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Wolf Gallery

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Some Pics Of Wolves

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Hi there,We wanted a way to be able to at times sent out attachments to those of you that want them.They would range from maybe a new Wallpaper,or a Wintersworld calender,a new poem or story,pictures,and even tubes.But in order for us to do this we had to add a new sign up site.The one we use for the WintersWorld update newsletter is not sit up to send attachments or even imbedded images,so we'er going to try this new site for you that WANT ATTACHMENTS or IMAGES!!Just click on the button and it will take you to the sign up place.Also you CAN join BOTH !! Also we want you to know that at NO time will your name be known to anyone other than myself and oldguy. ALL d/ls will come from US ONLY!! And they will be scanned and virus free!!.One last thing.We can not control the way that your server will handle these,so there will always be a d/l along with an embedded image for those of you that can not see images.Ok thats it..We hope you will like this ideal.If you DO PLEASE let us know!.Thanks much...
Winters and oldguy

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