But fear of negative verbal reprisal resulted in my weakening the impact of the message.
I did not once refer to Kosovo directly, as the impetus of the message.
I failed to note that the message was indeed Channelled.
I diluted it's impact.
I should not have, and now i deeply regret doing so; because i know
1) that this message needed to be heard, then as well as now; and that
2) my allowing the message to be heard through me, would have brought Light into the situation at that much earlier point.
So then, why am i revising the message and bringing it forth, correctly and with power, at this date?
Simply..i no longer have a choice...the events of April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, compel me to speak forth the Truth as i see it...
in an acknowledgement that yes, indeed, i am a CHANNEL, and yes indeed, i am a PRESCRIPTIVE PROPHET, one who Speaks Forth My Truth AS I SEE IT.
So here that Truth is:
When i incarnated into this lifetime, among the Choices my Soul selected were:
to become a Channell
to become a Prescriptive Prophet
to be an abused child and adult that i might learn the Value of Suffering,
and that i might subsequently learn to spiritually progress with joy and without suffering.
that i might become Enlightened in this Lifetime as i serve my Highest Purpose in order to Progress toward Ascension.
My Soul made many other choices for this lifetime, many of which i surely have not yet seen revealed.
and so too, did every single individual in the School Deaths in Littleton Colorado make similar Choices.
Each Soul chose this Path before incarnation, and again confirmed it at the moment in question.
This is True of the Victims just as surely as it is true of the Murderers.
This is True of the Victims in Kosovo (yes, women and children, and elderly civilians) just as much as the Soldiers and the Government Administrators).
What is a Choice for one, is a Choice for all.
I did not have less Choice, in becoming an Abused Child, then did those who abused me, in becoming Abusers.
And because i now recognize this, i can forgive, and realize that they walked in the only available Light they had at the time, as did i, yes i.
Those who Choose Suffering, Death, Pain, do so because in the Light they have at the time, they have Chosen to Evolve through Struggle and Pain.
And we have to respect, AND HONOR, their Choices and receive Joy in knowing that they are Walking forth in their Plan.
Still this in no way alleviates any of us, LightWorkers especially, of the need to bring Light and relief (Spiritual and mundane) to any given situation, of suffering, pain, death, or any lighter situation.
We all still must walk in the Light...
We must all Become Light..
We must Progress toward our Ascension...
We must work for the Ascension of All the Universe as we are part of and become at One with,
My Promise to the Universe