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Reasons to Love Kevin

As if you needed a reason.....

He's tall, dark and VERY handsome

The way his eyes are sometimes emerald green, sometimes blue-green and sometimes silver

The way he is just so damn sexy with out even trying

The cute look on his face whenever he dances

His cute little butt!!

His deep, sexy voice

The way his face looks as if God sat for hours trying to sculpture the PERFECT man.

The way he just doesn't care about his big eyebrows

The way he looks like a cute little boy everytime he smiles

The way he sings: "They never say, forever gaze if only..."

Back to Your Heart--'nuff said

The way he calls his Grandparents Pawpaw and Mawmaw

His cute little butt!!!

His sexy legs

That cute little high-pitched way he laughs when he thinks something is really funny

Did I mention his cute little butt??!!??
