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Night Stories

Darkness settled in like a warm blanket
on a cold winter night,
The flickering flames of evening fires
were the only light.
Around the fires the young ones sit
in quiet anticipation,
For the Elders to teach them
their history and traditions.
They huddled close to the fire
as the night air grew cold,
Listening to the stories
of warriors , brave and bold.
They listened to the stories
while the wolves sang on the hill,
Stories of why the turkey gobbles
and how the kingfisher got his bill,
They heard about the rabbit
and all his trickster ways,
Of how the world was made
and how the dog made the Milky Way.
They listened 'til their eyes grew heavy
until sleep carried them away
Into the land of slumber
to await the coming day.

August 1999
Marty Soaring Eagle

We Can't Forget

Some would say we should forget
the events of years gone by,
Forgive and forget, they would say,
Just let sleeping dogs lie.
Then there are some, of which I'm one,
who say we can't let go,
We can't forget the horrible wrongs
that hurt our people so.
We can't forget Wounded Knee,
Sand Creek or the Trail of Tears,
Because the things that happened there
still happen after all these years.
People are still forced from their homes,
still driven from their land.
The government still dominates our people
with a hard and merciless hand.
Promise are still not kept,
Treaties are still broken,
the government has reneged
on every word it's spoken.
We must keep fresh the memory
of the ones who've gone before,
and not forget the awful pain they bore.
To honor them we must remember
the high price they paid,
The suffering that they endured
and the sacrifices they made.
We must keep and teach
the traditions they held dear.
And against injustice we must raise
our voices loud and clear.
We must teach our children honor and respect
for the Principle People of this land,
So that they, like we, might proudly say
they are Native American!

August 1999
Marty Soaring Eagle

The Voice

Last night I heard a whippoorwill,
it's song was soft and sweet.
Last night I heard the footsteps
of a thousand marching feet.
Last night I heard the voice
of one I never knew,
The words that Grandmother
spoke to me
I now will share with you;
She said it's time we cease
the bickering and strife,
She said it's time for us to come together
in the Circle of Life,
She said we have been to long ruled
by selfishness and greed,
Many children and Elders are without
while others have more than they need.
She said we are too concerned with
blood quantum and shades of skin,
When what really makes us what we are
is the spirit that dwells within.
She said we look too much
with just our eyes
And not enough with our heart,
If we are ever to find balance and peace
then we need to start,
To listen less to the voices outside
and more to the voice within.
We need to listen to our heart
and let our spirit guide us,
For all we really need to know
is already inside us.
So listen and learn,
I heard my Grandmother say,
And all the Creator's children
can work together
To make tomorrow and better day.
Marty Soaring Eagle
Nov., 1999


To see him you would be amazed;
That majestic look, as he looks at you with that
lonesome gaze.
The shimmer in his grayish black fur;
The power in his large stride...
So graceful so sleek it leaves you in awww ;
And wont let you speak...
The golden color in their eyes;
When you see there solemn look it just makes
you want to Sigh..
That lonesome howl that gives you
pimpley chills...
Yet also thrills you and makes you think of
Sheriffs hand bills;
The thought they have been hunted and
slaughtered for years..
That there kind may soon disappear;
Quickly bring your eyes to tears...
They've done nothing but there job
what they know;
To the cattle barrons they all
have to go...
They take there hunting grounds to graze their
sheep and cattle...
Then hunt them down because the rancher's cage
they seem to rattle.
Why can't man just leave them alone...
It was man that took there home...
They would rather live in peace...

So let the Wolf slaughters cease...

Written By AloneWolf
29 October 1999

Bill AloneWolf Bolk

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Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child