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Howie is dating the mayor of Orlando’s daughter

Brian has a boyfriend called Tristan

Nick was seen at a carnival holding hands with two girls at the same time, and he kissed them both

Nick is dating Baby Spice

Kevin is dating a 97 year old man!

Kevin is about to shave his eybrows!

Kevin and Brian were caught killing each other in a fight over a 14 year old girl called Jessica from Holland

AJ is a father of 13 girls and 7 boys

Nick is really 35 years old with a wife and 3 kids!

Nick likes to put on his favourite green dress, paint his nails blue (for Brian), put on orange lipstick and make out with Brian while listening to “I’ll make love to you”

Brian is leaving Leighanne to run away with a 15 year old British girl called Sophie Lucas

Kevin and Nick are secretly in love after filming the All I Have To Give video, Brian got jelous and hung himself!

Brian is really a woman (sorry, that’s actually Nick!)

Nick attmitted he was gay with AJ, so Brian got jelous and jumped off London bridge

Howie attmitted that he was in love with Nick

On the Canadian tour, Brian and Nick had a secret affair

Howie is planning on getting a mohiken!

Nick likes to sit on the toilet and play his playstation, playing “Final fantasy 7”!

Nick, AJ and Howie are leaving the BSB to be wrestlers with the WWF!

Nick is dead because Kevin got mad at Nick’s gay little laugh (that stupid “heh heh heh”) and shot him, now Kevin is on the run from the police

AJ wrote “If You Want It To Be Good Girl” to Howie

Nick is a hacker and messes up peoples webpages

Leo DiCaprio is joining the band (no way! Ugh!)

Nick and Marilyn Manson were good friends but lost touch

Howie grew his hair so he could look like Hanson

brian likes to dress in his girlfriend’s clothes

Howie has a split personality, when half the time he thinks he’s a cow!

Nick still wets the bed

Nick plays Barbies with his sisters

Nick has an eating disorder

Kevin has an obbsession with licking things

Kevin microwaves cats

Kevin like to run around with his underwear on his head, with Howie on his back, while singing the theme song from “Seseme Street”!!!

They are on “America’s most wanted” list for multiple murders

They are all aliens who want to take over the world!

AJ wears mascara

Nick is totally in love with a 15 year old girl from the UK who is really ugly and is friends with Brian’s girlfriend Sophie!

Brian was caught in a dressing room, trying on a bra, singing “I’m too sexy for my bra”

Nick grew his hair long to look like Taylor Hanson who he loves

AJ has attmitted to having a feitish for piercings

”Anywhere for you” is a love song Brian wrote to Nick

That's all, but remember, NO HATE MAIL!