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Apply For Our Award

Pictured is Covey and her foal Lovat in 1986

If you're proud of your page, you've come to the right place :)


         Our Webpage Award has a few basic requirements before you move on:

  1. It must have a horse related theme

  2. It should be an amateur page, not a professional one

  3. It can't be selling anything

  4. It can't be full of links to other people's pages

  5. It must be something you'd let your little cousin see!


        I feel bad that we can't give everyone the award, but I kind of want to make it prestigious   :) Keep in mind that if we receive ten or so applicants in a month we will judge harder than if we barely receive two! If you don't receive our award, try not to feel discouraged. Just because we didn't give it our "seal of approval" doesn't mean it's not a good site. Plus, you can go ahead and re-try for the award in a few weeks.

Onto The Application


Please send the following information to and



Site Name:

Site Address: (not a link please)

Your Name:


Yup, that's it. hehe If you receive the award, you'll get to put this graphic on your page:


Winners of the Tack Trunk Club's Homepage Award

April 28, 2000 ~ Emily's "Know Your Horse"

December 30, 2000 ~"Mystic Valley Hunt Club"


January 2, 2001~"Son of a Gun! (Gunderland)"