRENCH AND INDIANS back to the start of February. Along with ETERNITY.

Does that mean that the webpage will be lazy? No. Far from it. Look for the Character page to be updated. As well as the links page.

And as for this month, reruns. So updates will be more frequent, perparing the way to February where one of the sliders won't be making it through the month alive.

*laughs evilly*


Due to finals coming up, FRENCH AND INDIANS will be late. As soon as it's posted, I will let everyone know.


TARGET AUIDENCE is now up on the main page. Also future titles for some of the new few episodes (if you're curious) can be found under the Season 3 section. FRENCHS AND INDIANS looks like it's going to be posted this weekend due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


And WHAT IF REPRISE is finally up. And barring schoolwork (I have papers and projects due), TARGET AUDIENCE will be up this weekend.


Wow! It's been a while...*s*

I decided to push WHAT IF REPRISE back to November (due to college and work) and make that a month of new episodes. Think of it like November sweeps for the show.

Until then, I'm reposting the first few episodes of Season 3 to get everyone back up to date on what's been going on with Randy, Richard, Brown, and the rest. I hope everyone enjoy and keep reading.


DOUBLE, DOUBLE has been posted. Nuff said.


And heavy rain continues to knock my posting schedule off. However, SKIN DEEP has been posted. From here on out (barring weather) a new story every two weeks around Friday.

Hopefully, the two weeks gap will allow me to catch up.


Heavy rain and tornadoes and work have knocked me off a week so SKIN DEEP should be up tomorrow. After that, a story every two weeks.

MAY 30

Well, EDGE has been posted. The CHARACTERS page has been updated up to the end of Season 2 with the main and recurring characters. And the SEASON 3 page is now up.


Well, it has been a while hasn't it?

Still working on updating and have rescheduled EDGE which I still haven't posted yet. It should be up sooner rather than later.


Well, now my mother is slowly doing better, I've moved, and exams are over so I'm making time to update the page again.

First up, posting EDGE. Main page has been updated. Working on CHARACTERS page now. Look for a rogue gallery to pop up in the coming weeks.


After much agonizing and annoyance, I have decide to postpone posting EDGE. It would take a while for me to get it done correctly and sadly, I'm too busy at the moment to get it done. At the moment, I have exams coming up, I have to move, and my mother is not as out of the woods as I thought. So rather than do a sloppy job on the page or with the stories...I have postponed everything indefinitely.

As soon as things have changed...I will let everyone know. Thank you for you patience.


My mother is doing better now so AGENDA is finally posted. EDGE should be up next week.


It figures that I can't start a season without something coming up. It must be my krama.

In any case, I have to postpone AGENDA until Monday due to circumstances in my life that I do not feel like getting into. So it'll be up on Monday.

Thanks all for bearing with me and see you on Monday.


Well, the main page has been updated a little bit. And I added on a Season 3 section. Look forward to the new story at the end of the month.


Wow! It's been a while since I updated. At the moment, I'm in the midst of finals so I don't have much to say except that story is currently being broken down and character arcs decided on.

And as for who's lips are sealed.


RECKONINGS is up!!! SEASON 2 is officially over. I would love to hear thoughts...when I come back from my much needed vacation.

Later, guys!!


I apologize again, but RECKONINGS will be posted later in the week due to school relation stuff. I hope everyone can wait until then to find out the fate of Quinn Mallory.


MEMORIES is up. I hope that everyone enjoys and see the nod to AMOL and BAF back at the beginning of the season.

So then there was one. RECKONINGS should be up on Monday.


I'll have to deal with rain, work, power outage, crazy phones, and everything that can been thrown at me, but HAUNTING PASTS will finally posted. Hopefully, none of the above will stop me from posting MEMORIES this week. *s*


Sadly, I have a test to study for as well as I have to go out of town so I have no time to post HAUNTING PASTS. Look for it at the beginning of next week with the next story still coming out on next Friday. Think of it as two for one.


And AS is back with a new story!!! Yes, PROBE is actually posted.


So today is the week!!! A new episode of AS is about to come out. PROBE should be online Friday so be on the lookout.


The move was fairly successful to Little Rock. It's taken some time to get to a library, but I have. And College started today so it's been great to be back after my big year off.

How did I spend my summer vacation? I lost my email addy to this site so some of my stuff is lost. However, the last four stories are done...except for the finale. So you can look for them next month with Season 3 starting late in November.


LEGACY is up!!! And it will probably be one of my last updates before my big move to Little Rock. So the last four episodes of this season have been pushed back.

After I'm settled, look forward to all of the loose ends of the last two years to come to an...interesting conclusion. And to tie everyone are the titles of the last four...dissect them and their meanings to your heart's content.

RECKONINGS (s2 finale)


WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE has been posted. LEGACY will be up as soon as possible. Looking forward to maybe doing a double feature some time in the next few weeks perhaps....haven't decided yet.

Birthday just passed so I'm happy to make it another year. It's just that I'm down to the wire to finish this season off before the big move at the end of the month (I'm moving to Little Rock, AR from Jonesboro, AR). Over the next two weeks be on the lookout for new stories and surprises.

