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So, you want to know

about me?

Well, I am 30, I am

a mother of 3 beautiful


I am married, to a wonderful,

man, Robert (Bobby). He is the BEST!!

We have been married for 7 years.

He is a pipefitter, and has

traveled ALOT!! He just

recently landed home for good.

We are finally ready to settle here,

buy a house and have a normal

family life !?

We live in,

Louisville, KY. I am a

'Homemaker' - who

thought of that one?

I have alot of hobbies.

Right now I am really into

this internet stuff. It is so

addicting. I play with

this webpage mostly. I think

it's pretty cool, what do

you think?

I also love crafts. The kids and I are

always making something out of

something else. We really like to

use and reuse. That is how we recycle.


I have played with stamp collecting, and

we try to get a hold of really neat

coins. This is not a big money hobbie

for us, because we just enjoy

'finding' them, we do not buy them.


The things I really collect are...

*Windchimes: they just make such

beautiful sound,

*Pens: yes, ink pens, I don't recall how

this one got started. My grandfather

was a pen saleman, everyone says,

'it's just in my blood'. He gave me part

of his collection, right before he passed


*Magnets: This just started out as a very

innocent collecting of memorabilia

from places visited. Now, I just get them

for any reason.

Also, I love picture frames and candles.

They are eveywhere in my house.

I am also, a very huge pet lover.

Circumstances, right now enable me to

have them everywhere, but if I could

I'd have atleast one of each. Right now

we have fish, and a dog, Scooby.

I care for them and love them almost

as if they were children. I even pet

the fish.





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They are copyrighted material and are not for your use.

Looking for some really great places to find graphics?

Well, I have a lot of links throughout my pages for some

wonderful FREE graphic sites. Or you can

check out my credits page for more.