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I Know Where Eagles Soar

I once knew where the eagles would soar
On outstretched wings over rocky shores
When I was young they came here then
To hunt the salmon and ride the wind

Their echoing cries would fill my soul
As I listened from so far below
They would rise to the heavens on the
strength of the breeze
With the dreams of my people on the
tips of their wings

I once knew where the eagles would soar
In a time long past but they come no more
The sky now longs for outstretched wings
I hear their cries only in my dreams

The valley has cried a river of tears
Man quickly destroyed what took ages to build
Never take more than you give and
give back what you take
When all is lost it is then too late

The eagle was here for my father
and his father before
And I once knew where the eagle would soar
There was a time I believed the eagle would
never come again
to hunt the salmon or ride the wind

But a day came when I raised my head
A cry from the sky had stirred me again
As they set the eagles free wings catch the breeze
They rise to the clouds to make the heavens complete

Black feathers ruffle from the force of the wind
It's here they began, and here they'll begin.
Now rise to the heavens with a wish on your wings
To be here forever to carry my dreams

I once knew where the eagles would soar
On outstretched wings over rocky shores
When I was young they came here then
To hunt the salmon and ride the wind

Their echoing cries would fill my soul
As I listened from so far below
They would rise to the heavens on the
strength of the breeze
With the dreams of my people on the
tips of their wings

I once knew where the eagles would soar
In a time long past but they come no more
The sky now longs for outstretched wings
I hear their cries only in my dreams

The valley has cried a river of tears
Man quickly destroyed what took ages to build
Never take more than you give and
give back what you take
When all is lost it is then too late

The eagle was here for my father
and his father before
And I once knew where the eagle would soar
There was a time I believed the eagle would
never come again
to hunt the salmon or ride the wind

But a day came when I raised my head
A cry from the sky had stirred me again
As they set the eagles free wings catch the breeze
They rise to the clouds to make the heavens complete

Black feathers ruffle from the force of the wind
It's here they began, and here they'll begin.
Now rise to the heavens with a wish on your wings
To be here forever to carry my dreams

Written by Paige Gray

Life's Journey

Life is a journey through many terrains
From gardens of pleasure to deserts of pain
From an ocean of love to a jungle of hate
From mountains of glory to canyons of fate

There's a highway for joy and a highway for
Sorrow A road for today and a road for tomorrow
So choose your path wisely and walk it with care
If you follow your heart, you'll find your way there


I've been to the garden and planted seeds there
I've been to the desert and felt the despair
I've swam in the ocean and drank of it's wine

I climbed up the mountain to touch the sky
I went to the canyon and started to cry
I've travelled both highways, both today
And tomorrow I've basked in the joy
And wallowed in sorrow


My Path has been chosen and
I've walked it with care I followed
My heart and I'm on my way there
So I'll just keep walking till I find what
I'm after To mountains and oceans and
Gardens of laughter

(Author Unknown)


Why are people so blind
That they don't see
The beauty of this earth
That surrounds them and me
The world is such a beautiful place
A world that if we could allow it
Would have so much space
But people believe we own the land
But we don't, it's in Mother Earth's hand
She is the one who put on this earth
The beauty, serenity and the re-birth
Of all our worldly nature's beasts
From ants and bugs to the different trees
From the lions and tigers, cats and dogs
From the Eagles, fawns and the fox
To the Bears and the buffalo's, the little white
one too
And everything that roams on the plains
To every man woman and child
To every horse that will run wild
And she is the one to tame this life
And to respect her treasures, we must strive
Or Man will destroy a most beautiful 'home'
As he destroys everything that he can't own
Well one day this man will not be worth
What Mother Nature meant for this earth
And only those that treasure Mother Earth
Will have the pride the dignity and the love
To understand what is above.

