Randy Heim smiled.  He just couldn't believe it.
     "And the Man of the Year Award goes to...Dr. Randall Heim," Dr. Peter
Weinguard announced.
     The crowd was made up of many people.  Most were made up of many of the
scientific community.  As Randy headed for the platform, he saw a few
scientists and doctors he knew.  He also saw a few friends.  Ben Loveland,
his roommate in college, grinned with pride at him.  Melissa Clark, his best
friend, was actually crying tears of joy.  Professor Brown started to stand
and clapped.  To Randy, impressing Professor Brown was the greatest gift he
could have gotten.
     "STOP!" a voice yelled.
     Randy paused in shock.  the crowd all turned to the back of the room.
Randy looked, too and turned pale.  He knew it was a possibility that he
would show up, but he really wanted to feel what it would feel like to
fulfill his dream of being successful.
     His dream was now a nightmare.  In the back of the room was the REAL
Dr. Randall Heim.  He was a little taller than Randy.  He also had a goatee
(something Randy couldn't seem to grow).  He headed for Randy with anger in
his eyes.
     "This man is a fraud!" Dr. Heim yelled.
     "I can explain-" Randy started.
     The crowd started to surround him.
     "Someone call Security!" Professor Brown said.
     "What's going on?" Randy heard Melissa ask Ben.  "Who is he?"
     "Young man," Brown said to Randy, "you have a lot of exploring to do."
     The distrust in Brown's eyes saddened Randy. Then he heard a beeping
coming from his pocket.
     "Uh oh," Randy muttered.
     "Well?" Dr. Heim said with impatience.  "Who are you and why do you
look like me?"
     "Well...I am you,"  Randy said as he pulled out what looked like a
small remote control.  "I'm you from a different Earth."
     As Randy talked he hear the sound.  The wind had started to pick up.
Then a wall started to dissolve to form a cirular ring of blue light.  The
wind from the wormhole hit the crowd with such force that they flew over.
Randy started to feel pulled and he flew at the wormhole against his will.
     "IT'S CALLED SLIDING!!" Randy yelled over his shoulder as he was pulled
to the wormhole.
     Dr. Randall Heim managed to stand, but he was too late.  Randy went
through the circle of blue light and vanished.
     What if you discovered new worlds? What if you could find these worlds
without leaving your Earth?  You're the same person, and it's the same year,
but everything around you is different?  I found a way to travel to parallel
     Ben Loveland wasn't having a good day.  Classes had been the pits. He
had to be to work in thirty minutes.  Melissa wasn't talking to him.  The
last thing he needed was to know he left his keys in the room.
     Now here he was outside his own room knocking on the door.  He knew
Randy was in there.  He hadn't left the room in days.  Now would be a dumb
time for him to leave it.
     "Hey, Randy!" Ben shouted.  "Rise and shine!"
     As if in answer, a flash of blusih light seem to leak through the
crashes in the door.  A few minutes later, Randy opened the door with the
look of a quilty man on his face.
     "Ben, hey!" Randy said.  "Forget your keys again?"
     "You could say that," Ben said as he pushed past him.  He headed for
the answering machine.  Not one call from Melissa.  "Randy, I need a favor."
     Randy hadn't heard Ben.  He was busy in a corner of the room looking
over one of the many gizmos that littered the walls of the dorm room.  It
just looked like a giant computer holding a gigantic circle to Ben.  It was
the only gizmo that Randy wouldn't tell him what it did.
     Ben frowned.  Sometimes Randy could be so obsessed over one of his
gizmos that he forgets about everything around him.
     "Hey, Heim!" Ben yelled.
     Randy came out of his trance.  "Yeah?"
     "I said I need a favor."
     "Let me guess...does it have to do with Melissa?"
     Ben looked surprised.  "How did you-"
     Randy grinned, resulting in a string of his brown hair falling over an
eye.  "Well, Melissa and I are best friends...and she called thirty minutes
     "Sorry, man."
     "Well, do you think you could talk to her?"
     "For the last time, no!"
     Melissa glared at the guy in front of her.  He leaned back in his
chair.  As he stretched, he flexed his medbuilt.  He had a grin on his face
as he watched her.  She would have given anything to not be serving this
customer, but she didn't feel like quitting her job.  How else would she pay
for her financial aid?  He wouldn't go away though.  he had already caused
enough trouble.  She should have never kissed Richard Hall, ex or not.
     "Oh, come on!"  Richard gave his sexiest grin.  "It's just a date.  I'm
not asking for Bonnie and Clyde, Part Deux."
