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Kevin Quotes

Strip off, Bone.

You could still pick it up and tie him.

Well, I borrowed some chaps...they'rea little tight aren't they?

Do you have a nice horse I can ride? Very gentle, nice, cool, mellow...?

The first big horse I remember having was named Amos.

Dodging traffic in Manhatten.

I love the Lone Ranger. Yeah, the Lone Ranger and Tanto. I used to watch that on TV. And I'd wear the mask around the house and I used to pretend I was Zorro all the time when I was little.

Riding in the park...on a lovely day.

No, I did NOT open the minibar

I was flattered. There were all these beautiful people there, and they asked ME!

It's rolling off with cliches this morning...It's all in the wrist.

When all else fails you just gotta grab it with your fingers. Did you get it falling off into the plate? Cause if you didn't it's not going to work. Oh well

He's my cousin. We've been in the group together for six years, but he's my cousin. Known him all my life.

It's Phat to Death

Alright Baby!

Stand back a bit so I can get all of ya'll in there.

I gotta question...Does anybody got a big towel cause I gotta stick my head in the sink.

His dancing SUCKED and he totally threw everybody off.

I wear like, the new cotton style boxers...the Tommy Hilfiger ones.

Hey...hey, YOU'RE the ones with the sick minds

You wanna talk to us about SEX? (sings) Let's talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be...So, whadda ya wanna know?

I don't know if you get it here but back in America we have a story about...the 'birds and the bees'?!

This morning, I jumped in the shower and scalded myself really badly with hot water to wake myself up, then I turned it really cold so to help get over the jet lag, good for the circulation

The only thing I would give it up for would be to have my dad back

Girls are always impressed when I tell them I used to work at Disney World

I don't really dream that much at night...But I woke up one night, feeling like I couldn't move my body and like something was sitting on my chest and except that, Howie and I had been kidnapped by aliens...Just kidding.

We could take anybody on-would we win?Oh yeah! Hey are you trying to pick a fight? Hey, we're nice guys!

Once a fan threw her bra to my face while I was playing the piano

We dreamed about having some success and selling a couple of records but this is pretty much beyond anything we could imagine. We're excited -- it's pretty crazy.

It's pretty incredible hearing a crowd of 19 to 20 thousand people just going crazy and smiling and dancing -- having a great time. If that can't lift your spirits, I don't now what can. That's basically what that's about.

You know, I don't think you regret it. I think sometimes you get a little frustrated and wish you could hide sometimes. But, at the same time, you sit back when you're feeling selfish like that and realize it's part of the business, it's part of what we do, and you just have to adjust.

The glitz and glamour everybody thinks it is? If you want to do that, if you want to livethat lifestyle, if you want to blow your money like that you can.

Just taking it day by day and trying to stay in touch with our family and friends -- be true to ourselves.

We keep each other in check pretty much. If anybody gets arrogant in the group, we're all on their back. There's an interesting quote I heard on TV. They were doing a special on the DALI LAMA. They were asking him a question about how he felt when he cries and drops to his knees. He said, "With praise, there is danger of becoming arrogant." That is kind of scary because we are getting a great response and do get a lot of praise from our fans and stuff. But it's good to have your family and friends who have been with you from the beginning, who keep you grounded and keep your head on your shoulders.

You need somebody who is patient and understanding -- it's not easy. It's kind of hard, but it's fun to travel around the world. You meet so many interesting people and just when you start to get to know somebody you're jetting off somewhere else, so it's kind of frustrating. But it's fun too. It's like a catch-22.

These rumors you just have to laugh at. You have to laugh and shrug it off. They're going to write whatever they want to write, no matter what.

I've noticed that in this interview that Nick has just been talking WAY too much.

When you get this tape back and it's whack, we're sorry.

AJ's got lipstick.

Mom never let me have girls up in my room.

Think they got that coat in a brighter yellow bro?

I'll just sit over here by the fax machine.

This is what LA does to ya, freaks ya out man.

He gets his eyebrows from me. Can you tell we're cousins now?

I guess this room would bring out the animal in anybody.

It looks like your thing, you know your THING, ya your THING!

See, I let you drive and look what happens.

As you can see, they're really interested in what they're watching.

-Let me peek around the corner and make sure no one's undressed.

Do you all wanna get funky?

First I wash my hair and then, erm, everything else.

Dang it Brian, why don't you take out the trash?

There's some things we CAN tell you and there are some things we CAN'T tell you.

I'm an old, old man.

Canadians have those cute little accents, eh?

Be quiet Nick!

You're gonna poke my eye out.

It's hard for AJ to go outside.

We're trying not to mess up the dance steps right now.

That's sweet of you, Howard.

That was an inadvertant buzzer.

Make sure that's locked.

Everything looks better in the dark, right?

He broke out in hives.