Written by Debbie Martin

"A Story of Love"

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. Cattle and horses were too big to cuddle and farm machinery dangerous for a child so small. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantime, "pretend" puppies popped up nearly every day. I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when the screen door slammed and Becky rushed in, cheeks flushed with excitement. "Mama!" she cried. "Come see my new doggy! I gave him water two times already. He's so thirsty!" I sighed. Another of Becky's imaginary dogs. "Please come, Mama." She tugged at my jeans, her brown eyes leading, "He's crying--- and he can't walk!" "Can't walk?" Now that was a twist. All her previous make-beieve dogs could do marvelous things. One balanced a ball on the end of its nose. Another dug a hole that went all the way through the earth and fell out on a star on the other side. Still another danced on a tightrope. Why suddenly a dog that couldn't walk?
"All right, honey," I said. By the time I tried to follow her, Becky had already disappeared into the mesquite. "Where are you?" I called. "Over here by the oak stump. Hurry, Mama!" I parted the thorny branches and raised my hand against the glare of the Arizona sun. A numbing chill gripped me. There she was, sitting on her heels, toes dug firmly in the sand, and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf! Beyond its head rose massive black shoulders. The rest of the body lay completely hidden inside the hollow stump of a fallen oak. "Becky," My mouth felt dry. "Don't move." I stepped closer. Pale- yellow eyes narrowed. Black lips tightened, exposing double sets of two-inch fangs. Suddenly the wolf trembled. Its teeth clacked, and a piteous whine rose from its throat. "It's all right, boy," Becky crooned. "Don't be afraid. That's my mama, and she loves you, too."
Then the unbelievable happened. As her tiny hands stroked the great shaggy head, I heard the gentle thump, thump, thumping of the wolf's tail from deep inside the stump. What was wrong with the animal? I wondered. Why couldn't he get up? I couldn't tell. Nor did I dare to step any closer. I glanced at the empty water bowl. My memory flashed back to the five skunks that last week had torn the burlap from a leaking pipe in a frenzied effort to reach water during the final agonies of rabies. Of course! Rabies! Warning signs had been posted all over the county, and hadn't Becky said, "He's so thirsty?" I had to get Becky away. "Honey." My throat tightened. "Put his head down and come to Mama. We'll go find help."
Reluctantly, Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my outstretched arms. Sad yellow eyes followed her. Then the wolf's head sank to the ground. With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddling up to check heifers in the north pasture. "Brian! Come quickly. Becky found a wolf in the oak stump near the wash! I think it has rabies!" "I'll be there in a jiffy," he said as I hurried back to the house, anxious to put Becky down for her nap. I didn't want her to see Brian come out of the bunkhouse. I knew he'd have a gun. "But I want to give my doggy his water," she cried. I kissed her and gave her some stuffed animals to play with. "Honey, let Mom and Brian take care of him for now," I said. Moments later, I reached the oak stump. Brian stood looking down at the beast. "It's a Mexican lobo, all right." he said, " and a big one!" The wolf whined. Then we both caught the smell of gangrene.
"Whew! It's not rabies," Brian said. "But he's sure hurt real bad. Don't you think it's best I put him out of his misery?" The world "yes" was on my lips, when Becky emerged from the bushes. "Is Brian going to make him well, Mama?" She hauled the animal's head onto her lap once more, and buried her face in the coarse, dark fur. This time I wasn't the only one who heard the thumping of the lobo's tail. That afternoon my husband, Bill, and our veterinarian came to see the wolf. Observing the trust the animal had in our child, Doc said to me, "Suppose you let Becky and me tend to this fella together." Minutes later, as child and vet reassured the stricken beast, the hypodermic found its mark. The yellow eyes closed. "He's asleep now," said the vet. "Give me a hand here, Bill." They hauled the massive body our of the stump. The animal must have been over five feet long and well over one-hundred pounds. The hip and leg had been mutilated by bullets. Doc did what he had to in order to clean the wound and then gave the patient a dose of penicillin. Next day he returned and inserted a metal rod to replace the missing bone.
"Well, it looks like you've got yourselves a Mexican lobo," Doc said. "He looks to be about three years old, and even as pups, they don't tame real easy. I"m amazed at the way this big fella took to your little gal. But often there's something that goes on between children and animals that we grownups don't understand." Becky named the wolf Ralph and carried food and water to the stump every day. Ralph's recovery was not easy. For three months he dragged his injured hindquarters by clawing the earth with his front paws. From the way he lowered his eyelids when we massaged the atrophied limbs, we knew he endured excruciating pain, but not once did he ever try to bite the hands of those who cared for him. Four months to the day, Ralph finally stood unaided. His huge frame shook as long- unused muscles were activated. Bill and I patted and praised him. But it was Becky to whom he turned for a gentle word, a kiss or a smile. He responded to these gestures of love by swinging his busy tail like a pendulum.