     "Considering the crazy stuff that happened before," Melissa said, "I'm
surprise you'll willing to give me a retry."
     "What's the point of living if I don't take chances?" Richard said.
     "You live longer," Melissa said flatly.  "Are you going to order
something or not?"
     "I did order something."
     "I'M not on the menu."
     "You are on mine," Richard replied.
     Melissa just threw her hands up in defeat.  She might as well give up
men.  It made life easier.
     Melissa turned around.  She saw a guy in a jacket that was a little big
for him approaching her.  If it wasn't for the brown hair that wouldn't stay
out of his eyes, Melissa wouldn't have recognized Randy.
     "Hey!" Melissa finally smiled.  Finally, a decent guy.
     "We need to talk...about Ben," Randy said.
     Melissa's smile vanished.  Okay, there were no decent guys and she
should give up on them permanently.  It was the '90s after all.
     "This day just keeps getting better," Melissa said as she glared at
     "Why don't you tell him what happened?"  Richard said, a sly grin on
his face.
     Melissa glared at Richard.
     "How about I come by your room later?" Melissa asked Randy.
     "Sure," Randy said.  "It'll give me a chance to show you something."
     Melissa was interested.  "What is it?"
     "Nothing," Randy said with a grin on his face.
     "I know that grin.  What is it?"
     "Nothing," Randy said with a grin on his face.
     "I know that grin.  What is it?"
     "Oh, come on!  What?"
     "You'll see," Randy said.  Then he left.
     Melissa looked back at Richard.  "How can I help you-oh, yeah, I'm on
my break." She grinned.  "Later."
     Melissa went into the back of the kitchen.  Richard sighed to himself.
     She wants me, he thought.
     "Sitting around, are we?" the smug voice said.  "I thought you would
have gotten the device by now."
     Richard turned to face the thin, black-haired guy who was behind him.
The thick glasses made him look innocent.  Richard knew otherwise.
     "He's been in that room for days," Richard said.  "I haven't had the
chance, Bufford."
     Bufford looked annoyed.  "I have a deadline, you idiot!"  He lowered
his voice.  "Heim was hinting at some breakthrough that would change science
two weeks ago.  I want that device."
     "Give me time.  I don't know him, and it's taking my ex-"
     "Two days," Bufford cut him off.  "Or I'll go to the Dean about-"
     "Don't say it," Richard said quickly.  He realized he had fear in his
     "Two days, Frat Boy," Bufford said.  Then he stormed off.
     Richard headed out of the student union.  That stupid stick figure.  He
couldn't believe that he left himself a loose end that Bufford found.  Now
the stick figure was blackmailing him.
     Life sucked.
     Professor Darnell Brown was just back from lunch.  Not much to talk
about in his opinion.  He longed a little for his wife-his ex-wife Debra.
If he-but that was a long time ago.
     He saw the answering machine was beeping.  He started to listen while
sorting through papers.
     "Darnell, old chap.  It's..."
     Brown just ignored the voice.  It belonged to William Franks, an
arrogant professor from England.  He seemed intend on proving an Englishman
was smarter than an American. Specifically, he wanted to prove that a white
man was smarter than a black man.
     "This is Charlie Danny for the Student Government Association.  I..."
     Brown sat and started to grade papers he had picked up in his physic
     Another message started.  Brown ignored that one, too.  He had just
came across an interesting paper.  No wonder.  It was by Randall heim, one
of his best students.  He was just a little wet behind the ears.
     "Professor Brown...this is Randy Heim.  I know you don't know me well,
but I'm one of your students.  I need to see you.  I've found something that
will change how people see science."
     Brown stopped and listened to the message.  He wrote down the address
and time.  Then he grinned.
     What could Heim had found?  This should be interesting.
     Richard peeked around the corner.  Heim's roommate had left thirty
minutes ago.  Fifteen minutes after that a flash of blue light came from the
door.  That was followed fifteen minutes later by another flash of blue
light.  Afterwards Heim ran from the room.
     Richard headed for the door.  He turned the doorknob.  Heim must have
been in a real hurry.  He left the door unlocked.  Richard walked in and
shut the door silently.
     "What the-" he started to say, but stopped himself.
     The dorm room seem to be a cross between a normal dorm room and Star
Trek.  One side of the room seem to nothing, but wires, books, and two
computers.  The one that got Richard's attention was the giant screen in a
corner.  A large circluar disk hanged away from the screen.
