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TTCU: 4-H Club

The Tack Trunk Club's 4-H Program


Mantained By

The TTCU's 4-H Program is run very similarly to 4-H Programs in real life. Each person's barn is a member of one 4-H club in which they create themselves. Once their club is registered, they can show animals in the horse, miniature horse, cat, dog, goat, pig, cow, rabbit, and fowl cattegory.

If you are interested in starting a 4-H club, which I *highly* reccomend, you need to make up a name for your club, and then send it to me along with the information found here.

Be on the look out for shows so that your animals can strut their stuff!

E-mail me for a class list or if you're interested in holding a show for me :) (hint, hint)

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