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Welcome to

Sugar Bears Honey.


We are so glad you stopped in,

this page has been made for my 3 year old

daughter. She likes to play these internet

games and things and really has no

use for her own webpage, but her two

older sisters have one, and well, she

just wanted one.

She is the youngest of 3 girls. Her

sisters are 6 and 5. They are really some

very loving sisters. Believe it or not they

are very close and considerate

towards each other. They still have

those sibling tiffs, but overall they are really


Sugar Bear Likes...

the Teletubbies - LaLa is her favotite

Scooby Dooby Doo

Blue's Clue's

swimming in her pool and playing in the



***UPDATE 6/2000: I turned 4 this month and am already talking
about turning 5. The 2 best things I got for my
birthday are my 4-wheeler and Aunt Amy took me to get my ears pierced.
Here is a picture of me on my 4-wheeler:

Princess' Paradise Daddy's homepage
Kakiedoodle's Kingdom Mommy's homepage

Scooby's Pet Page

Our Webrings, gifts and Awards

Below is 'my' angel. She is only 1 of the 5 we have scattered within our pages


The links below are to some more

of our 'things'

The links button takes you to

the 1st page of our

kid's link pages

They are really cool and full

of lots of great places to visit

Sign our guestbook - Please!!

All the sites selected for
Kidz WebRing

are kid's home pages
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