And as always wish AS a happy two year anniversary!!! and keep sliding!!!

PS. Look at FARSCAPE. New season has started and looks great so far.

MAY 30

Better late than never.

THAT'S RIIIGGGHHHTTT!!! ADJUSTMENTS has been posted. Now I have to find the time to post WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE (since it's already written). Look for it in the next couple of days.

After that I'll be getting ready for AS's second anniversary which is next month. I intend to go back to doing what I did when I first started the site...basically putting out stories again every week like I did then. I also did this experiment back in January to happy applause from the fans.

For the final five episodes after WTWTA, expected surprises, reunions, and twists that lay the groundwork for what I have planned for Season 3 (coming in the fall). Keep on sliding.

MAY 25

And the delays have paid off. Look for ADJUSTMENTS to finally be posted tomorrow, followed closely by the next story.

I'm getting ready to move to look for the season to conclude before I go.


Sorry about the delay in ADJUSTMENTS. I've been working on my first novel (which is about to get done finally) so I had to put off posting ADJUSTMENTS by a week. It should be up by this weekend though so be sure to come back and check it out.


Yeah, it's been a while, but a new story is up. The resolution to THE CROSSING will be up in April. Hope everyone enjoys it.


VIRUS is up!!! Beware of how things are working because Angelfire thought something was wrong with the site. If anything's wrong, email me at or message me on the Slider board.

I hope everything like VIRUS and will be back for THE CROSSING.


VIRUS was suppose to be up a few weeks back, but real life stuff go in the way (isn't that the way it always is?). However, this should be the week that it finally gets posted.

After that, THE CROSSING is the next story and it will be posted two weeks after this week. Be on the lookout for it because it changes everything.


THE MALLORY CHRONICLES was finally posted after being a few days late due to a scheduling conflict at work. VIRUS should be out this week. Some finishing editing over TMC should also be done this week.


Annnnddddd I, DEATH is up a day later than I planned. PARENTEAGE is under the SEASON 2 section. THE MALLORY CHRONICLES is a go for next week, switching out with VIRUS.

I guess I should warn (if you read this before you read I, DEATH) that it is a lot darker, grimmer, and (dare I say it?) - than most of my AS stuff so be warned.


Just worked on connections under the SEASON 1 section of the page. The first set of stories (1.1-1.4) go back to the SEASON 1 section now, and not the main page.

I, DEATH should be up tomorrow.


And...PARENTAGE gets posted...setting off the next arc of stories. I, DEATH should be up next week!!!


HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!! It's good to know that we have survived another year and hopefully we will continued to do so.

The main page has been updated. PARENTAGE should be posted tomorrow unless it snows (there's a good chance of that here right now). I, DEATH should be following that as well.

I hope everyone enjoys the next set of stories as I put the group through a lot.


BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS is finally up, bringing my first third of season two to a close and I'm taking the month off. AS will be back in January with a new set of stories involving a whole lot of things finally coming to the surface and a surprise...or two. Also hope to get caught up enough that I can bring my stories out on a weekly basis in January. I'm already ahead so looks like it's going to be possible.


Finally, links are finally up on the site. There was a few problems getting some of them to go directly to the stories so I hope if anyone does go to the stories to read that they notice that it goes to the webmaster's main page and not their fanfics under the SPINOFF section.

BACKWARDS and FORWARDS is late obviously, but hopefully it'll be up in the next week and the first arc of stories will be done there.


I noticed that TTOWBIHE wasn't on the site right so now the story is in its completed form under the second season section. You can also find JUST CAUSE there as well now.

The new story A MATTER OF LOYALTY is up on the main page. The idea for the story is based off of a concept created by Chaser9 so I hope I did his idea justice.

So how does everyone like the season so far. I love to see what people think. Remember my email address is and that you can always leave a message in the guestbook. Comments are always appericated.


Well, a lot has happened since I last updated. upgraded and it resulted in my site dying for a while. I'm happy to say that it's back up and as you can see TO THE ONE is up on the site.

The next story JUST CAUSE is already on the main SLIDERS board at Well, the first page of it is. The second part should be up Thursday there as well and hopely be up on the page. God willing.

Keep sliding and I hope everyone is still enjoying ALTERNATE SPIN. Comments are always welcome.


TO THE ONE should be up in the next couple of days, work allowing. Sorry again for the lateness.

Speaking of late, the writers' guidlines are finally up. If you're interested, the way to contact me is under there.

Also the links page will be taking a little bit longer, but as soon as everything is complete, you can check it out.


ISSUES is finally posted!!! And all of the story is under the same post. Hopefully, this computer will continue to improve.


The characters section is finally up!!! So check it out and tell me what you think. Should I put up a villain section to it or not? You decide. The links section should be up by Friday since I'm still looking around.

ISSUES will up tomorrow and from here on all. I'm going to be posting stories every Tuesday every two weeks.

MAY 30

Wow! It's my first update page. As you can see, I've started to create a menu page for the site for newcomers. The links and character section should be up next week. Everything else will be up as soon as possible.

ISSUES has been postponed until next week because I've busy with a story for a writing contest so I can't find the time to post it.


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