As his strength grew, Ralph followed Becky all over the ranch. Together they roamed the desert pastures, the golden-haired child often stooping low, sharing with the great lame wolf whispered secrets of nature's wonders. When evening came, he returned like a silent shadow to his hollow stump that had surely become his special place. As time went on, although he lived primarily in the brush, the habits of this timid creature endeared him more and more to all of us. His reaction to people other than our family was yet another story. Strangers terrified him, yet his affection for and protectiveness of Becky brought him out of the desert and fields at the sight of every unknown pickup or car. Occasionally he'd approach, lips taut, exposing a nervous smile full of chattering teeth. More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone.
Becky's first day of school was sad for Ralph. After the bus left, he refused to return to the yard. Instead, he lay by the side of the road and waited. When Becky returned, he limped and tottered in wild, joyous circles around her. This welcoming ritual persisted throughout her school years. Although Ralph seemed happy on the ranch, he disappeared into the surrounding deserts and mountains for several weeks during the spring mating season, leaving us to worry about his safety. This was calving season, and fellow ranchers watched for coyotes, cougars, wild dogs and, of course, the lone wolf. But Ralph was lucky. During Ralph's twelve years on our ranch, his habits remained unchanged. Always keeping his distance, he tolerated other pets and endured the activities of our busy family, but his love for Becky never wavered. Then the spring came when our neighbor told us he'd shot and killed a she-wolf and grazed her mate, who had been running with her. Sure enough, Ralph returned home with another bullet wound.
Becky, nearly fifteen years old now, sat with Ralph's head resting on her lap. He, too, must have been about fifteen and was gray with age. As Bill removed the bullet, my memory raced back through the years. Once again I saw a chubby three-year-old girl stroking the head of a huge black wolf and heard a small voice murmuring, "It's all right, boy. Don't be afraid. That's my mama, and she loves you, too." Although the wound wasn't serious, this time Ralph didn't get well. Precious pounds fell away. The once luxurious fur turned dull and dry, and his trips to the yard in search of Becky's companionship ceased. All day long he rested quietly. But when night fell, old and stiff as he was, he disappeared into the desert and surrounding hills. By dawn his food was gone.
The morning came when we found him dead. The yellow eyes were closed. Stretched out in front of the oak stump, he appeared but a shadow of the proud beast he once had been. A lump in my throat choked me as I watched Becky stroke his shaggy neck, tears streaming down her face. "I'll miss him so," she cried. Then as I covered him with a blanket, we were startled by a strange rustling sound from inside the stump. Becky looked inside. Two tiny yellow eyes peered back and puppy fangs glinted in the semi-darkness. Ralph's pup! Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? Hot tears spilled on baby fur as Becky gathered the trembling bundle in her arms. "It's all right, little . . Ralphie," she murmured. "Don't be afraid. That's my mom, and she loves you, too."


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You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild

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Hi there,We wanted a way to be able to at times sent out attachments to those of you that want them.They would range from maybe a new Wallpaper,or a Wintersworld calender,a new poem or story,pictures,and even tubes.But in order for us to do this we had to add a new sign up site.The one we use for the WintersWorld update newsletter is not sit up to send attachments or even imbedded images,so we'er going to try this new site for you that WANT ATTACHMENTS or IMAGES!!Just click on the button and it will take you to the sign up place.Also you CAN join BOTH !! Also we want you to know that at NO time will your name be known to anyone other than myself and oldguy. ALL d/ls will come from US ONLY!! And they will be scanned and virus free!!.One last thing.We can not control the way that your server will handle these,so there will always be a d/l along with an embedded image for those of you that can not see images.Ok thats it..We hope you will like this ideal.If you DO PLEASE let us know!.Thanks much...
Winters and oldguy
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While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child