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My Atlanta Concert

Ok, by now you've probably read about a zillion concert reviews...well, here's one more.

My concert was in Atlanta Georgia at the brand new "Philips Arena". I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. We got on MARTA and rode up and when we got to the arena, I immediatly went to buy something. I bought a t-shirt and some pins along with a program (which later got stolen). After that we found our way to our seats and waited a while.

The opening act, EYC, came out and did their thing. At first I was pretty hyped up and excited so I was enjoying EYC but after a while I got pretty tired of then prancing around the stage pulling their shirts up and showing their chests. It was actually kind of sickening. Not that they were bad looking, it's just that they were trying SOOOO hard to be sexy. Anyway, they did about five songs I guess, I don't really remember, then they said goodbye and left.

After they left, everyone got hyped up but soon settled down when they realized that the BSB weren't coming out just yet. So everyone sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. It was at least an hour after EYC left that the BSB finally came out.

But they finally did come out to (you guessed it) the Star Wars theme. They came out on surfboards and Kevvy directed the group moving around the stage and they sang "Larger Than Life". Then after that they sang "Get Down" and then "The One". Then they all went to change clothes and Nick stayed out and talked to the crowd. After him the rest of them talked in this order: AJ, Howie, Brian & Kevin. (They saved the best for last)

Then they sang "As Long As You Love Me". Now, I'm not exactly a big fan of this song but it sounded really good live. After that they all stood up on the big circle thingie in the middle of the stage and sang "Don't Wanna Lose You Now". That performance was just amazing. I don't know what it was but it just sounded REALLY good.

They then sang "Quit Playing Games" and flew through the crowd at the end of it. AJ flew over us and he was just really cute. I watched him but my attention was caught up with Kevin who I could see good because he was just on the other side of Nick.

They left to get a wardrobe change and came back out to sing "Don't want you back". Then they sang "The Perfect Fan" and it was really cute because Kevin was trying to talk and the mom kept taking pictures. When Brian, Howie and AJ were singing the first verse, Kevin took the camera and held it out in front of them and took a picture of him, the little girl and the mom.(aww..)The little girl who walked with Howie was absolutly ADORABLE. She was the cutest little thing I've ever seen.

After that they left and we saw a big white piano coming down from the ceiling. I started freaking out because I knew what was next. Kevin came out and did his "Untitled" solo along with Mindi. Then after that was over, he was elevated and played the piano while the other boys sang "Back to Your Heart". That was my favorite part of the entire concert it was just amazing.

After BTYH they went and changed their clothes and came out to sing an "Everybody"/"We've Got It Going On"/"That's the way I like it" mix. (Kevin was so hot during TTWILI)

After another wardrobe change (into pink pants) they came out on stools in the center. When Howie asked everyone if there were any Spanish peaches in the house AJ started laughing and Howie looked back at him and started laughing too. It was so cute! Anyway, they sang "Spanish Eyes" and then "I'll Never Break Your Heart". They all put coats on and sang "All I Have to Give". During the hat routine, poor Kevin dropped his hat but picked it up quickly and continued on.

After AIHTG they sang "Show Me The Meaning" to which they dedicated to Deniz PoP. After that they said goodbye and left. A bunch of people then got up and left & I felt kinda sorry for them cause I knew it wasn't over yet.

Sure enough, they came back out and did a performance to "It's Gotta Be You". I REALLY like this routine. It was really good. They then introduced all the dancers and band members. All I remember is that the girl that Kevin introduced graduated from Georgia Tech and Mindi is a Atlana Hawks cheerleader. After they finally finished the song, the boys and dancers all did bows and left. Again a bunch of people thought it was over and left. I knew it wasn't over yet because they had yet to sing "I Want It That Way"

After a while they came back out and sang IWITW. Then thanked everyone for coming and wished us all a Happy Thanksgiving. Then they left. And it was over *sniff*. Anyhow, the cool part was that they kept calling us Sothern Belles and Georgia Peaches and saying HOTlanta. That was pretty cool.

So anyways, there's my concert review, I hope you enjoyed it. And to whoever stole my concert program, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.


Click Here to See Pictures From The Concert