"Well, I just want to get under his skin a little, so I don't care if he wipes his ass with it or whatever," said Sandra.
"This is just my opinion," replied Kim Ann. "I mean, you already KNOW it's going to dig him, so I think you should get him to sign the side with the Kentucky Wildcats emblem on it. And then YOU put it on and wear it. THAT would be da bomb. I mean, what's he gonna do, rip it off of you?"
Sandra giggled at the thought of Brian signing a shirt desecrating the Kentucky Wildcats. "Okay, I'm going to put this away until later." Sandra started towards the kitchen, but stopped and turned to Angela. "Hey, you don't think Kevin will tell him, do you? He'll go along with it, won't he?"
"Yeah, he's cool," said Angela. "He just tries to act like a big dog."
Sandra disappeared into the kitchen and Kim Ann confronted Angela. "So, which one do you like?"
"What?" asked Angela. "I think they're all nice."
"You know, which one do you LIKE?" repeated Kim Ann, not noticing Angela's facial expression trying to get her to look behind her. Howie had crept up beside her with the camera. "Angela likes Nick," he said, matter of factly, while fumbling with the camera.
"Howie!" Angela admonished.
"Oh, please!" exclaimed Howie. "Kevin's all ready talking about us doing shifts tonight to make sure that you two don't get wild, if you know what I mean."
"WHAT?!?" Angela and Kim Ann chimed together. Angela's face turned red, but before she could defend her honor, Kim Ann butted in. "You mean we get to sleep with you guys?"
It was Howie's turn to freak out. "What?!?"
"In the same house and everything?" added Kim Ann, smiling shamelessly at Howie.
"Yeah," said Angela, pointedly. "Looks like Kevin's gonna have a long night, isn't he?" She loved that Howie was on the defense now.
Sandra returned from the kitchen with Kevin beside her. "What's that about me having a long night?" asked Kevin as he walked up.
Angela, Kim Ann and Howie looked at each other, not wanting to divulge the conversation. "Ummmmmm," lied Angela, "Just because you didn't sleep well last night. That's all."
"Well, then, that would make it a SHORT night, wouldn't it?" he replied, prying.
"Why yes, yes it would. Silly me." Angela replied, over-enthusiastically.
"I want to see what the three stooges have done upstairs. So, you can all stand here and talk about who's doing what tonight, but I'm," Kevin squeezed by all of them, "going up." He smiled at Angela as he caught her eye.
Angela jabbed Sandra in the side and whispered. "How much did he hear?"
"Oh, just about you and Nick and Howie and Kim Ann and about what a long night he's going to have keeping watch." Sandra shook her head. "You know, you guys really should learn to keep your voices down when you're talking about sex."
Angela practically pushed her down the steps and said loudly. "We weren't talking about SEX!"
"We weren't?" asked Kim Ann.
"No!" said Angela, completely embarrassed at the topic, especially since it had concerned her and Nick.
"Oh, I forgot." said Kim Ann, playfully, "You can't talk about something you've never DONE before. Silly me," she said, mimicking Angela's earlier statement to Kevin.
Howie's eyes widened and he looked away from Angela when he noticed the hurt look in her eyes. She glared at Kim Ann and replied, "You know, Kim Ann, that's not such a bad thing," and then walked upstairs.
"Kim Ann," Sandra reprimanded. "I can't believe you just DID that."
"I was JUST joking," Kim Ann said holding out her arms for emphasis. "I didn't think she'd get her panties in a wad over it."
"You think that's funny? Saying that in front of Howie?" asked Sandra.
"Howie, did you think that was funny?"
Howie looked back and forth between Sandra and Kim Ann. "Hey, man, I'm just standing here." He looked around nervously for an "out" of the situation. Sandra focused on him intensely, waiting for an answer. "Okay!" he added. "I was a little embarrassed, but it's no big deal. I mean....you know.....it's...it's none of my business."
"You know," Kim Ann responded. "She needs to quit being so sensitive. I think it would do her a world of good to get laid. Then she wouldn't be so uptight all the time. Don't you agree, Howie?"
"Uh....." Howie tried to gage what his answer should be by the expressions on their faces, but he knew that either way he chose he would be crucified. "I'm going upstairs, ladies. You can stand here and fight or you can come up, too. It's your choice." He headed up the stairs quickly and was met by AJ at the top.
"Well, well, well, " said AJ. "What do we have here? Are you two coming upstairs or are you going to stand there all day?"
Sandra smiled and walked up the stairs to greet AJ. "Heeeeey! It's da funky man!"
"Thas right, baby," said AJ smiling. "Wassup? You're Sandra, right?"
"Thas me, baby. You like what ya see?" she said, "Cos I put the 'who' in Hoosier, you know what I'm sayin'?"
AJ laughed and slapped a handshake on her. "Not bad, not bad." He then leaned around her to address Kim Ann. "You comin'?"
"Yeah." She replied, giving Sandra a dirty look before she started up the stairs. When she got to Sandra, she said, "I'll apologize, okay? I'll apologize. But I'm not gonna walk on pins and needles for the next few days because she has a sex complex."
"Who has a sex complex?" asked AJ, curiously. "Cos that ain't right."
"It's not your problem, AJ," said Howie. "It's Nick's." He started laughing and Sandra pushed him. "Listen here you little shit. One more word about it and I'll squash you like a bug."
"Ooooooh," said AJ, intrigued. "I think I like you, Sandra. What would it take to get you to kick Nick's ass?" he added, putting his arm around her as they walked away.
Kim Ann looked at Howie. "Well?"
"Well, what?" he asked.
"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna put your arm around me?"
"I can do that," said Howie slipping his arm around her. As they walked, he asked, "She didn't mean that about squashing me like a bug, did she?"
"Sandra? Nooooooooo. She's a pussycat. Besides, she'd have to go through me first, and I can take her. I'm a kickboxer."
"Really," said Howie, impressed.
"Yeah, I'll show you my moves later, little man." Kim Ann replied.
"That's a good thing, right?" asked Howie, smiling.
"Yeah," she assured him. "That's a good thing."
"Well, Kevin IS gonna have a long night," said Howie.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Eighteen
Story Index