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Use automated banking
Using automated banking to pay bills and deposit your pay, will save you time and money. Fewer trips to wait in those long lines, and less money spent on late fees, when your payments get there toooo late.

Saving and Kids
Take your child to the bank to open their account, make a deal to split their allowances with their pockets and their new savings account. Believe Me... They will thank you for it!!

Keep New Money From Sticking Together
Wade each bill up, crinkling it really well. Smooth it out and put in the pile with the rest.

Go Generic
Consider buying the generic(or store)brand of products. Compare the labels. Most are Identical to the major name brand you are using now!

Homeowners!! Cut your Principle
Make one extra full payment a year and over the term of your loan, you will knock a few years off of it.

Grocery Sales
Sit down with all the local grocery sale papers, your shopping list, and an ink pen with a few empty pieces of paper. Hunt down the sales on the items on your list from each paper and mark where the sale is. Move each item to a seperate list for each store. Seeking the sale will really save you a bundle!! And no, anymore stores aren't scattered from one side of town to the other, they are close enough that extra trips save YOU...not cost you more in gas.