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The History Zone

Historical Sites On the Web

The History Channel (my favorite TV Network!)

Civil War Cross Roads

United States Constitution Center

1861-1865 Award Winning Websites
a list of terrific sites related to Civil War History!

Heritage Preservation Services
for complete up to date information on historical preservation projects

Teacher Oz a great site for history students!

Three Dimensional Historians:

Re-enactor's and Living History Home Page

48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry

The Civil War Interactive Magazine

Web Page Author: Janet Lawrence
Snail Mail: 878 Osborne Road, Hazel, KY 48039
Updated: 9/5/98
© Copyright Information

With all due respect to the late, great Rod Serling.
Any resemblence on this website to any persons living or dead is
strictly intentional - this is a History Page after all!

All correspondence from extraterrestrials, time travelers, or
self-discovered reincarnations of Rod Serling will be respectfully ignored.


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