Don't forget: "If you caught fish every time it wouldn't be called fishin.... it'd be called catchin."
These fish are called paddle fish but,I call them spoon bills. These fish resemble a catfish because they have slimy skin like a cat, but thay are more closely related to a shark because they don't have bones.I snagged these fish Below Kentucky Dam. This is the only place you can snag all year round. If your wondering what in the world snagging is, its kinda like fishing without bait. You use at least an eight ot trebble hook rigged about ten inches above a sinker. This water is peetty swift so you have to use a sinker anywhere from 5 - 20 oz. You throw this rig out in the water on line no lighter than 50lb. test(I personaly use 80lb. as with most snaggers)once you get your rig in the water you reel up the slack and jerk the line, so you snag the fish. Here is a PENN 309 Levelwind, the reel that I use as with most snaggers.
Click on the reel to find out more info on Penn reels.
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