     Richard sat in front of the screen.  Then he started to type at the
keyboard.  A picture of a wormhole flashed on the screen.
     "So you're not going to tell me what happened between you and Ben?"
Randy asked for the fifth time.
     "All right already," Melissa said.  "Short version: I was on a date
with Ben.  My ex showed up.  Ex kisses me.  Ben sees it.  Ben and Ex fight.
I choose myself.  End of story.  Thoughts? Comments?"
     "As a matter of fact, yes," Professor Brown said.  "Where is your room,
Mr. Heim?"
     "It's right around the corner, Professor," Randy said.
     The trio walked around and were a few feet away from the door.  A flash
of blue light came from the bottom of the door.
     "Oh my God," Randy said in shock.  "No!"
     "What's wrong?" Melissa asked.
     Randy ignored her.  He ran to the door and pushed it open.  There was
the guy.  He was the guy from the Student Union who was hitting on Melissa.
He stared wide-eyed at the wormhole that whirled in the corner.
     "Hey, what are you doing?!" Randy yelled at the guy.  "Get away from
     Melissa and Professor Brown entered the room to see Randy pushing
Richard away from a computer.  They would have broken them up if they
weren't distracted by the wormhole.
     "Oh my..." Brown started.
     Melissa was completely surprised.
     "Wow," Melissa said.
     "Let go of me!" Richard said.
     "Stop!" Randy yelled.
     Richard pushed Randy away, but Randy still held him with one hand.  The
whirlpool caught Randy in its gravity and started to pull him and Richard
closer.  Richard and Randy fell through the wormhole.
     "Randy!" Melissa said.  "We got to go after them!"
     "Hold on," Professor Brown said.  "We do not know what is on the other
side of this...thing."
     "Look, SIR," Melissa said firmly, "my best friend is in trouble.  You
can stay if you want, but I'm gone."
     Melissa stormed over to the wormhole and jumped into it.
     "Idiot girl," Professor Brown said.  He looked around the computer.  If
this was what he thought it was...
     Yes! Professor Brown grabbed the remote control looking device near the
computer.  He looked at the wormhole and gasped.
     The power it was taking to keep it open was being spent.  The lights
started to flinch.  The wormhole started to shrink.  If Brown did not go
now, it would be too late to save the others.  If he stayed, he would be
safe, but there would be a blackout that lasted for hours.
     "Here goes nothing...or everything," Professor Brown said.  Then he
jumped into the wormhole.
     The wormhole closed.  Nothing followed except silence.
     He felt like nothing and everything.  One minute he felt like he was
without a form rushing into the light.  The next he felt whole again and he
was on a very long roller coaster ride.  Richard Hall did not like this
     Then it was over.  The wormhole opened into a rooma nd he fell out with
a thuck.  Randy fell right on him.
     "Get the hell off me!" Richard yelled.
     "Well, we wouldn't be here if you haven't been in my room," Randy
snapped.  "Why were you there?"
     Before Randy could get an anser, he looked up and saw Melissa about to
land.  He jumped off Richard.  Richard didn't have a chance.  Melissa landed
on him with a thuck.
     "That was..." Melissa said, "...I don't know...like sex...but better."
     "Speak for yourself," Richard said annoyed.  "Could you get off my
     "Sorry," Melissa said.  She looked around and saw Randy.  She ran over
and hugged him.   "Thank God.  I thought-"
     Richard got up and held out his arms.  "No hug for me?"
     Randy and Melissa glared at him.  Then a loud whirl sounded and
Professor Brown fell out of the wormhole.  He landed right on Richard.  The
wormhole landed right on Richard.  The wormhole closed behind him.
     "I have never in my life felt like such..." Brown said.
     "Could you do me a favor and...GET OFF OF ME!!!" Richard said angrily.
     "Oh, all right," Professor Brown said.  He got up.  "Is everyone all
     "Yeah," Melissa said.
     "I'm used to it," Randy replied.
     "Crappy," Richard muttered.
     "Now, Mr. Heim," Professor Brown announced, "I think you have a lot of
explaining to do."
     Melissa nodded.  "Yeah.  For one, why are we back in your room?"
     Randy looked around.  "Well, it does look like it, but it isn't.
Well...it's the same room on the same Earth...but it's a different
     "Huh?" Richard asked.  "When did we enter the Twilight Zone?"
     "I found a way to travel between dimensions," Randy exclaimed.  "We can
go from one universe to another, but never leave our Earth.  Just think of
the possibilities."
