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Household Tips

Cinammon in the vaccuum.
While vaccuuming around the house, place a cinnamon stick inside the bag. It lets off a freshing scent and it is less trouble, lasts longer and cost less than carpet powder.

Uses for Used Fabric Softner Sheets
Some uses for 'used' frabric softner sheets... Use them to wipe and de-static-ize your electronic screens.

Rid Ants From Picnics
Place the legs of your picnic table(s) in bowls(or containers)of water. Ants can not swim.

Cleaning Dusty Candles
Do this with a clean soft cloth and apply rubbing alcohol and wipe clean.

Preventive Patches
Place patches on the inside knees of your childrens pants to delay 'wholly knee'.

Watch That Top Shelf
To keep track of what you have on the top of your closets... Place mirrors on the ceiling

Roll up Chalkboard
Using a roll up window shade, apply chalkboard spray paint and hang anywhere you need it, roll up when not in use.

Great pants Rack
Apply towel racks inside closet doors or on the inside walls to hang pants and slacks on...mor sturdy than those plastic hangers and NO crease.

Vineger in Your Wash
By adding a capful of vinegar to your laundry wash, it freshens the water for an even cleaner feel and look to your clothes

Cast Iron Increases Iron
Cooking your food in cast iron(skillets)increases the iron intake from iron enriched foods. Don't cook out the iron while frying.

Remove grease buildup from oven fixtures
Removing buildup from the little cracks that seem to always get loads of greasy buildup in the kitchen - simply use toothpicks and run them inside the crack to remove it.

Cleaning drip pans
Use a huge stock pot full of water and vinegar and boil them. Wash, replace, repeat as necessary.

Dusting speaker covers
Vacuum them...

Sink Rings
Fill sink with water and pour in bleach, soak for about 20 - 30 minutes, drain.