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This is the page of links. Here I am adding
links to other wonderful kitchen related
pages out there on this wonderful WWW. If you
have one or know of one please, don't
hesitate, E-MAIL me right now. Don't forget to
tell me which page it is that you are wanting
to link to.

Here's my E-MAIL. Don't forget to stop in
and sign my GUESTBOOK
Recipe of the week
Features new recipes daily
in a variety of catagories
All Apple Recipe
Aunt Emma's Recipe WorldAunt Libby's Kitchen Culinary Cafe`
Mimi's Cyber KitchenThe Dinner Co-op I Dunno4 Recipes
The Internet ChefThe Lipton KitchenMarc IePine's Family Recipes
Meals for You!
Excellent Variety
Even create your own recipe
box - holds 50 recipes.
Mediterranean Recipes
Chef Harvey's Garnishing WorldHeat Me Up!
HOT! Recipes