Awakening to Discover Higher Purpose and Highest Purpose

In Life there is Purpose, Higher Purpose, and Highest Purpose. Purpose need not relate to the Spiritual Plane whatsoever. An individual may purpose to finish graduate school, marry, embark on and advance in a career, raise grandchildren, save for retirement.

Higher Purpose and Highest Purpose, however, necessarily invoke the Spiritual Dimension. Higher Purpose is the first (and sometimes subsequent) levels of one's Spiritual Evolution. Service, compassion, and work that fulfills one's joy and brings reward to others can fall into the category of Higher Purpose. Higher Purpose always propels one's Spiritual Progress; is always promoted by Inner Guidance from one's Higher Self; and almost always serves others.

Highest Purpose evolves beyond even Higher Purpose. It is the very Highest work one can achieve in a given lifetime. Highest Purpose may indeed involve multiple consecutive (or parallel) lifetimes devoted to its manifestation. Highest Purpose is the work of the Soul; it is given to us seldom as a concept in its entirety. Much more often, we learn of it only gradually. At first the urge to turn away from the mundane plane to the Spiritual Plane may be a tiny almost-unrecognized impulse. Then as we gradually listen, and obey, this impulse, more is revealed to us. At some point we become able, and obedient, to listen to the Inner Stillness. As we do so, Higher Self speaks to our Inner Ears and reveals itself to our Third Eye/Sixth Chakra (of spirituality melded with mentality). The more intensely we can follow this guidance, the more is revealed to us. Soon we begin to see the glimmerings of Higher Purpose, and usually by this time, the awakenings of a deep-felt desire to serve humanity in some way also appear.

Still we have not received knowledge of Highest Purpose, and indeed, it is presumably possible that in one or more lifetimes, especially at the beginning of physical plane incarnation, Highest Purpose (even Higher Purpose ) might not give an inkling of its existence. This occurs when the Soul is still young and bound on the Outward Path, away from Spirit, as it maneuvers to control physical existence. Once it reaches the Point of Integration, **rounds the turn**, so to speak, and starts back on its Path toward Spirit, Spiritual stirrings begin. Then follow the glimmerings of Higher Purpose! As these are pursued, and the Soul matures in incarnation, eventually Highest Purpose is revealed, in small increments containing only as much Light as the Soul at that point can comfortably handle.

In times past, Enlightment (as the process has been described above) required multiple lifetimes, centuries or millenia. But with the approaching Ascension, the vast increase in Light, the attention to our Planes of an Infinity of Beings of Light, this is no longer necessary. Enlightenment can now indeed be arrived at in a lifetime, and sooner. One must need only enter into the Inner Stillness, regularly and faithfully; listen to the Higher Self's Inner Guidance; and act on that guidance in achieving and serving, first, the Higher Purpose, and soon, the Highest Purpose, as it is revealed shape by shadow by shape. As the individual serves the Highest Purpose, then indeed Ascension can be accomplished in that incarnation, and the individual Entity achieves Enlightenment, finding Joy and Peace in service to not only humanity but sentience throughout the Universe.


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