What Part Does Belief Play in Manifestation?
Manifestation takes place by thought, intent, and will. Manifestation can be the result of either conscious or unconscious thought, belief, will, intent. Whatever our belief systems are, that is what will direct the manifestation of our reality, positive or negative, conscious or unconscious.
Did your parents teach you, as a small child, that you were lazy, slow, incapable of maintaining a clean room? If those beliefs have not been uncovered, examined, and deleted, then they have followed you on into adult life and are currently determining your reality. Did parents or friends describe you as a “slut” or someone only interested in a good time at the expense of others? Consider the trend of your adult life to promiscuity and irresponsibility when you think you desire only monogamy and fidelity. As a child were you termed worthless, a failure at anything you tried? Examine your apparent inability to succeed; underneath lies a foundational belief system, manifesting as your current reality.
Foundational beliefs need not be negative. Perhaps in childhood or early young adulthood you experienced loving family and friends who conditioned you to a high sense of self-esteem. Did you have teachers or professors who encouraged in you high ambition and a sense of fair play? If so, these belief systems have been incorporated into your thought patterns, and are responsible for the creation of your high income, good employment, scholarly credits, ability to maintain deep long-term friendships.
What does this mean for a believer in Reality Creation? Unexamined beliefs possess just as much power to manifest, as do examined, considered, well-thought-out belief systems. The essential impact of examining your belief systems is to identify exactly what beliefs are currently creating your reality. Perhaps all your beliefs are those you actually, consciously, wish to hold. In this case, your reality creation is as you desire and there are no difficulties involved. But there are probably only a very few highly enlightened souls for whom this might be true. Most all of us, no matter how advanced on the Spiritual Path, are haunted by undiscovered and unexamined belief systems manifesting reality all around us...but not a reality in conformation with our deepest needs and desires.
Look around you: your reality is all that surrounds you: your circumstances, the events of your life, your personality, attitudes, physique; your loved ones, friends, family, employment; the books, programs, movies, you choose. All that is you, and is surrounding you, is YOUR REALITY. Who or what has created that reality of YOU? The answer is:
Manifestation Links
The Process of Manifestation
Reality Creation and Downtime in Manifestation
Email: spiritualevolution@angelfire.com