     "Is that even possible?" Melissa asked.  "To travel to different
     "Actually, interdimensional travel is possible in theory," Professor
Brown said.  "It all has to do with the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky Bridge and-"
     "Hey!" Richard yelled.  "Enough of this scientific bullcrap!  How about
getting us home!"
     "We wouldn't be here if you haven't mess with my sliding machine,"
Randy said.  "I didn't exactly have time to get my-"
     "You mean this," Professor Brown said as he pull the sliding device out
of his pocket.  "This is your version of a portable sliding machine, right?"
     Randy grabbed it excitely.  "Yeah.  According to it, we have five
hours.  I wish I had time to preset it, but-"
     "Five hours?" Melissa said in surprise.  "can't you speed it up?"
     "I don't think it's a good idea."
     "I agree," Professor Brown said.  "Who knows what the consquences will
be?"  I suggest we lie low for a while.  Also I would like to know more
about this guy..."
     "His name is Richard," Melissa said.  She glared at him.  "What are you
up to now?  Who put you up to stealing Randy's machine?  A frat?  A rival?
     Richard folded his arms over his chest.  "I'm not telling a thing."
     "Well, we will find out when we get back home," Professor Brown said.
"I am sure the police will get you talking in no time."
     The door suddenly opened and a guy stormed in, rifle in hand.  He aimed
it at Randy.  the quartet could not make out his face.
     "You have some nerve coming back here!"
     "I don't know these people at all," Richard said.  "I was minding my
own business and-"
     "Shut up!" the man shouted.  "I-" He paused when he saw Melissa.
     The man started to walk closer and everyone could get a good look at
him.  He was older...maybe late twenties.  His face was unshaven.  His hair
looked like weeds.  His shirt was tore in places.  However, Randy and
Melissa recognized him.
     "Ben?" Melissa said.
     "Ben?" Randy echoed.  "Hey, I-"
     Ben held the rifle on Randy.  "Shut up!  Some friend you turned out to
be!  I remember ten years ago I ASKED YOU to talk to her!  Instead, she ran
off with Richard Hall and he...but she looks so..."
     Ben touched Melissa's cheek.  Melissa could smell the alcohol on his
breath.  She shivered.
     "You are alive," Ben said.  "I heard..." He couldn't bring himself to
say it.  "When the state of California became No Man's Land Containment
Center, some of us refused to leave, but Richard forced you to go and-" He
     "So this whole place is a prison now, huh?" Professor Brown said.
"Maybe it would be a good idea if Mr. Heim did start his...timer early."
     "I want to get out of here," Richard said.
     "You and Randy aren't going anywhere," Ben said and aimed his rifle at
Richard.  "Especially YOU."  He pulled back the trigger.  "You stole her
from me.  You son of a-"
     The lamp landed on his head before Ben felt the shadow from his left.
He fell to the floor.  Richard and Randy quickly ran over.  Randy checked
Ben's pulse.  Melissa looked down sadly.
     "Is he dead?" she asked.
     "No," Randy answered her.  "He's out though."
     "I can't believe..." Melissa couldn't say anymore.
     "I suggest, Mr. Heim," Professor Brown said, "that you start on your
timer.  We need to be away from here."
     "I'll say," Richard said as he looked out of the door.  "I hear
     "I still think it's a bad idea," Randy said, "but I'll do it."
     He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small miniscrewdriver.  He
managed to open the back of the timer and start on opening a wormhole.
     Professor Brown watched Randy in amusement.  To think that someone so
young could create this.  Surely he would need guidance...
     Melissa saw the two at work.  Her mind was on outside though.  She
looked out the window and saw two men attacking a woman some direction away.
  She shivered.  of all the worlds that they could have landed on, why here?
   Surely they had to be more FUN worlds...
     With the danger over momentarly, Richard had one eye on the door and
the other on Melissa.  She looked so hot...even in this strange place.  He
never thought when Bufford forced him to steal the machine that this would
happen.  Surely, the Egghead would get them home...
     Randy grinned.  "I got it."
     He aimed at the nearest wall and pushed a button on the timer.  the
familiar whirring sound started as a wormhole appeared where the wall had
been.  Professor Brown patted Randy on the back.
     "Good job, Mr. Heim," Professor Brown said.  "Let us-"
     Randy, Professor Brown, and Melissa turned to see Ben lunge at Richard.
  They fell out the door.
     "Richard!" Melissa yelled.
     "I'll get him," Randy said. "Go!"
     "If that wormhole closes, I'm not sure if I can open it again."
     "He is right, Ms. Clark," Professor Brown said as he grabbed her arm.
