"How's it going?" Brian asked from his perch on the sofa.
"Okay," AJ replied, drumming on the armrest on his chair. "Better, I guess."
"I really hate doing this to you, AJ. But it's good for all of us. It would devistate a lot of people if you died from an overdose or failure in one of your organs."
AJ cringed. "I know," he mumbled. "Bree's upset."
"Why?" asked Brian, eyebrows raised.
"I made her feel bad earlier...I didn't mean to. I just feel so alone in all of this."
"AJ, we're here for you man. We always will be."
"I believe so. I will, at least."
"Yeah. Well thanks." AJ fell silent as he looked at the floor. "She called me, crying. She was saying she was sorry and I went totally insane...I started saying things that make me sound psycho...I made her feel like crap and she hung up..." he trailed off, sighing. "I feel like shit."
"We all do. Nick's been sleeping all day, Howie's at his mom and dad's house, Kevin's spending time at the grave yard. I should be there with him."
"I should be at...counseling," AJ said darkly. "In fifteen minutes, anyway. Want to come?"
"Not this time, AJ. I think I'm going to go home and call Nick. Tell him to get out of bed. How about I meet you at my house at five?"
"Okay. See you, Brian. And thanks," AJ said as they walked into the cool morning air.
"Anytime," Brian said over his shoulder as he walked up the block to go home.
Chapter 24