He came into the chapel
at a truckstop near ST. Paul;
walked straight up to the alter...
his words I still recall.
I know it's been a while LORD,
since I've been in here;
but, I know that YOU remember me
and I know that YOU still care.
Today I want to thank YOU for
the time , YOU gave to him,
and for the days he spent with me...
I'll always treasure them.
I'm thankful that I got to see
him take his first two steps.
He never would have hit that ball
without YOUR special help.
I thank You for the day I watched
him kiss his new found bride.
LORD I'm grateful that I have
a grandson at my side.
At last, Oh LORD I've realized
YOU know just how I feel,
for, YOU had an only son to die
and yet, YOU had to live.
The man stood up, then turned around;
no more I heard him say.
He walked into the cold damp of
the dawning Christmas day.