"It would be...bad...if we were stranded here."
     Melissa nodded her head slowly.  "You're right.  Let's go."
     "Ladies first."
     Melissa looked back at Randy who was already headed for the door to get
Richard.  She trusted that Randy was doing the right thing.  She jumped into
the wormhole.
     Professor Brown also watched Randy.  Without saying anything, the
Professor joined Melissa in the wormhole.
     "You took her from me!" Ben yelled as he pinned Richard down with the
rifle.  "Never again!"
     "Sorry, old buddy!"
     Randy jumped Ben before he could say anything.  Ben fell against a
wall.  The rifle fell to the ground.
     "Thanks," Richard muttered.
     "Just run!" Randy barked.  "I don't want the vortex to close."
     Richard didn't hestitate.  He jumped up and headed back to Randy's
room.  Randy heard the sound of a whirl.  Richard was gone so it was his
     Then he heard it:  Footsteps.  They were rapidly approaching the hall
now.  Randy looked up.  His eyes widened as a group of ragged men with
rifles stormed toward him.  He headed for his room, but paused at the door.
He saw Ben was still unconcious from hitting the wall so hard.  He couldn't
leave him to the savages, could he?
     He ran through the door.  He had no choice.  He had to go.  He jumped
in as the wormhole was shrinking into nothingness.  His last image of that
no man's land was the savages strting in shock at the wormhole.
     Melissa flew out of the wormhole at breakneck speed.  She landed
kneeling though.  She observed her surroundings.  She was kneeling on grass.
  The sun shined beautifully.  The force of the whirlpool was blowing leaves
from the trees.  She could smell the grass under her.
     Shouldn't we be back in Randy's room though?  Melissa thought to
     The whirl above her brought Melissa back to the present.  Professor
Brown almost landed on her.  She rolled out of the way just in time.
     "Hey, are you okay?" Melissa asked.
     "I am just too old for this," Professor Brown said grumbingly.
     "Was Randy and Richard behind you?" Melissa asked.
     "I did not see anyone behind me," Professor Brown said.  "I apolo-"
     A whirl sounded above them cut Professor Brown off.  Richard came
flying out of the wormhole.  Professor Brown did not have a chance.  Richard
landed right on him.
     "I would appreciate it, Sir," Professor Brown said with a cold tone,
"if you would get off me."
     "The shoe's on the other foot, huh, Mr. Proper," Richard said, a smug
smile on his face.
     "Where's Randy?" Melissa asked.
     "Last I saw," Richard said as he got off of Professor Brown, "he was
fighting with that guy who you went out with two nights ago.  How is that
     "Well," Professor Brown started, "since each Earth is parallel to each
other there is an equal chance of each world having a double of each of us-"
     "We don't have time for this," Melissa cut him off.  "Look."
     Professor Brown and Richard looked up at waht Melissa pointed to in the
sky.  Professor Brown's expression started to match Melissa's look of shock
and fear.  The wormhole was closing and Randy have not come through yet.
     "Come on, Randy," Melissa whispered.  "Come on."
     The whirl occured.  Randy fell from the sky.  The wormhole finally
shrank into nothing.  There was no sign it had existed in the sky.
     "Randy!" Melissa shrieked happily.  She ran over and hugged him.
     "Good show, Mr. Heim," Professor Brown said.  "For a moment there, we
were concerned."
     "So was I," Randy said.  "That mob seem intend on killing me."
     Melissa's eye widened.  "A mob?"  She started to pout jokily.  "You
have all the fun."
     "I think that was enough fun for me," Professor Brown announced.  "At
least we are at home and can put this all behind us."
     "Put it behind us?" Randy said.  "I thought you would think it was a
great idea and want to do it again."
     "That would be reckless," Professor Brown said.  "It is obvious that
you have no control over it.  Who knows what the consequences would be if we
try it again?"
     "He has a point, Randy," Melissa added.
     The Professor grinned.
     "I still want to do it again," Melissa said.
     "What?" Brown was totally shocked.  "You just said-"
     "I know," Melissa cut him off.  "I don't care.  Just think of all the
worlds out there waiting to be discovered.  All kinds of fun places."
     "As well as dangerous ones," Professor Brown countered.
     "I agree with Melissa," Randy said.  "Of course some of the worlds
might be dangerous, but the good outweighs the bad."
     "I disagree."
     "I think," Brown continued, "for the good of society that the
university should apprehend your machine and maybe study it."
     "What?" Melissa said.
     "You can't do that," Randy protested.
