I.Frogs in Potholes
1. Every spring there are potholes in the roads.
2. Our lives also get potholes in them.
a. Problems and troubles. b. Sin and evil. c. Wrong direction in our thinking.
3. Frog in a deep pothole-could not jump out-trapped-next day seen in town-OK-asked HOW?-answer- "A truck was coming for me and I HAD TO GET OUT".
4. Here are ways to get out of your potholes.
We must choose-not stradle the fence.
(1) Who is on the Lord's side? Ex. 32:36 then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp and said, "Whosoever is on the LORD'S side-come to me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him.
(2) Joshua 24:15 Choose ye this day....
(3) Deut. 30:19 Choose life or death bless or curse..
(4) 1Kings 18:21 How long halt between two opinions? Elijah's Mt Carmel victory-If the Lord is God follow Him; If Baal...
(5)Matt. 6:24 Can't serve two masters..
(6) Indecision can kill you!
II.Know where you are-the danger you are in.
1. John 8:34,44 Servant of sin, your father = devil
2. Acts 8:23 bond of iniquity, gall - bitterness State of mind--bound to unrighteousness.
3. Romans 6:16 servant of sin or righteousness? this is a deliberate act--not the incidental event of sin due to weakness.
4. II Peter 2:19 in bondage to sin. God is able to deliver us.
5.Crisis = Not having a clear understanding of situation, distorted reality
III. Decide to act NOW!
1. Do the will of the Father Matt. 12:50 "For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother,."
2. Will to do his will. John 7:17 "If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority."
3. Do will of God from heart. Eph 6:6 "not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,"
4. Hebrews 4:7 Today, do not harden your heart.
5. There is danger in not acting NOW.
1. Two men went fishing and stopped at a cemetery to divide the fish. Two of the fish were dropped outside the fence. A boy was pushing his father in a wheelchair past cemetery - one of the two men inside said "Now get those two outside the fence" The Father jumps up and runs homeand beat his son home and his Mother says, "Go back and get pa's wheelchair, you know your pa can't walk a step".
The Frog and PA proved we can do more than we think we can!
2. "Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation." II Corinithians 6:2
Les Baxter 6/26/2000
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