     "Oh, but I can," Professor Brown said.  "First we need to take our
little thief to-"
     The trio looked around.  They had been so busy arguing that they missed
something.  Richard had vanished.
     Richard finally rounded the corner and leaned against the wall.  He had
run when the two science guys had began arguing.  Eventually, they would
have thought about turning him in for attempted stealing.  He could not have
     He did not have to worry now.  He was back on his own world.  He also
had gotten away from them.  Melissa knew who he was, but he kenw he could
quiet her...with the right flattery.
     Richard held his hand to his head.  The sweat fell down his face.
Maybe he was getting out of shape.
     "There you are!"
     Richard looked up to see a guy heading over to him.  It took him a
moment to recognize who it was.  It was Bufford...kinda.  Now, Bufford seem
to have either gone goth or found some fashion sense.  He also was not
wearing glasses, but colored contacts.
     "Where have you been?" Bufford asked.  "The Boss has been waiting for
     "Listen," Richard said, "I'm finished.  You want to blackmail me, fine.
  I'm not stealing anything."
     Bufford frowned in confusion.  "What?  Are you in one of your schizo
moods again?"
     "Get away from me, little worm."
     Richard pushed past Bufford.  He was not about to listen to Bufford's
     "Wait!" Bufford bellowed.  "The Boss wants us now!"
     Richard just ignored him.  He ignored how close Bufford was following
him.  He ignored how close Bufford was.
     Then he almost screamed as an electic current through his body.
Richard fell to the ground with the shakes.  He felt like the wind had been
knocked out of him.  He maaged to look up and found Bufford standing over
him with a taser.
     "I'm sorry," Bufford said, "but when the Boss talks, we have to
     Unknown to both of them, the REAL Richard Hall had died in a car
accident that afternoon.
     "Damn him!"
     Professor Brown expressed what they werer thinking right now.  Richard
had vanished.  They had searched for two hours, but found no sign of him.
     "I think we should go to the Student Union and just take a break,"
Randy said.
     "Or not," Melissa said.  "I should have been at work an hour ago."
     "Maybe no one will notice," Randy said.
     "'They won't notice' he says," Melissa said sarcastically thirty
minutes later.  "Well, why the hell do people keep looking at us?"
     Randy looked around and did not answer.  Ever since they came to the
Student Union, people  have shispered and looked at them.
     "Is there something in my hair?" Melissa asked.
     "Your hair is fine, Ms. Clark," Professor Brown replied.  "I think I"m
going to get a newspaper."
     "Hey!" Melissa said.  "That's the first time you used a contraction."
     Professor Brown paused as he got up.  "You are right.  I have
definitely been around you  two too long.  I go to find a newspaper.  I did
not have time to read one today." Then he left.
     "So what now?" Melissa asked.
     "I don't know," Randy answered.
     "Are you just going to let him take your invention?"
     "Then what are you going to do?"
     Randy looked around again without giving an answer.  "I guess...I'm
going to have to destroy it."
     Randy then stood up.  "I gotta go."
     "Call me," Melissa said.
     Melissa continued to sit.  To think that no one knew what she had been
through.  She also looked around and saw people were still looking at her.
     "Mr. Heim! Ms. Clark!" Professor Brown yelled out as he ran to the
table.  "Where is Mr. Heim?"
     "He left," Melissa answered.  "What's wrong?"
     "We have to find Mr. Heim and your other young friend."
     "Slow down, Professor.  Why?"
     "Take a look," Brown said as he gave her the newspaper.
     "Oh..." Melissa managed to say.
     The newspaper said it all.  On the cover was a picture of her in a
business suit.  Another picture had a picture of a bearded guy who Melissa
realized was Randy.  The headline started:
     Melissa looked up at Professor Brown with fear in her eyes.
     "We never made it home," she said.
     Randy kicked the stone as he headed to his room.  He had worked so hard
on his sliding machine.  Now he had destroy it.  It sucked.  Well, it had
been fun for a while regardless of the danger.
     "Well, you're all alone now," a voice said from behind.
     Randy turned to see a man approaching him with a knife.  The man was
tall with black hair.  His clothes looked raw.
     "Who are you?" Randy asked, his voice shaking.  "Are you sure you're
not mistaking me for someone else?"
     The man paused as if he was thinking.  "Hmmm. Let's see...Randall
Heim...wanted outlaw...for creating technology forbidden in the United
States...including these street lights and everything in this area.  Why do
you think the President is coming?"
     Randy was speechless.
     They weren't home.
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